Just bricked my computer with a magnet

>just bricked my computer with a magnet
what do I do

Wrap a copper wire around your computer and hit the power button.

this will also result in free energy as your computer will now be a magnet.

Tell FBI that it was already broken before you saw them coming.

If its just your hard drive that got wiped, then just hook it up as a secondary drive to another machine and format it. If you think it got near your mobo then buy a new one. Simple. If a component broke, buy a new one. Not that hard, folks.

what's a mobo

its the thing with the scuzzy on it

Shove it up your ass and post photo

Mobile command center


>free energy
That's not how it works.

Free as in freedom.

The magnet has realigned the bits on you're hard drive.
Suspend you're computer from a cord, make sure it's pointed magnetic north, and smack the south end with a hammer. This will remagnetize it. It's how magnets werk.

jack off onto it

Use opposite pole of the magnet to unbrick it. The catch is you need to have the exact exposition time for each pole to neutralize the magnetic charge (equal amount of + and - charge neutralize each other), so if you overexpose the second pole you need to use the first one again.

He meant moba, like league of Legends

Don't let magnets near league of legends


Put the magnet under your tongue. Let it stay there until your chakra aligns itself with it. Sit naked in front of your computer then do circular movements around it with your arms, always in clockwise fashion. The more energy you feed it, the faster it will reestabilize, so let your emotions flow wildly and liberate them as they come. Crying is a great catalyst for freeing yourself of buried emotions. Do this for at least an hour everyday and it will be as good as new.

What the fuck is wrong with you man?

That shit is top secret only meant for elder monks who have read the hundreds of ancient scrolls and carefully practiced co trolling paranormal energies.


As AMD CEO, I laughed

What do you want us to do about it exactly? You probably caused a short circuit and blew a capacitor or something. Either that or the surge protection kicked in and is preventing you from turning it back on. Unplug it from the mains for 30-60 seconds and try powering it on again.

Reverse the magnet and use it on the computer again, it'll put all the data back in

is this real or what

it turns back on but it says "no bootable device" or something

what is this elephant? is it a new meme? what is it called?

bebe the elephant

pajeet pls go

>tfw he doesn't know what a mobo is.

Mobile Orientation Motorised Object
