/carib/ : Sunshine and Depression Edition

Invited: Non-Savages
Not invited:Savages

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Bitches ain't shit but hoe's and tricks.

1st for mango season

It's cool outside tonight.

How's is it on your islands?



>mango season
Plumbs are objectively better

27C right now,but it's way warmer in my room

mango season is almost over

What? It's just starting m8

>Paulovers are first up
>lady fingers
>Calabash (Giant ass mangoes 3-5lb)
That is the order they come in, we are currently at the first type

Don't be mad. You'll get it next time!

I see. 23C right here. My room is pretty cool thou,

Dude, did you hear about this one guy that killed 3 old people with a machete? that shit sounds gruesome as fuck.

It's pretty cool out, has been the last few days, rainy too. Extra comfy.

coño vas a seguir? que no
no he escuchado tres carajos de nada

daily reminder that rum a shit

Agreed, gin is God's gift to man.

>Plumbs are objectively better

Posted this best, but looking at Caribbean med schools and other island schools.


>St. George in Grenada (top tier school)
>Ross in Dominica (top tier school)
>SABA (Eh... tier)
>St. Matthews in Grand Cayman (Eh School but supposedly great living conditions)
>Saint Lucia (few schools, none with a great reputation)


I'm going to do some visits this summer, trying to narrow it down to 3.


I enjoy Narcissu now, it is really good visual novel if you want will experience deep feelings.

I downloaded it too :3


I am going to play Overwatch for D.Va and there is nothing I can do about it.

>(Eh... tier)

I can now see why the Trinis throw you people out

costly as fuck though

been a while since i fooled around in the showers after swim class, it was so risky cuz it was like out there in the benches

>all those universities with "American" in the name

>Puerto Rico nowhere to be found
just rekt my shit up

>not playing for thicc nubian goddess
>not playing for chubby asian qt
>not playing for hot russian dyke

delete this

Sounds like an awful lot of projecting.

wow rare

I'm not a big fan of dykes but you're right about the other 2
then again the one I was thinking about is actually indian and skinny and just has a big ass in fanart

the chubby ice chink is cute as fug.


(Forgot my name)
>indian and skinny and just has a big ass
Noice, this thread needs more brown bunda.

Less than 2 weeks till im going to DR lads


>sunshine and depression edition

Stop describing my life.

Hopefully those trips make you a bit happy

nice dude.

Somewhere near Mao

Also 4 days in Santo Domingo

pretty sure I talked to you before desu

>hot russian dyke
I want her so bad


I was describing mine


They did, however brief it was.

Drown your sorrows in rum, lad.

That's what I always do, did you not see the thread image?

ah yea, I recall talking to one of you dutchman about it. Never heard of Mao but looks close enough to Puerto Plata so youll be able to enjoy that at least

Get yourself a chimichurri when in the capital. Make sure you use sunblock too. Stay indoors during the middle of the day, that sun is brutal

Chimichurri is Argentinian.

Domi chimichurris are a different thing thou. They are a sandwich.

How was the Caribbean Studies exam guys?

what the fuck are you doing in Georgia

Ok, gimme one

Man, I had business...easiest A+ I ever got....other than French of course

Sup /carib/? Pussy police got murdered and now people are scared, how's island life treating the rest of ya

I'm not in the DR.

If you're ever in NYC I can hook you up thou.

i remember this one Georgian poster vocarooing a lot of things like russian and georgian accents, god his voice was so hot

>how's island life treating the rest of ya
Alright, spent the day getting caught up on Vikings. It bothers my autism how they've been taking a bunch of stories that would of been great on their own, and cramming them into one mediocre story.

I thought you'd be more of a GoT guy, well it doesn't matter. How's the jeep man?

Good, it's a little beast, 60k miles and no issues.

It's like everything is working out for you, meanwhile I'm here getting suffocated on public transport. You still do blow? If yes then its official, the universe hates me

Life has it's ups and downs man.
For instance
>You still do blow?
Negative, I'm moving in June so I've cut blow out of my budget to save some scrap. The first two weeks sucked so goddamn bad.

So you'll restart in June? Anyways, I'm kind of between ups and downs. Life's great, but I'm broke.
>Broke ass college kid
And you're going for a 2nd degree, you'll never know mein kampf

>police got murdered and now people are scared
ayyyyy same thing here, this island is shit

>I'm NL
>They don't know yet
yeah...same thing

Use your name

Too many stabbings, these people are savages

Did you see the pic of the cop in the wheel barrow when he was dying? Shit man, they need some communism in this bitch

>So you'll restart in June?
Yeah,, June or July.
>And you're going for a 2nd degree
Lol the only degree I got is GED nigga lmao
>you'll never know mein kampf
I'm trying not too, I'll be starting a grow operation with the guy who owns the property when I move, so on top of the decent paying job I already have, I'll have a bit of extra scrap from the grow-op. Ideally I won't ever be broke going through college, I just don't have any time for myself.

>makes tons of dough
>does blow
>bangs hot milfs
>won't ever be broke through college or now
>only has a GED
Hey man, you've got it good. I've got all the time in the world to myself and I'd drop it in a second to get on your wave

I took advantage of a lot of opportunities that likely aren't available on the islands, anyways I was going to go in depth, but I just got called to go out.

That's fugged up

I got a pic of qt milf feet while at practice today
it was good

>I gotta do a thing at a place
I hear you man
>milf feet
if you don't post...me and dominica are gonna be pissed

I have to do social things so I must train shitty pic but it's mine

Oh, is she as hot as her feet imply?

>How are those emotion showing exercises going?

How do you feel about this bluegrass version of a Caribbean song


More like a 7.5/10 but her voice is amazing

That's pretty kewl

Nice, you must have so much damn fun

>damn fun
It's all just stressful

I don't like them. Have been using D.Va, Widowmaker and Mercy A LOT. Definitely going to keep on using them. I tried Tracer out and I didn't feel it. Ran out of ammo fast.

>I want her so bad
S ?

Zarya,I want her to gentle femdom me

You got no luck with milfs do you

/carib/ imma go lie down because I'm running on 3 hours right now


Git gud!!

it's because he's SPOILER ALERT white


>those accents
>white men appropriating black culture appropriating caribbean culture

Accents are cool

What did you think of the song though and their talent

i didn't even pass the 45s mark, i was so uninterested


no one really cares, really, like, at all

>Chimichurri is Argentinian.
just do as i say.

Chilling. today is my last day in Tbilisi

my not what?

I love you D.Va

Mei is okay too

Mei is too cute and huggable. I wish I could hug her.

Very huggable. Too bad I can't use her ):

I'm more useful with Widowmaker in that class.

Tracer/Widowmaker/D.Va/Mercy just so damn fun.

Do you guys like Chris Gayle?

Good bantz for a black fella, can hit a ball alright too

/cric/ still dead la ):

Watching IPLel?

When I get the chance, but I don't really follow it

Yeah. I used the arrow dude thou.

I'll probably use Reaper/arrowman/D.Va/ buddha dude.

This general would be better if it contained less anime posting and more carib brown women posting

What sport does he play in?

It's a strategy to get more tourists.

This is a general for our interests, not yours ;3

been raining here since friday. i know we needed it but sheesh.

Same here. It's pretty cool outside.

At least it's not super hot and no drought like last year. Shit was crazy last year.

>the joke
pick one

>the donald trump actually won the primaries.

it's happening.

What a time to be alive eh lad?

>saw SL in town today or some dude in a blue shirt that I thought was him
