I have a co-worker who is racist towards Indians.
He is supposed to train a team of software developers but he does not teach us to use the tools properly. Sometimes he deliberately trains us to use the tools the wrong way. When he taught us how to use a database tool it took 3 weeks even though it was possible to teach us how to use the tool in just 1 day.
He keeps saying Indians don't know anything about programming and keeps blaming us for not learning fast enough. He openly said he voted for Trump.
Our management says that the racist co-worker's contract is going to end in 2 months. He is the last co-worker to be training us and the rest of people who have trained us have their contracted ended 3 months ago. How am I supposed to learn everything I need to in 2 months?
Edit: Management say the racist co-worker contract ends in 2 months but the racist co-worker is accusing management of firing him after 2 months.
How can I work with a co-worker who is racist towards Indians?
this is brought over from leddit btw in case you were wondering
Wasn't the amount of shitposts not high enough already?
I think this one is worth it, some pajeet ledditor that thinks being angry about getting replaced is "racist".
Another gem from the same guy:
>Most Indian programmers work harder than most American programmers.
>Edit: Management say the racist co-worker contract ends in 2 months but the racist co-worker is accusing management of firing him after 2 months.
we get it you cant edit here. its a copy paste retard
I've gone to school with plenty of indians/Pakistanis. Most are fucking bums, they can't do their own work. Some are lazy, some are just stupid. Some are good students, but the majority of them aren't, just like black people. But the blacks have somewhat of an excuse, being handicapped by not having fathers, having teenage mothers, etc. I don't get it, I thought indians were supposed to be smart? I guess you shouldn't buy in to stereotypes.
Interesting lies friend. In my high school there less than 10 Indians, and all of them were in at least some AP's and one was valedictorian.
He is doing literally nothing wrong.
Poo in loos have to be treated like the idiots they are.
Born here, or india?
kek well to be fair if niGgers have an excuse, pajeets do too.
niGgers have US citizenship, thats actually a huge asset when it comes to succeeding in life even though you guys take it for granted (even other first world countries have much less opportunities), yet they fail.
pajeets on the other hand grow up in a shithole. their culture is bullshit and drags them down much more than not having a father could handicap a black. for example being lazy is because of their culture, they're conditioned to think its ok to not do shit and lie and not even try to do things right because india is like that
they are smart actually but they have such shitty odds that it doesnt even matter, they're still stuck doing excel work for cheap and having to move to a foreign country for it
What's the problem here? The co-worker sounds like the sort that would be hilarious to have a beer with while he engages in drunken outbursts at pajeets.
This. The "racist" sounds like a solid guy. He's also training his cheap replacement so obviously he will be angry
>He openly said he voted for Trump.
I still fail to see how this is relevant.
In any case, would you like it your friends and family suddenly got replaced by random whitey because they're cheaper? Think about it. He might be a racist, but even to someone who's not racist it might feel like someone's stepping on you. Don't blame people for it.
How long will it take businesses to realize that they done fucked up by replacing all the workers with lazy, stupid pajeets?
>Sometimes he deliberately trains us to use the tools the wrong way.
Stream that movie if you're so great
some simple minded anons fell for it but they're most probably clinically retarded
t. patel
>When he taught us how to use a database tool it took 3 weeks even though it was possible to teach us how to use the tool in just 1 day.
>even though it was possible to teach us how to use the tool in just 1 day.
How so?
if it's so easy then you should be able to learn it by yourself
you're LUCKY your getting trained
when we got hired, we had to use a really old C program to get a report of the soil information and huge amounts of information I didn't know what they fuck it meant for mining, but it was necessary for the engineers
we had 3 pages of outdated documentation from which half of the steps didn't work
We still had to deliver by the end of the week, so I had to read and understand 17,000+ Lines of code to get shit to start working
the next Week I created a GUI to make the dozens of inputs easier
and the next month I managed to identity the maker of the program who was now 3000 miles away in Ohio and payed him for the source code and documentation
Good thing he was a good programmer otherwise I would have had to make everything again, Either way I passed it to C++ and had it connected to a Database with Web clients so that engineers could get the reports from anywhere
Either way the problem not just with Indians, but any other foreigners or our own people is that they expect that programming is about sitting down and just doing what you're told, and when things don't work as expected, you blame your supervisor or programming lead
>I think this one is worth it, some pajeet ledditor that thinks being angry about getting replaced is "racist".
Unless you post the link we are rightfully going to assume you made that up to trigger Sup Forums err I mean Sup Forums.
the guy deleted it but comments are still there as well as the users post history. theres also a cached version if you google it
if you're so smart why dont you get a better job. using an old program to get reports on soil information, jesus, thats rajit kumar tier. enjoy wasting time without at least gaining experience as a software developer
Poo in loo
>He openly said he voted for Trump
Oh my god this guy is literally Hitler!! How could anyone admit they voted for Trump!
You sound like a massive fucking faggot, I hope your H1B gets pulled by the god emperor and you go back to cleaning shit off the street where you belong.
>Most Indian programmers work harder than most American programmers.
They do work more hours and short-sighted managers believe that more hours yields more productivity.
poos are savvy to western culture because a lot of them speak english. Every h1b thead they call everyone a racist and facist even though they have no idea what they mean.
(and let's be honest, callling someone a poo on 4channel is pretty docile.)
>literally training his replacement
>Calling him a racist
Man deserves a medal desu.
Fucking h1b pajeet faggots
How utterly shit do you have to be as a programmer to get replaced by an Indian?
you get a gun and shoot yourself
Pack it up pajeet
nobody giveČ™ a shit
get back to your looland and make it great. you dont deserve our american resources
It's not that hard :^)
it would be nice to get payed over $75k (after taxes, fuck taxes) for doing data entry, unluckily thanks to asians software development is getting overcrowded and now you can find "programmers" for less than $40K a year, so being a data entry monkey is no longer that good of a deal, specially with people like us
But no, my work is basically putting other people out of work
I don't work directly with the mining company, Instead for a software development firm.
A company hires our services, we analyse their systems, we offer them optimizations and improvements, and they pay us to implement them
It works because many older companies do not have dedicated software dev departments, as good software engineers cost over $80,000 a year a piece
They outsource all their IT to external companies in India or Mexico that have no desire to make processes more efficient as they charge by the hour
But then we come in, we automatize the most we can, on several cases have had people getting fired or reassigned and contracts with external IT services ended or renegotiated
It's quite tedious because you need to face different problems every month, you need to be able to read tons of documentation and code, but it's half thinking how to fix things and the other half fixing them so it doesn't get boring
praise kek
>is literally Indian
>admits he's from reddit
>too stupid/lazy to remove your reddit edit
>says co-worker is racist simply because he voted for Trump
>comes to fucking Sup Forums of all places to complain of said "racism"
Seriously just kill yourself
Actually trump isnt going to just deport all pajeets, he'll set a minimum salary which means in practice he'll replace them by pajeets that are actually competent and dont work for cheap
Im not a pajeet, I just know that because I actually care about foreign cultures man.
Also the thing about staying in India and fixing it is incedibly short sighted, because the kind of immigrant that puts in the extra effort to make it to the US is probably actually angry that his country is such shit, as in angry at his countrymen, that he had to leave the country just to be able to have a decent job, and can't fix it because everyone else is actively making it a shithole.
your logic is retarded
no wonder pajeets are being purged ;^]
> nobody giveČ™ a shit
Well, you should, because it affects you.
> dont deserve our american resources
You won't take them anyway, sitting there and whining "there are no jobs". Somebody should take care of things when natives are unwilling to.
again desu, this is our country and if the majority wants poointheloos gone they will be removed
>and can't fix it
Wow, you're retarded. What a surprise
Not our problem. Get off our land, shitskin.
Except I do have a job, and I'm not afraid of losing it.
Pajeets exists on the market only because they're (dirty) cheap. The quality of their job is also shit.
And let's face it: american government represents the interest of american people. And they are more important than some shitskin poo subhumans.
Americans are not very good at math tho.
then why were you the one dealing with that shitty program to make reports?
also programmers in the us make 100k out of college, and more than the average engineer everywhere in the world (except maybe india as they are retarded and have a non-written rule to ALL study CS so its super crowded there), and its by no means a data entry job. thats what a shitty developer would say
Even if it's true (which I doubt) - they're americans living in America with american government.
H1B poos are still indians who wants to drain our resources just because it's simplier for them than staying in their country and fixing it (especially by paying taxes)
Fuck foreign countries. India has had much longer to become a successful nation than any nation in the Anglosphere, yet we still sit on top as innovators and conquerers. All men are not created equal, regardless of what your Sunday School teacher tells you.
Im not american but im from western europe retard, but still care about whats it like in other cultures
A single smart guy cant singlehandedly fix a country when there's boatloads of people actively making it a shithole.
Also, poointheloos won't be removed from the US no matter what people votes. The ones that have already been given a visa have to stay (until it expires at least, if it ever does) as they are already settled, otherwise it'd be a massive violation of their rights. Trump can't actually do that.
The ones born there or married to an american have to stay too. And the H-1b system won't even be removed, what's gonna happen with the minimum salary is that you'll get smart indians instead, which is something at least.
You're missing the point, retard.
They can be dumber than african niggers. They are still american citizens and their interest is represented by the US government, which obviously wants the best for them.
H1B niggers are NOT american citizens.
>staying in their country and fixing it
It's paid you God damn pajeet
>but still care about whats it like in other cultures
But that's not your business, desu. You have no power in the US since you're not an american.
I'm not even reading rest of your post. Stay in your islam infested shithole and care about your own business.
God damnit you're one stupid motherfucker.
Enjoy being wrecked by our Emperor. :^]
>Please let us in! we want your jobs! we're better in doing your jobs! P-please
incredibly shortsighted as i said
you not only dont think about foreign cultures and different points of view, but also literally refuse to read about them
>islam infested shithole
sandniggers dont take stem jobs so its ok
Incredibly I still don't give a shit about your and your indian friend's interest.
Actually stealing the brightest people from other countries creates more jobs overall. That's why Trump is changing H-1b to import smart indians only instead of just removing it.
Obviously the pajeets taking jobs by being cheaper don't count.
Wow, I can't believe how many people are trying to sympathize with the racist.
Its leddit but they're not retarded. In that particular board it's mostly young, male, american software developers. They're cuc ked but they can still see what's going on in there.
More like we invited them to our party, because we can. Noone is ever forced to come here.
Terrible bait.
>A single smart guy cant singlehandedly fix a country when there's boatloads of people actively making it a shithole.
While I agree with the amerifats on keeping their country clean from pajeets, I have to agree with this one as well.
Living in a country with average iq of 85, surrounded with people jealous of western standards but too lazy to change anything, people who have lived this way all their lives and refuse to change anything, or people in the top few percent who have it good and actively work against change is hell. It's unfixable. People who are smart and actively trying to change shit are outnumbered thousand to one and ostracised (who does he think he is? He must have an ulterior motive. Who's he to tell us our lives are shit and we are lazy?).
You have to go back.
When you fail, and you will, Americans will start hiring other Americans again.
>It's unfixable.
Just purge stupid people and start rebuilding your country. You can do that by not giving them access to medical services, selling them lower quality food and other things.
Or just start a civil war. You know, the same civil war europe had in almost all it's countries?
>Actually trump isnt going to just
Just need to quickly call bullshit on this. Nobody knows what Trump will do, least of all Trump.
All it takes is one painful hotsauce shit and he'll do something like oh, hang up on a crucial 100-year allys leader, ban 100,000 random legal people from the country, or announce that he's going to use the powers of the presidency to punish a specific company sending its stock (and our retirement funds) into a death spiral.
yes im sure a single guy can pull that off
well actually some people does singlehandedly change the world like that, but thats beyond rare. its way easier to succeed in a foreign country
also if a pajeet moves to the united states its usually because they agree with american culture and values so they'll try to thrive for themselves and say fuck you to everyone else in india
well thats true, theres people with jobs in america that got stuck because they were back home for vacations. thats actually a massive breach of their rights that would never happen in europe, so who knows what else trump has in store kek
I don't understand this whole pajeet meme. Is it really that bad in the us? Doesnt the h1b program ensure that poos get paid the same? In that case why would they even replace the workers. Or is the problem that companies outsource the work to india, in any case it seems this whole thing isheading towards a disaster.
>>It's unfixable.
>Just purge stupid people and start rebuilding your country. You can do that by not giving them access to medical services, selling them lower quality food and other things.
>Or just start a civil war. You know, the same civil war europe had in almost all it's countries?
Who and whose army? You need around 15% of population participating in a revolution to make it successful. I'd be hard pressed to find even 1%. Again, I don't think you understand the apathy that 99% of the people have. You can't kill 90% of the population, this isn't CIV.
You know what you can do? Leave, and never come back.
We don't care. It's your problem.
>Leave, and never come back.
Why do you think it's our problem? Do you think US is some kind of charity organisation that fixes the world?
You have to go back, pajeet.
Slavshit actually. It's not your problem. I don't really care that you don't care, it's just an explanation of why a naive "lul just fix it" isn't practical. I'm immigrating to US though and neither you nor anybody else can stop me.
I think you don't understand what I meant by "lul just fix it". I don't give a shit how shitskins fix their country. It's their problem.
I could've said "lul just kill yourself". Same point
>I'm immigrating to US
I don't care as long as our Emperor allowed you to come here. Otherwise prepare to be shot
Fuck off
The question isn't about quality, it's about wages. You can have 6 Indian code monkeys at the price of 2 American ones.
And Indians would be okay because they will be paid much more than in India anyways.
t. South American who once thought in work in the USA
Wtf Sweden get your shit together
>company hires indians
>has you train indians
>fires you after having trained the indians
Gee son I wonder why he hates you
>I don't care as long as our Emperor allowed you to come here. Otherwise prepare to be shot
do you think anyone working in tech is an illegal? ffs
no indians shouldnt be okay
for the same engineer, the salary is supposed to vary accordingly to the cost of life and the supply/demand of the market he moved to.
if a developer is worth 100k in lets say the bay area and a pajeet is making 60k but "its ok because its worse in india", he's being ripped off and insulted as a professional
I dont see india on there...
>a pajeet is making 60k but "its ok because its worse in india", he's being ripped off and insulted as a professional
Do you have any idea how much 60k is to someone from india?
And how much do you value not living in a place where they defecate in the streets openly and have no guaranteed supply of clean water?
I dont give a shit, I wouldn't sell my dignity.
Do you really not see that it's a massive disrespect to be paid less because of where you're from?
>Do you really not see that it's a massive disrespect to be paid less because of where you're from?
They literally wouldn't be getting the job if they weren't being paid less though, you retard.
Oh you find that insulting? Well have fun staying in fucking india then, there are a billion other schmucks who will jump at the chance to get out of that shithole.
>implying India is that bad
Only the slums. Any Indian on Sup Forums is obviously not in a slum. The same can be said about any redditor.
>muh poor Indians
>muh poor Africans
>muh poor Somalis
Neo-Sup Forums sure falls for the most transparent bait possible.
I'm a slavshit too, I want an h1b visa for pajeetting in the USA.
>Any Indian on Sup Forums is obviously not in a slum
Cheap smartphone with a data plan isn't really that expensive even in india.
obviously, but what he describes is a thing that has happened before
in order to stay in india i'd have to be there in the first place, which i've never been as im not a pajeet
>They literally wouldn't be getting the job if they weren't being paid less though, you retard.
except some indians do, and after trump's reform, year after year all or most h1b spots will be used by smart indians/asians paid fair wages that just cant take those jobs now because with the current state of h1b cheap schmucks come first, mark my words m8
I would prefer nips over pajeets anyday you streetshitter.
If you're living in a slum your plan is to get food and water, not use a telephone.
>except some indians do, and after trump's reform, year after year all or most h1b spots will be used by smart indians/asians paid fair wages
I believe that's the point, to stop companies importing foreigners just so they can save a few bucks and depriving americans of work..
>If you're living in a slum your plan is to get food and water, not use a telephone.
You would think so but you always see niggers with the newest iphone so I'm not sure.
what i mean is, the same number of pajeets will immigrate every year, just smart ones instead as they will have to make 130k minimum
>the same number of pajeets will immigrate every year
I find this to be highly unlikely tbqhfam
The only reason so many get imported now is it cuts costs, if it no longer cuts costs the incentive to import them is significantly reduced.
yes but theres smart pajeets and cheap pajeets, if the cheap ones cant take any spot, smart ones will
But what makes you think companies just have it in their heads that they want to import X number of pajeets every year irrespective of the cost?
As you increase a good's price (in this case a pajeet's annual work) the demand goes down to reach equilibrium.
Fair point. Keep in mind I'm just guessing, no one knows what will happen.
Well, I heard from several sources that top notch firms already do hire smart indians in California and don't pay them less, and they'd hire more if it wasn't for the h1b limit. But I don't know if they will fill the annual limit, maybe those are a very small number compared to the cheap kind of pajeets.
They're the new jews, a couple of high fliers and a whole lot who can rely on intense nepotism to coast in a society where whites are the ONLY people not actually racist in society.
This works, until the country runs out of enough whites ...
Where did I state you're an illegal, you stupid bitch?
>as long as our Emperor allowed you to come here
Pajeets aren't just hired for being cheaper, they are also hired because the person making the hiring decision is a pajeet.
They are also virtual slaves. Company hiring them has massive leverage over them because they could fire the pajeet and he has to go home to India.
Which means "as long as it's legal", you dumb slavic trash
Get rekt you indian scum.
Go back to your shitting streets faggot.