Where do you sit Sup Forums..?
Where do you sit Sup Forums..?
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At my desk...? This is a stupid question.
>sitting at a desk
the desk is not for sitting. You need a chair.
Are you dumb.
I sit at my desk, not on my desk.
rx 480 8gb master race
are you dumb.
I'm being a troll, not being serious.
480 8GB.
You're dumb.
You said something dumb and now you're trying to back out of it by saying you're a troll.
Isn't this chart outdated?
Still sitting on a 970 meme card
Now that I don't have a slave tier salary though I'm gonna splurge hard when the 1100 series comes out and get a titan.
>t. sli 980
somewhere in between the 1070 and 1080 maybe.
>no Fury/Fury X
Just under that 1070 then.
As soon as it drops to $150 I'm getting it. When do you think that will be?
Way down.
HD 5750.
my gtx gpu isn't on this infographic, anyone care to guess what I have?
Intel MHD or something
Other laptop has a nvidia 310m
Yeah I don't care a fuck about modern pc vidya, I own all the good consoles and the only games I care to play on PC are from about 3 gens ago and work fine on weak machines
1060 BTFO
dont know
dont care
t 960
Going by that benchmark, the RX 480 8GB seems the best bang for your buck if you don't need to go too far and you need a cheap gaming build.
How does it compare to a 280x?
Remove doom vulkan and see how the 480 score nosedives.
Where's the 980 Ti?
Why can't Nvidia get good Vulkan scores then?
Still rockin a 7970. Will probably wait until Vega comes out and then wait longer until the price drops to around $400
AMD's drivers are shit, but in Vulkan the game devs do a lot of the work the driver traditionally does, which is why they get a boost. Nvidia drivers weren't shit to begin with, so the boost isn't as significant for them.
It's all about hardware availability.
Not wrong at all. AMD has never been as good as NVIDIA at tuning their driver for each individual game. With Vulkan, the developer can specify in much more detail how they expect resources to be used, while previously the driver either had to guess or be set to do it on a game to game basis.
stop being stupid
Can you elaborate? They have the same price...
Literally what?
look at the chart again, carefully
Why would anyone buy a 3gb card
Sauce of chart? I need to find where the 480 is on it.
inb4 sitting on your bed