>build gamer pc
>no want to play games anymore
Build gamer pc
Other urls found in this thread:
Sell it, build a dual-Xeon build, and install Gentoo.
And sit there dual booting an OS which serves no consumer grade purpose
Play old games, works for me
Dwarf fortress and eve online, colloquially known as corrupt notepad document and Microsoft Excel 3D.
This. I just play old PSX games or pre-2004 PC games
Welcome to adulthood.
>Pissed away $1,200 on a build
>Play games my $400 5 year old laptop can already play
>r9 270x
Played like 100 hours every 2weeks
Got new gtx1070 and i7 play like 10-40 hours every 2 weeks max
Dwarf fortress nigga
Ken is that u?
>Spent thousands of dollars on a high end gaming pc
>really just ended up playing csgo and gta v
>nothing else was really that intensive
>csgo pisses me off
>gta v is boring after a certain point
>sell gaymer machine
>buy a cheap c2d pos machine
>play halo 2 and runescape all day
Life is good
>csgo pisses me off
fucking silvers
I'm unranked actually.
What pisses you?
>inb4 players
You know that players on unranked matches are mostly kids and retards, right?
>desktop 7 years old
>want upgrade
>decide what to buy
>new desktop with proper gpu
>or nice laptop
>compare pros and contras
>main argument is I don't play games anymore
>get 13" IPS laptop with i5-6200U
>enjoy the new compfy
>be happy about the right choice
Tfw slowly declined from gn 3 to silver elite because of teammates
>Spend $2500 on gaymer rig in December
>Play Doom campaign
>Never gayme again
>Shit-post on Sup Forums and do some work from home on it
>Looking to buy a cheap i5 laptop and sell my desktop
I spent my entire High School and College years binging on PC Games and now I could care less.
So how much less could you care, to be exact?
>get 144Hz monitor
>'wow, this is great! I'm never going back to 60Hz.'
>no want to play games anymore
MacBook Pro is 5 years old hopefully will last me another 5 years
not a bad investment if you don't play games or play some classics like Theme Hospital every now and then...
just started playing wind waker yesterday, finally
i'm only 27 :(
How does Dolphin emu run with iGPU 630?
Good, start learning C
>tfw only want to build a PC to run dolphin
Also this is me, had little dick syndrome from growing up with a shitty pc so bought a 970+i5-4690k a few years ago and I only play shitty mmos and super old games.
Most of my time is spent coding and I learned after I built a pc and played no gaems
PC has no games.
After a while you have played most of the old games you would care to play.
And nothing compares to playing good games which are on the cutting edge of technology.
>not wanting all that MOBA magic
>And nothing compares to playing good games which are on the cutting edge of technology.
yea, but it's really rare to see a game that is both cutting edge and good
I haven't played none of the must-play GCN games. I want to play TLOZ WW & TLOZ TTP someday
> Also 27 here
Pretty much, although I play games made before 2008 really. That's the year games became noticeably shittier imo
>Playing assfaggots
Why would you keep Windows on at all?
>never bought gaming PC
>have old c2d elite book
>plays the few games I care for
>Go around corner
>Instantly put reticule on enemy head and press mouse button
>No damage to enemy, get immediately headshotted
Competitive must be so annoying in this game going against autists that have remembered all the spray patterns and other quirks. Community servers and custom game modes are the only fun aspect of CSGO.
Same here, played Skyrim for a while though.
I'm global and when I go on a silver or gold account I'm physically incapable of losing. I can play pistol only and no sound because music and still get 60 point games. If you're low its because you're low.
I don't think I would be able to go back to such a small screen.
>tfw built a gaming PC 7 years ago
>there's hardly any game worth playing that warrants a hardware upgrade
Why bother with newer CPUs when the 920 is a goddamn powerhouse?
only reason i still play cs is because of community servers. Competitive is shite in any game for me.
>be me
>own phenom II X4 965 be
>can't play FSX beacuse it's literally a slideshow
>emulation speed on dolphin sux, unplayable
>buy i7 4790K
>buy MSI Gaming 5 motherboard just because it looks cool and has a CPU temp LED display on the motherboard
>put everything together
>so excite over new PC
>buy new PSU, SSD, new HDD for storage
>so ready to put this new beast to the test
>play FSX for maybe a week
>never emulate a single game in dolphin
>uses beastly computer to browse Sup Forums
>realized gaming is hopeless these days and wiped hard drives and completely got rid of windows and went to linux exclusively
too many good older games i need to play before worrying about trying any newer ones
not to mention i just don't like things common in newer games, such as;
- pay to win elements
- crafting and sandbox games (aka, "we couldn't think of any gameplay so here's some toys to play with")
- linear, cover-based shooters (people actually /praise/ gears of war for ruining console fps?, and now many pc fps because...)
- too many (often poor) console ports, is it that people don't play games on pc's anymore?
I play gsg's to satisfy my autism, they tend to be cpu-intensive.
Started with EUIV, then CKII and recently picked up a game in a similar vein called The Last Federation.
Nothing cozier than munching on popcorn at 3:00 AM, steadily dismantling the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.
>Phenom II 555BE, 4GB ram, 5770, 500GB WD
Did all I could to play games, lowest settings if I couldn't, and if I still couldn't, look for mods to make it playable. Managed storage well, deleted what I didn't use and replaced it with new ones (movies, games, etc). I finished TW2 on this motherfucker.
>i5 6600k, 16GB ram, 1070, 500GB SSD, 2TB WD
Still haven't finished TW3, DS1/2/3, last time I played Overwatch was well over a month ago, and to top it all off as far as video games are concerned, I finally quit this piece of shit game.
Also, I've been barely downloading anything except for music, anime just died out, still read manga that I've been following since forever but not picking up new ones so there's tons of free space being useless.
I did get /fit/, ef/fa/y, and Sup Forums though, then I realized sex is overrated and now I'm faced with existential dread.
Truth be told, I just miss my ex kgf guys.
>anticipation feels better than the final experience
wind waker's been pretty comfy so far, should grab a copy if your machine can run it
oh, you will want some form of dual stick controller for this, i'm using one of my PS2 controllers with a $2 usb adapter i picked up recently
Name ONE (2) game that is "on the cutting edge of technology"
The gameplay is unintuitive. GO looks and sounds realistic, yet it doesn't play nearly as such.
The weapon stats (other than the AWP) are too balanced out or just have seemingly arbitrary stats.
I mean, there is no reason a AK-47 is an OHK headshot, yet the M4 isn't, for instance.
>GO looks and sounds realistic
Not really.
And CS has always had unrealistic elements that were essential for its gameplay. GO is just a continuation of the series.
are you me?
I thought I was the only one that felt this way. I spent all that time during HS and my early 20s (27 now) obsessing over video games and now I don't even care. I'm learning by programming now. Wish I would've spent all that time learning how to code instead.
A lot of you seem to be going through some existential shit.
>High time of gaming, shitload of free time
>No money - Only have access to potato computer
>Play games all the time wishing for a better machine
>Low time of gaming, go to work all day
>Money - Access to a high spec machine
>Barely play games wondering why the fuck I bothered upgrading my machine
It's not the same for everyone but pretty common, I get more enjoyment out of cocking around with low power pi's and shit.
Sad life bra
>tfw NEET
Name one cutting edge game that isn't a watered down casual friendly piece of shit with worse playability than its predecessor.
There are no challenging AAA games anymore. Even dark souls have become baby tier hack&slash to pander to western audiences.
Thats what happens when reality is more interesting than any gayme ever. Thanks trump.
>will finish finals intwo weeks
>plan on playing for two weeks straight after that
>know i am just going to fuck around and watch some movies while doing so
Vidya just lost its appeal for me.
CS is a competitive game, not a realistic one. If you want realism play Battlefield.
I'm in a similar situation, I've always wanted to buy a pc but I don't even play games anymore, now I'm thiking if maybe buying a prebuild one or buying a laptop would be a better option.
Same here. I'm just glad I didn't make a career out of it like some guys. Even if it's a low level autism job like journalism, it would suck dick to play video games every day when you don't want to.
this this this
this babies first hobby is so bad now you can't even call people faggots in games where you vividly kill as many people as possible.
>these cucks think this stripping of freedom of speach/expression is going to stop at games
the future is too bleak 4 me.
>shoot in head
>nothing happens
>shoot at rock, it goes through
>shoot at someone floating in the air, it hits an invisible rock
the hitboxes are the worst of any game i've ever played. battlefield is very far from being realistic.
most games are also barely anny better on a higher end pc than a midend pc/console
high end gayming is a scam
yus, got on Tetra's bed
More frames are worth it for those spending the money. I'm never going back to 30fps. Trying it again actually strains my eyes
Never really got crazy into video games but I always wanted a psp during high school. Never got it cause my family was poor.
>Bought a psp 3k for $60 a few months ago.
> Downloaded a shit load of psp Games and gba Roms
>played God of war and Lumines for about a week
>now I use every night before bed as dedicated Tetris and chess machine
>mfw I could've just stuck with my phone
>have gaming PC and PS4
>Develporers always release PS4 games earlier
>speaker is sideways
>not wall-mounted
typical Sup Forumstard
Use it to make music.
Anything built for gaming is also great for music.
Fuck I feel like I'm on this path except I just upgraded to mustard race from bloodbornestation4
>wall mounting a speaker
>for a computer desk
alright, you barbarian
>not acknowledging that the feet are on the side of the speaker and not keeping it raised off the desk
Just play the Marvel vs. Capcom with MAME or a Dreamcast Emulator. Much more worth it tbqh
Why would you need to raise speakers off a desk? It is stupid that feet are on the side, but why would it matter?
Dude same here.
I played wow 12+ hours a day for years. And before that I was glued to my gameboy.
Now I just study, work, and watch youtube sometimes.
Star Citizen
Latest Battlefield
Starcraft has a MOBA mod, IIRC.
Any chance of you sharing that floppy of TITS?
It's for research purposes.
I can't. Video games suck right now.
Use to run stuff on a 144Hz monitor??