So the lifetime support of windows 10 finishes in 2025.
What OS are they going to build next? I think they are going to fork *BSD because of their c̶u̶c̶k̶
permissive licence and make a cloud based BSD distro. Prove me wrong.
So the lifetime support of windows 10 finishes in 2025.
What OS are they going to build next? I think they are going to fork *BSD because of their c̶u̶c̶k̶
permissive licence and make a cloud based BSD distro. Prove me wrong.
>cloud based BSD distro
Where is the money in that?
>Windows 11 is Ubuntu reskin with WINE
Really activates my almonds.
>Distro only runs software from windows repo
>Ads in the software store
>Charge devs/companies for softwares
>Users pay with money on the software store
>The user configs in /home, /opt etc will be in the cloud
>Basic windows (with no software) is made free
I can see that happening.
Wasn't there supposed to be another Windows version, but instead they'd make continous updates for it and at one point switch to a OS as a service model?
>OS as a service model
Doesn't conflict with my idea.
I think it's time they ditch that poor WIN32 model
It's still going to be Windows 10, but anyone on the "old" version of Windows 10 will no longer get security updates. I think.
Correct, even older versions of Windows 10 like the day-one free upgrade won't be recieving updates in a couple of months. But there is still a chance they might pull out an OS new from the groundup.
this guy again
Sounds like a good idea.
This time they should hide the botnet so people feel save and say they removed it.
W10 even screams botnet to your face.
Also let people manage it and stop being a locked down OS.
Examples, being able to deny updates, disable and/or shit without 3rd party tools, and stop forcing their shit (im looking at you edge changing to default without my permission).
>W10 even screams botnet to your face.
It's called gradual honesty. It's far easier making the majority accept botnets/bad politics/penis fishes/whatever that way.
Just what we needed: Longhorn 2.0: electric poo in loo
What really surprises me is how shareholders let Balmer get away with sacking all of his potential suitors while turning out such a mediocre performance for so long. Nadela isn't turning out to be much of a CEO and the company has floundered badly while Apple and Google eat into its market share.
If they decide to retire win32, what kind of guarantees are they going to make to their developers that the APIs will remain supported for a respectable amount of time? What kind of commitments will they make to admins and end users about control over their machine? It is pretty clear that they badly want to go full Apple.
>they badly want to go full Apple.
This is true.
t. windows 7 user
Satya "Poo in the Source Code Loo" Nadella really has to go back. Hope Trump makes it reality.
>Ubuntu 25.04 is Windows reskin with WSL
TLDR there wont be another windows
And also TLDR Linux will = Windows in the future too.
Of course there will be.
The whole "windows 10 is the last windows" was just what they told the people to convince them to upgrade to windows 10 instead of waiting for windows 11.
"there will be no windows 11, windows will be turned into a service"
Still have yet to see how they are going to sell Win10 to the government. "lel just trust us" doesn't get you far with them.
They'll make a cloud based Windows and it'll be a gigantic failure.
Balmer returned stellar investment returns and Nutella is doing the same. That's why the board doesn't care about gnu/linux market share or apple completely shitting on pro OS users, and focusing completely on mobile.
There is another thread about it right now.
It cant even run software that comes with windows.
Yes, they keep saying that.
Doesn't mean they won't magically change their mind when they feel high enough number of users have upgraded to windows 10.
Nice observation here, they made alot of money by just targeting the enterprise market and meking it imposible for a buisnes to dich their product.
Now with all this spyware presintalled they fucked up and no one is going to trust them, i guess some little buisnes will switch to linux and the biger ones will do a mix
>a premature leak
>it's shit and nothing works
fuck Sup Forums strikes again
next epic meme is born
>mfw win10 already incorporates linux kernel to natively run ubangtwo side by side with windows
Every year comes a new LTSB which extends support another year.
Im pretty sure they will just extend the support for the rest of the editions eventually.
Good. There needs to be more people that would like to support software for linux and other os. If microsoft were to create a cloud based os then the developer (unpaid) community would be pulverized.
>current state of windows
If this is true i'm going to linux.
I'm going to laugh when they eventually give up and push an update that stops non UWP programs working.
They will sell some version with legacy support for $2000 or something.
That's literally only for the current version. Base Windows 10 (pre Anniversary pack) runs out of support in like a year or two.
>hide the botnet
Why not just remove it?
>investment returns
>stock makes money
>products turn to shit
>sell adware to make up short term revenue
>only hope is for Windows to come on every new computer to keep ad impressions going
Seems like a shit plan to me.
Literally nobody cares though.
Nah, it will probably just be a registry bit and they'll have some thing in the Windows Store that you'd be able to buy which would be "Windows Support for Legacy Applications" either for free, or some trivial fee.
They wouldn't have to make it crazy expensive, because only a tiny fraction of Windows users on new systems would bother to do it, and they'd still over the next few years gain a massive user base who can't run Steam or games downloaded from it.
I've recently taken to call it Sup Forumsindows.
windows 7 v2
we can wish
>2025 is long way to go
>in 2020 Microsoft is going to release a new Windows named Windows Trident
>Trident now have total integration of xbox and VR by default and runs android emulation on the Pro releases
>Trident will now have only few versions : Trident (Pro) Retail/OEM/Ent and Trident Client which is a heavily cut down free version for client to 1 (one) server license use
>Trident now fully runs on 64-bit environment only and starting to supports 128-bit experimental with Intel, AMD, VIA, and Samsung.
>Installation size will be around 48gb and minimum of 4gb memory required
>Windows Store will have account sync to app store, play store, steam, psn and many other digital distributions like netflix and other services
>telemetry will have a official name called "Orbit-tech"
>OS now supports full future LTE standards with sim configuration support and modem/routers will be a past for desktops and laptops
Ignore me, i'm just farting.
Hopefully they'll wise up and fire that pajeet girl who's the ceo right now and the next guy will bring back XP.
>I think they are going to fork *BSD
Somewhere out there Dave Cutler is feeling a disturbance in the force.
There will be no Windows 11 actually, there will be Windows 10.1, 10.2 and so on... There isn't an OSXI either, is there?
Companies would probably keep paying MS for extended support for Windows 7. I don't know if any large enterprise will be willing to install something that is essentially spyware on their machines. Maybe some of them will eventually move to Linux? That would be very costly though.
The NT kernel, NTFS file system, and the UI as a whole are all FUBAR are this point and they know it
They are just going to make a new version that fixes all of that shit as a whole new OS
>enterprise market and meking it imposible for a buisnes to dich their product.
What actually competes with Active Directory or MS SQL Server that doesn't cost a fortune or has respectable support?
>They are just going to make a new version that fixes all of that shit as a whole new OS
are you implying that anyone there is competent enough to do any part of that
In the longshot event that happened they would just develop another operating system anew, but why? AFAIK every new version of the NT kernel is drastically different, but sporting the same abstraction layer for compatibility, and they're going to have to implement this layer in one way or another on any new platform they create regardless.
So what's the point? One of Windows' greatest strengths is its environment, mostly for compatibility reasons, as well as maybe experience/preference reasons. Why go through all that effort to dump all of that just to turn it into another shitty, barely competitive *nix with WINE pre-installed? People who wanted that environment already migrated long ago, or have already sufficiently integrated it into their operating system with the numerous tools available.
I could see them buying out someone like Codeweavers and creating a much better proprietary version of Wine as a compatibility layer so they could run Windows software
I'm sure they could do it, but why? They'd just end up dumping millions upon millions into re-inventing the wheel for no positive or meaningful reason. They're better off continuing on the path they are now, simply picking all of the good parts out of *nix space and steadily integrating them on top of NT.
Wine at this point can run most Windows software easily. And since Windows actually can see their own source code they could make a version of Wine that could run basically anything
No, that part of it is definitely clear. What I'm saying is that it's a lot of work for not a whole lot of return. Windows developers aren't going to suddenly ditch everything they know and switch to a *nix environment because they slid in a Linux or *BSD foundation under Windows.
Gues who is the biggest shareholder?
r u retard
they are going to the same model as osx uses now with incremental updates.
older versions will still update for free
I really hope they'll build a new OS from the ground up.
The crazy contraption called NT is getting shittier and shittier every day.
What they need to build off of is Windows 7, Windows 11 needs to take a page from Windows 7, and just add more features to it, and customization, dual monitor support, change the lock screen etc.
>ditch that poor WIN32
win32 is the only thing worth saving in Windows and you want to ditch it?
What's wrong with you? Win32 is the closest thing we have in a universal gui runtine/api and thanks to wine there is a partial free implementation
new os from the ground up have they ever done that other merge it all togther
Of course not, because they're aiming for the Chrome OS audience, whoever the fuck that may be.
I've always ignored the alternative OS downloads for my programs.
Honestly, if Steam and my browser works fine the only reason I have to keep Windows around is familiarity and old programs that were designed to run in a Windows environment.
I'll miss you Paint Shop Pro 6, Acdsee 5.0 and all you Japanese porn games.
What world do you people live in? Fucking nobody runs UWP anything, the software actually being used on Windows, but for work and for leisure is Win32, nobody gives a fuck about their store. The moment they remove Win32 compatibility is the moment they kill Windows off completely, there is no reason to use Windows whatsoever other than compatibility, which is in essence synonymous to Win32.
t. retard
No they don't
They just have a system call compat layer
>change the lock screen
There will be no windows 11
Full cloud cuck, light version of 10.
Full office 365 integration with 1 year license.
>So the lifetime support of windows 10 finishes in 2025.
Source: My ass
if microshit had any brains they'd move to a *nix system. they should have done it 10 years ago
>universal gui runtine/api
but that's wrong dipshit.
try running WIN32 shit on ARM.
oh wait, you can't.
that's why retards bought the Surface Pro instead of the Surface.
win32 is the reason people use windows, but at this point it's the worst part of windows left, and it can't be scrapped because... it's the reason people use windows
>only available on one platform, one architecture, one company
how in the fuck do you figure that?
>Microsoft moving to cloud based BSD distro
>tfw this sounds too real
>try running WIN32 shit on ARM.
why would you even want to do that
NT has run just fine on non-x86 platforms before though, the reason it doesn't anymore is because only hipsters bothered with it
>cloud based BSD distro
>Where is the money in that?
0.05 eurobuck / hour usage cost.
they already use linux internally on networking hardware used with azure, their cloud platform
and using BSD is even more likely, due to the license allowing them to modify it without releasing anything
>Try running win32 on ARM
Literally the only reason anyone uses Windows is Win32, even if they didn't go to Ubongo they'd just get fucking mac.
If the Linux kernel is used by Windows in ANY way, is Torvalds fault. He refused to make the kernel GPLv3.
Have you not heard that the US Military is adding Windows 10 as a requirement for all their new machines?
And now Microsoft is pushing back against the US government. How long before relations go to shit?
as if a microsoft *nix would use the FHS.
>it's 2025
>Microsoft releases another Windows distro that isn't cloud based
>Sup Forums cucks get triggered
>more memes
I see the day.
BSD? I don't think so.
They will go windows 10.2
Because they really l0ve OSX.