Are there actually jobs for people with 2-year cybersecurity degrees?

Are there actually jobs for people with 2-year cybersecurity degrees?


Yes of course -- Desk-side support installing software and cleaning viruses off computers.

Well yeah, there's twice as many jobs if you have 2 degrees. Everyone knows that.

What about 2 year Computer Science degrees?

Are there any jobs for that?

>2 year

Why even bother getting an education at that point?

wow fuck that noise

its enough to get a job at contract sweat houses for coders where they don't care if you produce as long as you meet shit-tier metrics and they get paid their 250k per coder they deliver.

>its enough to get a job at contract sweat houses for coders where they don't care if you produce as long as you meet shit-tier metrics and they get paid their 250k per coder they deliver.

Course, if you're any good eventually an actual company will pick you up.

People working at this places literally have to work on some open source team project at some point in their lives.

Unless they are pajeet

answering phones for incidence reports.

you don't have to have any outside quals for these jobs.. they are bottom of the barrel and usually delivering for the govt. The company gets paid 250k or more for each dev they provide as demanded by the client, the dev gets no benefits and 50-80k usually. Made dosh for the owners of these companies with very little overhead.

Also dirty tricks to get govt contracts, one place that was owned by some old jew nominally made a disabled black woman their CEO *(she did nothing) to win contracts because the govt uses a point system.

>Are there actually jobs?
No. Any degree.

Git really good, like +7 years of experience and go to NSA, 80k starting.

But unless you shitposted about them with the "CIA NIGGERS" and related, no good job for you with the feds, m8.

Just finish your degree and work for FOSS in the meantime.

I don't know if there are, but in theory there should be. Digital security is a weak point of so many businesses it's unbelievable.

If you're actually good, any real org will start you just under 200

I hear McDonald's is hiring.

Degree ! = job
Skills + ability to sell self + live up to, and exceed expectations + self initiated growth == job

i could pay an user few hundred dollars if they held my hand during job application process
not just related to cyber security ofc

I heard become a hooker is universal way.

Who is this lady?

Did you go to school? Because half my classes involved how to make a harass resume.

if u become my bf, sure

I read this as
>I could pay an user few hundred dollars for a handjob

yeah i lose motivation after a few failed attempts
so basically just a substitute for an encouraging friend who you can bounce ideas off and discuss mistakes and areas to improve and stuff

Yes, actually.

Say "cyber" one more time.

ask trump