So that we don't have so many fedora my little pony faggots to look at. How do we encourage more qt 3.14s to study CS?
How can we get more qt 3.14s in CS?
We've tried everything. High wages, scholarships, mentors and hiring more female professors. Still the female enrollment is minimal despite the overall proportion of women on campus has increased. Maybe we need more women in CS to attract more women in CS.
I only know like 2 women coders and both of them are better at CS than majority of the people in my class.
That's my experience too. But if we want more quantity I'm guessing the quality would decline.
A great first step would be to stop being such a creepy motherfucker and not stalk every woman who is into it you filthy degenerate.
Change society profoundly.
I think we loose 2/3 of the qualified women just over the realization that a lower, easily acquired degree will give them enough of an excuse to not be completely seen as unambitious gold digger.
And almost 1/3 of the rest over the idea that they "can't do it" (same as going for doctor or surgeon rather than nurse), or "don't like computers" despite how relatively ethical and useful and fairly paid these jobs then tend to be.
At least such was my own experience going through our education system here.
what women want to be profs when they can work at facebook, google, or whatever
Women don't into computers.
Not sure how you could change that.
Wasn't that here. Like 20 started, over two thirds swapped subjects when they realized maths etc. was a lot of work vs. what their friends had chosen, and while all in the end graduated I felt *only one* was really fully deserving it. And she was not cute, nor was this her lifelong ambition or anything - she chose the degree for fairly random reasons; was as good as any that promised a job. Just stuck with it and did it as well as she could.
The rest of them got a dozen free passes on various shit every damn year. With some professors you could even expect test questions to be raised at the topics they had inquired the same women multiple times about - 'slong as they answered that shit correctly a few times, it'd be on the test. Stuff like that.
Of course also always kinda more hand-holding and higher grades for actually poor performance on lots of project work and things that also got graded.
Not that I can't understand some of the lecturer's and professor's feels of preferring to spend more time with qt girls, but it wasn't quite right either way.
First thing is for people to stop saying things like this: If I was a woman interested in CS and happened upon a place like this, some of the first things I would see would be sexist bullshit like that. That's not gonna do a lot to keep me interested in pursuing CS education
Really? That would push me to prove them wrong, especially if I was already interested.
>If I was a woman interested in CS
Lmao that has never happened. The only people interested in anything computer related are men, "girls", or girls who think they're nerdy until they realize they are filthy casuals and ditch the computer field for some meme tier liberal arts degree.
>being a women
>coming to a place where people hate women
They should have gone to reddit baka desu senpai
It is just Statistics out of 100s and 100s of students you're bound to get a few that are talented. It is a matter of identifying them and cultivating their interest to continue.
One of the very talented ones is very active in helping other women who struggle and offer herself as encouragement doing CS is possible/fun.
> More shitty software
no please
that's fair, I suppose some people would respond like that. I guess my point is it would be more effective to be encouraging or at least not a discouraging dick like this guy
I'm not being a dick. I'm studying finance, in which there are a decent amount of women. I'd say this is a field that is equally open to both genders, and pretty evenly distributed.
When looking at stem fields though, there is so much women empowerment propaganda going around, and it's having a minimal impact.
Additionally, if someone is so unsure about their career decision that an anonymous post made on Sup Forums makes them quite, they were never going to succeed anyway.
Have you ever used your brain before?
Women haven't, that's why they don't study CS.
>freshman year
>applied for CS over IT
>10 females 40 males in batch
>IT gets the good looking ones and have a more balanced ratio than CS
>culling begins
>10 females reduced to 5
>3 dropped out, 3 changed degrees to IT, and one senior got held back a year
I think IT's a bit easier than CS due to the seemingly lack of advanced math in IT.
And if someone on the street saw me as potential rapist for no reasons other than walking around at night, then I wouldn't want to be in that city.
Please white knight me over that sexism and the further sexism that I should just suck it up and deal with it.
I studied neuroscience at a liberal arts college that was hard as shit (had an active grade deflation policy unlike most schools nowadays), but was very progressive with the way it treated gender. STEM fields there had way more women than the national average, and they were as qualified and smart as the men with the same percentage of both genders being fuckups who just wanted an impressive degree. This is because they didn't assume that women weren't interested in fields like computer science.
My point isn't about one anonymous post on Sup Forums, it's about the prevailing attitude towards women in hard sciences. You're right that the current empowerment going around is minimally effective, but I'd argue that's because it's only one part of what should be a larger strategy.
Majority of women in advence tech like secuirty are traps.
Women brain just works different
> I think IT's a bit easier than CS due to the seemingly lack of advanced math in IT.
Typically it is. They also typically don't try to jam half the amount of material into these courses. IT tends to be ... more reasonable.
Meanwhile CS is an attempt at turning you into a maths major "light" without cutting you THAT much slack, while also doing more computer hardware/software theory, computer engineering practices and so on.It's honestly a bit much, usually - tends to be one of the hardest degrees at many universities, even the already elitist ones.
By fucking your mom
>white knight
I'm stating a fact about how to encourage more women to study CS
Stop bully grrrrrrrrls
Give them your job
> wanting distractions when working
by stop being sexist pieces of shit.
Also should change courses to be more suitable for women. There is this one university with over 50% women CS majors because they actually correctly teach the subject.
Why would you want that? We already have qt 5.8.
There is no "fact" in this, only white knighting.
Men are expected to deal with just about every bit of not entirely extreme sexism or hostility that is thrown their way and not quit their careers, jobs, or life plans over them.
Women should be expected to do the same.
and if they do, they usually try to run away from it and go back at being what they're destined to be, whatever it takes(pic related, porn)
>Meanwhile CS is an attempt at turning you into a maths major "light" without cutting you THAT much slack, while also doing more computer hardware/software theory, computer engineering practices and so on.
This shit is what made me consider switching degrees to IT from CS due to inane amount of bullshit to absorb, but then I was in my junior year when I considered it so it would be stupid if I switched, and rode it out until I graduated.
To be honest, Computer Engineering is more interesting than CS, especially in the EE part where you have to design microarchs.
offer them the free gibsmedats previously reserved for Indians and chineses