RMA'D a 780 Ti Classified, and I'm getting a 980 Ti Classified in return. I play at 1440p with vsync so most benchmarks are meaningless to me (cuz vsync). Assuming what I use in a game is single buffered (not limiting to half or 2/3) what type of performance increase am I looking at here. CPU is a 2500k as well at stock cuz lazy.

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Maybe 40%? The difference in performance is huge.

Are you saying that based on the naming scheme alone ? Because if so you should realize desktop series skipped 8**

780ti is about strong as 970 or weaker.

980 ti > 980 > 970


Its about 40% faster

Wow, I was thinking 25% at most, but the VRAM is going to help in many gamea

There's about 20% difference between 980 and 980ti.

about 20% difference between 980 and 970.

about 5-10% difference between 970 and 780ti

Op here, to be clear I wasnt upgrade fishing, card basically died, just wanted a working replacement.

Still astonished that I got this

I can't wait, 3gb was also becoming more of an issue that expected 2 years ago at 1440p

There's already a containment thread for video games

I'm on a tablet can you give me a direct link plz, this app errors with those Sup Forums short links

There's a thing called "web browser".

How quaint

Any anons think a 780 Ti is still worth buying for a gift? I found one for $250 AUD, which is slightly cheaper than RX470, and my brother just turned 17, so I plan on getting him a better graphics computer so he can play some weeb shit and jerk off.

No, get a 1060 unless he really needs 384bit memory for 1440p and above

Thats only after gimpworks. On launch the 980 was a hair above the 780 Ti

Now a 780 Ti is being beaten by a fucking 290; let alone a 290X. The 780 is competing with the 280X / 7970

1060 is quickly being made obsolete. The RX 480 is now above the 3gb model in virtually all games, and around the 6gb model in most games in the last 3 months. I'd easily expect a 470 to be above the 3gb soon.

Remember, the 6gb has a full 1280 shaders vs the 3gb's 1024 shaders, they should've called the 6gb model the 1060 Ti.

1152 shaders on the 3gb version, 128 disabled
was thinking of the 470 which has 256 disabled (2048 vs 2304)

The 980ti is literally a 1070
You will get at least 60fps in all games at 1440p assuming that 2500k can keep up well (overclock it you dummy)


that is until gimping comes into full force, and a standard Fury is beating the 980 Ti

Did years ago but it was getting unstable and needed a monthly vcore bump so after 6 months I quit

>The fury is as powerful as a Titan X
Topkek AMD shill.

Damn that's powerful

This was two months ago, with this game list. All the newer games in the list favored AMD.

What happens when even newer games get added?

Remember: the Titan X Maxwell is only around 6% better than the 980 Ti

The original Titan X was a huge flop though

so is the Titan XP

But it's good though, and extremely good compared to the position the old Titan X was released in
I mean it's overpriced specifically for the 1% of people who "need" "the best" but technologically it's the best GTX card by far and just as good as the best quadro-ECC
The original Titan was supposed to be a do-everything card, this Titan actually succeeded in that

the titans are flawed concepts
just to scam people out of thousands of dollars for "the ultimate gaming experience" which is a bit better than the x80ti card of each generation

anyone who needs more than the titans had to offer bought computer cards, quadros and shit

Titan K - 21-2-2013
AMD competitor - 24-10-2013
Nvidia obsoleter - 7-11-2013

Titan M - 17-3-2015
AMD competitor - 24-6-2015
Nvidia obsoleter - 1-6-2015

Titan P - 2-8-2016
AMD competitor - H1 2017
Nvidia obsoleter - H1 2017

Actually it's nvidia who will kill the Titan XP this year

it already says that

>780ti, basically core-gimped and overclocked Titan of generation
>November 2013
>1080ti, basically core-gimped and overclocked Titan of generation
>H1 2017

Reminder that the Pro Duo trades blows with the Titan Pascal while being far cheaper.

Reminder that the Titan XP uses MORE power than integrated graphics when both are browsing Facebook
How can nvidia even compete?

God damn the 780 Ti is slow as shit compared to the 980 Ti

Titan had 2688 shaders out of the 2880 of the full GK110 core with 6gb
780 had 2304 with 3gb
780 Ti had a 2880 full chip, but 3gb
Titan Black had 2880 with 6gb

clock speeds were 837, 863, 876, 889 respectively, memory on the first two 1500mhz and 1750 mhz on the Ti and Black

Titan M has a full 3072 shader chip with 12gb
980 Ti has 2816 shaders with 6gb

Titan P has 3584 shaders out of 3840 with 12gb

1080 Ti rumor is 3456 shaders with 10gb, (320 bit bus)

Can 2500k bottleneck a 980 Ti

Why the fuck do you keep talking about shaders?
Especially when each gpu uses a different core than the last

It depends on what you think a bottleneck is

So the Titan was actually the core-gimped and overclocked 780ti?

Depends on the game and how hard it is for both the GPU and CPU to reach their own max fps possible
But no there is no hardware bottleneck at all, you're using PCIe 2.0 x16 I assume?

CPU maxed before gpu

For some reason my 780 Ti always appeared as 8x

Depends on the game, if you're at 60fps I'm gonna assume you're fine, as people are still running brand new games on overclocked 2500k's at 60fps and above well

Yeah but my 780 Ti always appeared as 8x

Titan, 780, 780 Ti, and Titan Black all are GK110

Titan M and 980 Ti are both GM200

Titan P and 1080 Ti are both GP102

GP100 won't ever be out for consumers, but has the same FP32 performance as the GP102 anyways.

Titan was underclocked compared to the 780 Ti. 780 Ti was a response to the 290X, which beat the Titan cleanly.

Has it even been confirmed what core the 1080ti will use?

My as old board.
I use the second slot since I need the 1x slot for my sound card, would 8x really affect it ?

Gp102, same as Titan xp
If you only have a x8 slot on your motherboard it might be a good move to get a new CPU/mobo next, that'll definitely remove any bottlenecks
Here's some tests with a Titan XP and PCIe 3.0 x8 and x16, the results very and are not consistent, but at worse you're losing 5% performance with a Titan XP PCIe 3.0 x8 over x16
I'm sure a 980ti would bottleneck even less and that a PCIe 2.0 x16 would be more than fine in that case, if your motherboard has the slot

Sorry here's the test

It has 2 16x 2.0 slots but my 780 Ti always showed up as 8x

Volta is a year plus off, GP100 is barely shipping (interposer thermal expansion problems), and GP104 is already fully unlocked on the GTX 1080. Leaves GP102, or a heavily overclocked GP104.

I wouldn't discount a heavily overclocked GP104. Back before the 980 Ti launched, a heavily overclocked GM204 was contemplated to take the slot, but they decided on a cut down GM200 in the end.

Is the 1080 even worth buying


I want to kick him in the teeth

It's like when niggers killed for starter jackets, we beat this kid up for PC hardware

sell that shit and get a 1070 if your running over 60hz

hey guys, i have an old radeon hd 7850. if i get some cheapo replacement like a nvidia 1050 Ti or the 1060, will i notice any improvement? i've kinda been out of the tech loop for a few years.

i only play eve online, so i have no need for a 300-900 dollar card.

1050 Ti wouldn't be enough to justify it

480 or 1060 6gb would

do not get the 3gb, no matter what you want

I was actually messing around with that idea yesterday, but I'd get a 1080 if the 1080 Ti caused the 1080 to drop enough and based on timing. I play at 1440p and love vsync, 60 Hz display, I know a 144hz gsync display would solve that issue permanently

unless youre using 4k,no i bought a 1070 and it runs 1440p justright

I'm assuming the dual fan 1060? read about heat issues with the single fan.

Idk about that and cars but if you upgrade don't limit yourself with a 3gb card regardless of how low your res is

no, the 3gb has 128 shaders disabled. It's as weak as an RX 470. The 3gb is hobbling it in newer games as well.

>knowyourmeme filename

same guy talking about 1070 here, i play with a 144hz monitor and tearing really doesnt happen that much, but in the end its up to personal preferrence,sorry for shitting up the thread accidentally

If I just want to do 1440p 60hz gaming will the 1070 be good for a 2+ years or should I get the 1080?

so what nigger i replaced my desktop and couldnt be assed to move all my reaction images

>recognizing the knowyourmeme filename

it's always three hex, not that hard

I'd love to if it was a gsync display, I absolutely can't have tearing, it's unacceptable to me.

Anyone here get a similar upgrade ?

You could have used a new image at least. That ones been posted a million fucking times by now. You cancerous fuck.




>implying image.gif exists in animated form

How can I adjust a single screen's settings after cloning two screens with Nvidia?

I have a display and a television, both connected to GTX 660 Ti. Display works perfectly fine but the television has the screen so that there's like 3 cm worth of shit outside the screen from every angle. I want to alter that but there seems to be no chance once you clone the devices.

>from every angle
Up and down, I must correct. Horizontally it's fine.

If you want individual settings for each screen don't clone the screens you dumb shit

You mean like you're losing the top and bottom bars of your desktop?
You can manually set and force the resolution of your tv, I had to do the same thing on my 1068p TV

There seems to be literally two options. Clone and extend. Extending means you get to look at a blank screen and cloning means you lose a bit of your screen.

How can I do this?

If you want to see a real performance increase, upgrade your CPU to an i7. The 7th generation is out. Fucking pleb.

You could run one screen, accomplishing the same thing as cloning, or you could run extended screen, meaning you would actually be able to use both monitors
Either way the generic monitor's resolution can still be set independently of the system resolution

Some tiny little link in the display settings, the easiest way for me was some Intel-display software that came with my PC, it had a screen size calibration tool and I guess that worked for me
I think nvidia control panel has a similar tool

Thanks but I literally fixed it by changing the display settings on my television. Weird how it worked with my previous gpu, and when used tv as primary display.

Wait so TVs being 1068p isn't normal

Like 40%

So is this how niggers feel like when they're alone with someone that has an expensive phone?

Fuck, I'd bust his head on the concrete and run away with those two beauties.

sup guys, building a new computer. Got a MSI GTX 980 4g card for 230 bucks, is it worth it?
Or should i spend more for a better gpu?
Currently running a stoneage AMD radeon 6000-series card relying on legacy drivers lmfao

Look at the retard thinking hyperthreading does anything for games

You're an idiot, an RX480 or 1060 6gb outperform the 980, are newer, and both use less power.

You can get an RX480 4gb for $190, an 8gb for $230, and a 1060 6gb for $240

I wouldn't have gotten that 980 for any less than $130, used, $170 new.

Whats the bare minimal I need to play at 1440?

>a standard fury beats a 980ti
You mean in ashes of the singularity, which nobody plays?


firstgen i7 fag here, you think too narrowly
it's pretty nice being able to play games while running other programs on my computer without them sucking processor time away from things that only run on a couple physical cores if that. I'm running a Frankensteined Lenovo prebuilt so no need for overclocking capability.

I could probably get similar performance with an i5 but HT really makes a huge difference if you are going more than just vidya with your computer.

I went from a 780ti to a 980ti and the performance boost was huge.

When I made the jump to 1440p, I noticed the 780ti struggled in alot of newer games on max settings, no such thing with a 980ti.

A good custom oc'd 980ti is still a beast of a card and faster than anything amd has in the market right now

>Extending means you get to look at a blank screen
No it doesn't you dumb cunt, set it as the primary monitor or drag a window over to it.

The r9 fury is below the 980ti there, can you not read?


>gaming at 4k with an r9 fury or a 980ti

63% on average, means above and below

they were marketed as 4K cards