Is there anybody else concerned with where civilisation is headed with such high levels of integration with technology?

Is there anybody else concerned with where civilisation is headed with such high levels of integration with technology?

It is as though modernist society sought to discover truth, but current, post-modern society has relegated objective human truths as yet another "trap" that "stupid" people fall into, and because of this, technology has served to please the people who interact with it.
That is a fairly easy goal, and it appears to lead to humanity being identified as "inferior" for even requiring satisfaction and ultimately being used as a tool of technology.

Is there anybody with similar concerns to me?

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Ted wrote a new book:

Actual smart people should take over tech again to guide it towards a better direction and drive back all the dullards and normies.

tl;dr OP is a pseudo-intellectual.

I'd really like if you actually gave me a response...

You are on a tech board. Chances of finding a luddite here is about the same as finding a super model at a my little pony event.

Funny you say that because Sup Forums is one of the most luddite communities

Probably more /out/, time to go to my little pony events then

Ted stop shilling your book and go back to bed. You have to take it in the ass from the guards in the morning, rest up bud

Sup Forums is only Luddite in the sense that they call it out when a new OS or smartphone has changes that make it an obvious downgrade from the second-to-newest model, you're not going to find big-picture criticisms of technology like Kaczynski here especially since that's the industry where a good part of Sup Forums users are employed

Thats because Sup Forums is filled with autists suffering from professional cretinism.

Bump for Teddy

>actual smart people should take over
Never gonna happen. The human mind is weak and most intelligent people are too specialized.

Thats a nice way of saying that all smart people are autists.

Uncle Teddy was right about everything. He's not crazy at all.

I feel that computers and the internet have made me more depressed than ever. I know it's not true though. People have made me depressed. No one talks to me unless the need something, I get treated like trash at work, even my own family doesn't want me around except on the holidays. I know that no matter how many laptops I buy, no matter how many shitposts I make, it will never fill the gap in my soul where a true friend should be. Technology is not what's causing the problem. It's simply another tool that allows us to further divide ourselves, and treat each other like shit.

Now get off my board, you fag.

The futur is 1984 thanks to google, a massive population behaviour predictive program and always on spying machines aka smartphones.

>he thinks google is smart enough to pull this off

Because of limits to growth and declining net-energy, all high-tech is doomed in the end anyway, including all computer tech. You shouldn't be concerned about humanity becoming slaves of AI or something.

I don't really get what you mean with "humanity being identified as inferior and being used as a tool of technology" but if it concerns you then fight for what you believe in.

If something comes along and wants to enslave humanity then people are going to fight back in some way. If enslavement ensues regardless then that means we're just weak for letting it happen and thus "inferior" in a sense.

Might makes right after all. That's life. Will you fight, or will you sit passively and die like a dog?

Google alone maybe not but remember their close ties with the NSA.
>implying this isn't muricas wet dream

>"humanity being identified as inferior and being used as a tool of technology"

Its not necessarily technology itself, or some smart AI from The Matrix that literally enslaves humanity. Its more of a case of a tool, or system becoming the perpetual goal in itself and not just a method for doing something either faster, more efficiently, better, etc. The same could be said about the monetary system, economy, progress etc where real goals are discarded for statistics. "We must improve our GDP!"

Also the passionate hatred towards leftists.

>Is there anybody else concerned with where civilisation is headed with such high levels of integration with technology?


>It is as though modernist society sought to discover truth

Eh, the hallmark of modernism was the rejection of certainty that the enlignment had been shilling

>but current, post-modern society has relegated objective human truths as yet another "trap" that "stupid" people fall into, and because of this, technology has served to please the people who interact with it.

Technology is used to both please people and for serious work.

>it appears to lead to humanity being identified as "inferior" for even requiring satisfaction and ultimately being used as a tool of technology.

"identified as "inferior" " by whom? And what the fuck is the rest of this sentence supposed to mean?

Please stop typing on your computer. Turn it off and contemplate your life decisions leading up to this post.



Its all relativism from the enlightenment onward.

I don't disagree. Though it's arguably been relativism ever since Pyrrho in the fourth century BC.