Is Ngoka the new Bill Gates/Wozniak/Linus/?

Is Ngoka the new Bill Gates/Wozniak/Linus/?

Id say yes. He is just 11 years old yet he is already inventing high end computers

Other urls found in this thread:

>he's brown

how does he do it


At least he's smarter than the Crystal Reports black lady at work who tried making an old ISA card fit into a PCI slot by cutting it.

So he built a pc? From parts he bought online? Shit, I invented a new computer a few months ago then

Wow king Josh. Uncle is very of you so much. I need to visit you soon. Am glad you did not buy your self £200 worth of chocolate.
Guys this is the great minds of the future.


Depends if he soldered the cpu himself or not.


>filename that of recently
>image clearly has a date on it

Damn... It's kids like this that give me hope for the future. Not the fish-brained youth you see walking down the street with their eyes glued to their phones, not the 16 year olds posting private pictures to tweeter. No, it's kids like him who value innovation and hard work that tells me the next generation is going to be alright.

*starts slow-clap*


How the fuck does an 11 year old fob african living in east london save 600 pounds

>Windows 10

>Story is only reported in


You elitists are just mad that PC building is becoming easier, essentially legos for adults.

I love capitalism. Trump!

isn't this racist? why is when a black child does something every child is capable of doing make it on the news?

>PC building is becoming easier
>essentially legos for adults
Are you from the past?
PC building has been easy as fuck for at least 15 years now
Probably was easy as fuck before that but I wasn't doing it before 2002 so I can't tell

It's the racism of low expectations, left leaning people are mostly like this.
Any time a nigger does something other than kill/rob/deal drugs they are praised

Well at very least he's more smart then Glen Munro

>2002 was 15 years ago

He's 11yo give him a break.

This thread again

It's not about an 11 year old assembling a computer, it's about a dumbfuck journalist who thought this was a story

more like the new Jobs

Jesus christ that case is ugly.


OOHOOOH shieet lawd man, kek ultimate kombat

he doesn't look 11

he's a big guy


But neckbeards have been doing this for years

Do you read your local newspaper?

By not eating more than 5000 calories a day


Yep inventing a computer after living your first 11 years is bretty impressive. I expect them to become kangz again in 10-20 years.

Is this meant to be an insult aimed at me?

Look at that boy, he is clearly heading towards obesity if he hasnt yeat reached it

Shit, sorry, forgot the nigger king we had for 8 years. It already begun.

Welp, there goes a potential sale of several thousand dollars down the drain.


youve got to be fucking kidding me


Damn, son, I though this shit was made up.
>“I built a computer because I need a faster and more powerful machine to focus on my next project which is to develop a 2D platform video game, with different levels. I’m also working on a bigger project; a more complex game which will take a few years to complete.”
>In April Joshua was rewarded for his achievements in computer development when he won the Hackathon competition and was given £250 from the IT based award scheme.
Real wiz kid

>I need a faster and more powerful machine to focus on my next project which is to develop a 2D platform video game

>Is Ngoka the new Bill Gates/Wozniak/Linus/?
Apparently, yes


I'm still fucking mad about this shit. How the fuck do you not know how valuable an original Xbox dev kit is?

Implying I don't know anything about Xbox dev kit, explain me what it is.

It was the original kit used to develop games for the Xbox. This faggot on Reddit had access to one, stripped it of it's parts, formated the hard drive and used it to build a shitty rig. All the while, he could have sold it to someone to get the documentation of each of the parts and possibly created a somewhat fu\nctional Xbox emulator, something we still haven't made after almost 20 years. I mean we even have PS2 and GC emulators that are functional. This kid literally held back emulation, if his story is to be believed

is this the new Sup Forums thread


Samefagging that hard

I would do the same thing just to piss people off. Not only that, but I would make it a really cheap low end PC that I barely use.

If only 50 were made why not just find one of the other 49...

>Crystal Reports

Fuck, I hate using that program. But at least I can spend 2-3hrs drawing reports and messing around with shit wasting time.


Keep in mind that he could have built two or three of those shitty computers he built had he sold the original dev kit

It's not everyday that someone finds an Xbox dev kit. In plus it's been years since the original kits have been released. We don't know whats happened to them.


Microshaft most likely destroyed many of them

Probably kept a few in a room with other historical stuff that will never see the light of day