I might be able to get a job doing grunt level coding for Amazon. Should I go for it...

I might be able to get a job doing grunt level coding for Amazon. Should I go for it? Has anyone here ever worked for Amazon?

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Amazon is usually in the spotlight for being a horrible place to work at.

Really? I only know 1 guy who works there, but he says he really likes it.

How long has he worked there? I'm guessing less than a year.

What's wrong with them?
Also, we are talking about coding/CE jobs?

Heard that, too.
By rumors, it's also hard to get out, due to some non-competitive contract thing.

Stupid random management, utter chaos.
>Also, we are talking about coding/CE jobs?

Are they still paying good?
My ex-gf will start a CE job there soon (don't know any details).

Use the job to make your resume look good. One year at the max you should stay and then leave. It's what people do with Google as well.

My brother works there, he doesn't hate it, but always say that "Amazon internal codebase is a mess". He works on consumer support services. But it depends, apparently AWS is better.

I also know a guy that works on the products division, apparently he works on the Amazon Fire devices Android version (yes, that's still a thing) and he also it's all a mess.

>It's what people do with Google as well.
The heck?
I'm not living in the US so I don't know much about these software giants (and they are not present in my region) but some years ago they (at least Google) were often mentioned as really good work places.
Did this change over time, did other get better or is Sup Forums just being Sup Forums?

amazon is a company that expects its workers to be productive. The work environment will be competitive. fellow workers will spy on you, to make sure you are not slacking off. and there's probably computer software monitoring everything you do and ranking you with everyone else.

>Amazon internal codebase is a mess

It's sort of a tangential question, but how many medium-large companies actually have a consistently clean, robust codebase? I hear that about pretty much every company except google, but they probably also have problems as well.

I've heard this about the warehouse job, but their coding jobs look pretty lucrative.

>Amazon internal codebase is a mess
Wouldn't be surprised with the huge turnover.

Heard management is pretty decentralized so your work environment will really depends on your specific team.

This plus there will constantly be performance evaluations where they threaten your job so save money if you work there.

That's one reason that most people quit google after working there just 1 year. The #1 reason for working @ BigCorp is so you can pad your resume with prestige and get into better jobs like say, a financial startup offering $300k salaries. Most people who work for Google get to the end of year performance review and find out that they are at risk of getting fired so just bail before that happens.

From what I gather:

the good
>pay is great
>lots of perks like a casual environment, free food, amenities
>possibility to work on cutting edge tech

the bad
>heavy workload
>only really top people get to work on cutting edge tech, most people are glorified IT guys/code monkeys

So it's not a cut and dry good/bad, but generally it seems only really ambitious geniuses who get hired to do research actually enjoy working there. Getting hired by google isn't an all day amusement park pass like the media makes it out to be; at the end of the day, work is work.

>Most people who work for Google get to the end of year performance review and find out that they are at risk of getting fired so just bail before that happens.
Well, is this now Google demanding a (unreasonably?) high productivity or just some workers slacking off/being not good enough?

Slackers and brainlets don't get past the Google interview process.

For me this reads like: when you have no problem being productive (and many people just are like that: doing their best, enjoying their code monkey tasks) then it's pretty great.

Go and work there for at least a year, so you can put in your resume that you've worked for Amazon.

What exactly are you going to do?

My buddy works for AWS and loves it

I work at AWS.

My managers are technical and competent, and they cover our team and push back when we are strained for resources. I have a decent work-life balance, my manager makes sure I'm not burning myself out in our periodic meetings.

Amazon is a big company, you can have good and bad experience there, but I've never seen anything like the NY Times suggested outside of fulfillment center IT but I'm sure it does happen somewhere.

OP, it will look amazing on your resume even if you are only there for 2 years (if you don't stay 2 years, you'll have to repay some of your relocation bonus). Be realistic about what you are getting into, just like Google, FB, etc, not everyone is working on bleeding edge products, but in my experience it's leagues better than previous jobs in upward mobility, benefits, salary and quality of life.

Having this on my resume I feel confident that I could make it anywhere, and I've learned a ton in my time here.

>startup offering $300k salaries
never happened

Anyone know how to not get burned out while being a code monkey?

Nope. Take vacation, and take 6 months off between your current and next job if you can afford it.

Leave it to the cheap outsourced Indians

Find a job that is lax about hours.
Alternatively, git gud enough at freelancing to the point where you can demand a high enough hourly rate such that you can work only like 10 hours a week and still earn enough to pay the bills.

I work there. Can confirm that this post I'm replying to is BS. Performance evaluations are once a year in beginning soon. Can also confirm that environment varies widely by team.

Should of mentioned I work at Amazon. Google has quarterly evaluations fwiw.

I read this with an accent.

amazon and m$ dont have free food tho, its a goog/fb thing

Amazon sucks if you work at the warehouse. Some of it is Slave labor tier, they regularly like to try and get people fired by putting them in different positions and holding them to the standard of that area.

The health insurance sucks but the best part is you get plenty of off time and paid time off.

If you're good enough to work at Google then there are better places. At Google you're likely going to be a small cog doing something trivial, whereas at a smaller company you could be someone important.

Also most successful startups pay better and/or have better perks.

Why do people always make up shit on the internet about things they have no idea about? Google has never had quarterly evaluations, they have biyearly evaluations and are moving towards only yearly ones.

Poo here. Yes I worked there for 6 months. Their job is pain. You will mostly do SJW tier stuff whole your life like Angular, Node, Javascript, php, CGI, java, MVC, and some experienced dude would probably do Beans, jsp, servlet. You job basically is to make their web services more optimized, more user friendly, more appealing.
Write scripts to collect data. Do data mining. Its basically a jew web technology company. You will be paid handsomely but trust be Amazon, microsoft, google at low tier jobs have the most sjw community. I left it for cisco. Bit lesser salary but at least I am learning better stuffs.

You should be ashamed of yourself for calling yourself a derogatory word devised by autistic white kids.

Have some self respect for pete's sake.

Nothing at Amazon even uses node or php. What drives you people go on the internet and blatantly lie about stupid shit? Do you just want the attention? Do you just want someone to pat you on the head and go "wow you're so smart you worked at Amazon!"?

I don't know what position you got but I am not lying.

Kys my dude. They do have quarterly evals on file for SDEs. See a paper called something like Effect of stock options on performance: evidence from google. I can't remember what the exact name is.

They don't even have "SDEs".

Oh they don't have software engineers?

You mean SWEs? You could at least look up basic facts before going about spouting bullshit online pretending you know anything.

It turns out some people have a sense of humor. Are you one of those people who "demands respect"? Get over yourself jabroni

Here you go my dude: glassdoor.com/Salary/Google-Software-Development-Engineer-Salaries-E9079_D_KO7,36.htm

Ok, now post a job application from Google itself that mentions "SDE".

The exact same page as glassdoor.com/Salary/Google-Software-Engineer-Salaries-E9079_D_KO7,24.htm

I work there as a technical programmer on the server side of things and I can tell you this

don't go.

It ok. You can stop LARPing as an employee now.

> Autism 2.0

You're the one who is LARPing.

By reading that book on Amazon and Jeff bezos. It is hell working there. Culture is confrontation and bezos encourage competition between teams rather than cooperation. He does not like losers as well.

And since Amazon is held together by duct tape, their code base is even more messy than normal because fuck stability, we have to gain market share and launch shit every fucking time.

>He does not like losers as well.


They're well known as the worst place to ever work at.

SDE is actually the term used at M$ by the way.

Pajeet my son

Seriously mate, dont
They're up their with JDSports (or one of the other sports clothing lines) as being a genuinely horrible place to work
I read somewhere that your encouraged to belittle and mock other employees ideas to get promoted, apparently it discourages weak people speaking up and only allows the strongest ideas through. Its a true survival of the fittest workplace, and for the pay its not worth it

Yeh done some reading about it again, heres a quick bit from business insider (which they took from a glassdoor review or something)

'In a set-up that sounds like something out of "The Hunger Games," once a year managers come together to review employees' work and debate their standings.

Amazon employees are ranked according to their performance, and those at the bottom are eliminated each year in a grueling process called an Organization Level Review.

"You learn how to diplomatically throw people under the bus," one marketing employee told The New York Times. "It’s a horrible feeling."'

Just don't be at the bottom. Problem solved.

>get put on a shit project by sheer lack of luck (or more realistically because you're performing too well and your boss is worried about his career)
>gg no re

Well that sounds easy, but then of course everyone is trying for that same goal, so your all clambering on top of one another to not be at the bottom.

Amazon have an 'Anytime feedback tool' which allows you to secretly praise or critique your colleagues, which is partially what the scoring is based off.
Apparently some employee's make pacts to bury the same person at once. So you cant do too well out of fear of being a target, but you have to stay away from the bottom anyway.

>holy shit, i have to work for my money!
>AND be self-aware of my surroundings too!

t. paid pajeet

I've worked with Amazon as a developer for 2 years now.

Most people who say Amazon is a bad place to work at don't actually work there, and just go off some articles on the Internet that criticize it. I talked about the negative articles out there with my management, and they said that though there are some orgs in Amazon that have bad managers, most don't. (I know that Prime and AWS orgs are pretty good)

I say work there. If you can do well at Amazon, you'll do very well. They have an environment which very much rewards engineers who work well with the leadership principles. If it doesn't work out well, just leave after a year or two to Google or something and have a nice little entry on your resume.

What so he doesn't have the freedom to degrade himself?

Fuck off

You're thinking of the warehouse gigs, which suck balls.

I've never actually heard or seen people using the feedback tool maliciously like that. I have considering using it to report feedback on something actually bad once (an engineer was not making wise decisions with the code he was recklessly pushing) but opted not to.

A good manager should have the ability to notice if people are intentionally trying to screw someone over though.

What kind of money would you be making?

I want to know this too

Thank you shlomo you are my greatest ally.