Friendly reminder

Friendly reminder

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that OP's a faggot retard shill?

>le redpill
>in hipster infographic form
I don't know how to feel about this

>hipster infographic form
Not anymore, get with the times
There you go, you're home Jimmy Numale

>Jimmy Numale

Friendly reminder that the "viral" gpl propelled linux past bsd in 2000, where bsd still sits, and while linux is now everywhere bsd is nofuckingwhere.
Closed off playstations and macs don't count.

is this a bait?




*BSD fags are cuckolds.

>BSD is a failure

>computers that succeed with BSD don't count

Or buy a Playstation

>GPL is communism gimmick

I didn't realize playstation was an OS

The grammar in this infographic enrages me to such an extent that I may start using BSD purely out of fucking spite.

>not using lgpl

>legally ensuring that programs stay free
>workers' ownership of the means of production, the abolition of private property, production for use and distribution based on contribution
this is entirely the same
>expect nothing in return of your work like actual commie puppets
ah but isn't one of the core tenets of marxism that in the capitalist mode of production workers produce 100% of the value of a product and the owner steals a large proportion of that value for himself, and that this is one of the motivators for revolution and overthrow of the capitalist mode of production?

>do you want to be free

Well, it's BSD.

Permissive licensed code that gets ripped from it's developers cold dead hands, and used to make profit for greedy global corporations in proprietary software doesn't count. Doesn't profit it's creator, and doesn't profit the community. Fuck BSD, and fuck the moronic cucks who think it's "more free".

You're free to do the same. What's your excuse?

>I'd kill myself, but the government says I'm not allowed to

I came here expecting a license thread, not a feel one

its called FREE software you autistic fucks, not free until you do something with my software that i don't like. FREE AS IN FREE BEER

Your probably already using it in one form or another. No point in punishing yourself by trying to use a BSD operating system on you're desktop computer, though. GNU/Linux exists.


Except that like 95% of free software is blatant shit, and other 4.9% is good but inferior to the proprietary alternative. The reality is that companies develop better stuff because they invest a lot of money into it, and that's why BSD licenses have spawned awesome commercial products that we all benefit from; if that code had been licensed as GPL instead of BSD, many things would not exist.

The old "only hobbyists create gpl code" meme.
You really are completely clueless, aren't you?

Still waiting for GIMP to surpass Photoshop...

And then they mix it with their seekrit Windows libraries and cerate an OS that's safe but supports plenty of application software; this OS becomes the new norm and has over 90% of the market share ehile GNU/Linux keeps having 2%.



Apple keeps the BSD parts open though

GPL doesn't require anybody to pay the creator lol

And neither does BSD
Whats your point?

photoshop is SaaS now kek

>Sales/Downloads equals quality meme

Show me a list of GPL things that in practice are superior to the proprietary alternatives; there are less than 50 and most are server software. Then you could make a list of proprietary things that spawned from BSD code and they would probably be in the tens of thousands and also in a field that moves lots of money, such as consoles and smart appliances and shit that everyone buys.

Companies spend money to make money and the fact that they compete with others forces them to deliver a quality product. GPL is just a clusterfuck where they fork a project because of political reasons and social justice, and then they end up with 10 forks of the same thing, none of which surpasses the proprietary version and all struggling with funding. On top of that consider that most BSDs have better audition processed because they're funded by universities and worked by interns, shit last time I checked FreeBSD had 11 bugs; then you can check how many bugs the Linux kernel has and it's in the thousands, with like 70% of the fixes consisting on declaring the bug not common enough to be fixed and removing it from the list.

Lincucks hate BSDs because BSDs are what Linux wanted to be and failed to; and the reason of this failure is that the GPL doesn't promote private inversion. Why should I spend money on developing something that I won't be able to exploit exclusively?

Yes, they do. Photoshop is the industry standard for a reason and pretty much everyone who works with it agree. If you disagree feel free to go and convince them that GIMP is superior, which shouldn't be too hard to do if you're actually right. Come back when you have enlightened 100,000s of professionals with your knowledge and changed the world, kiddo.

The difference between Linux and BSD is that BSD makes it possible.

>"Muh freedom"
>cucked by systemD

if this post gets 10 quotes OP will be banned for being a cuck

>find BSD code
>relicense as GPL

There you go

>glorious W7 masterrace
>all software works on my machine
>all hardware has support/drivers for my machine
>no bloatware to clutter up my disk
>no pop-ups telling me to try out edge/cortana/windows store
>no spyware as long as you don't download telemetry updates
>simple and functional UI that is built specifically for mouse+keyboard
>work all day using proper, proprietary software
>play vidya all night

Feels good man

The main method of propagating communism is to describe the horror of communism then sed /communism/capitalism. It's like when Democrats call their opponents fascist.

>the horror of communism
phew, i mean being able to get anything you need and not having the value of your work stolen is pretty dire.
the paris commune was popular and it worked. the russian ssr was stable by the time lenin died.
>then s/communism/capitalism/
the horror of capitalism is real, it means poverty, war, killing, destruction and sabotage of the future of the planet.
if you believe that the democrats espouse anything close to communism or socialism you're best off reading a wikipedia article, and if you're prepared to go past that, read a book. democrats are but part of the one us business party that solely work to further the aims of the bourgeoisie, like any state.


Notice how these threads never have benchmarks or head-to-heads.

Linux is objectively worse performer than BSD, licensing isn't even the ground-zero for why you'd need to reject GNU

i can't stand the reddit left actually, they are pseuds who have gone absolutely insane with identity politics
>Linux is objectively worse performer than BSD
i will never believe this statement for the reason that there is so much more manpower going into the linux kernel than freebsd (openbsd even more so but it's not a priority for them). as well linux gets new networking features first because its an easy testbed to get them implemented, so things like tcp fast open get a linux impl first.

BSD as a desktop OS is a fucking joke.

But essential items are never in full supply the value of your work is stolen by the commissars. Are people really so stupid as to take the works of Marx at face value? He was a bitter man who couldn't function in normal society and sought to destroy it.

you assume that communism is inherently this big government authoritarian monstrosity and it's not.
>essential items are never in full supply
essential items are almost never in full supply in developing countries, and there are points in time when we have crises of supply in essential items (contrived example: marmite crisis of late 2016)
>the value of your work is stolen by the commissars
this is impossible when you and your colleagues run the workplace, there are no commissars or bosses to be stealing.
>Are people really so stupid as to take the works of Marx at face value? He was a bitter man who couldn't function in normal society and sought to destroy it.
his ideas didn't develop in isolation, he was contemporary with other socialists and anarchists like the chartists, bakunin, and proudhon

Can you please quit doing that autistic point by point thing? Also if communism is not inherently big government authoritarian monstrosity how come it is always implemented as such? Because it's not possible to run otherwise. It's a fairy tale. Also are you actually bringing up literal anarchists to refute Marx's being anarchist?

>Linux is objectively worse performer than BSD
LOL deluded BSD cuck

So you're sayin'?

OS/2 and eCom:
How do I make WiFi go? And why won't it crash?
Oh god, this is the best UI eveGURU MEDITATION
Classic Amiga OS:
Time for some gamGURU MEDIGURU GURGURU 0x248909
What a nice OS, let's go find some software...
Error: controller not found
Error: only ATA drives are supported
Unsupported device (USB mouse) connected

I can make it look like ANYTHING! Now give me a few hours to repair all the damage I've done...
This is nice. WTFVIRUS
I swear I didn't have this goatee an hour ago...

>please quit doing that autistic point by point thing
>how come it is always implemented as such?
the paris commune was not authoritarian, the communards enjoyed the most freedom maybe anyone has had in history and it was a successful socialist community. the russian ssr was on the path to lenin's predicted "withering away" of the state until stalin, the true counter revolutionary, seized control and turned the ussr into what it is remembered for.
>are you actually bringing up literal anarchists to refute Marx's being anarchist?
can you rephrase that please

The paris commune is a fairy tale. It never happened. The radicals that overthrew the king immediately implemented an atheist super state and the people had to literally elect Napoleon to get out of it. This is why leftists spout so much bull about history being evil, so that when they tell you lies like this you have nothing to contradict them by.

Of course it is, since it stopped being developed decades ago and it was never for desktops in the first place. BSD-family UNIX-like OSes however, are the best OSes available for desktops; especially FreeBSD.

Android isn't even Linux, and the same goes for a lot of embedded stuff. Stop moving the goalposts cuck.

Let's say I make a program. I include calls to a library that is under GPL. Does my entire project need to be GPL or only what I modify in the library (which is nothing because why the fuck would I do that)?

what the fuck are you talking about
>the radicals that overthrew the king
the paris commune was in the period of the third republic
>immediately implemented an atheist super state
superstate is a massive overstatement
>and the people had to """elect Napoleon"""
either you know nothing about history or have constructed a hugely flawed troll. napoleon the third had recently died, napoleon was never elected and it was the french army who destroyed the commune. no point wasting my time here any longer

>Android isn't Linux, it's BSD

I use the unlicense on all of my github projects. Stuff like dumb Minecraft plugins, random scripts I wrote to make my life easier, and whatnot. Shit that doesn't matter.

For my personal gamedev stuff I do on the side I run a gitolite server and don't release source.

Fight me

Educate yourself

Except this thing happens every century or so, and has consistently happened ever since capitalism took effect after feudalism fell to the Renaissance. History repeats itself; there isn't a new thing under the sun. Radical uprisings are indistinguishable from each other, and invariably end in failure, because they aren't supported by the people, because they don't serve the people. How would an entire city fall to such a comparatively small force, especially for a siege, if this commune was truly run by the people?

>something is freely given
>anyone who takes advantage is stealing it

This is what gpl niggers actually believe. Moar liek JewPL though, amirite?

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you’re referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.
Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called “Linux”, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project. There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use.
Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine’s resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called “Linux” distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.


If you are publishing something under the BSD licence, it's more like a garbage bag so you should not care what people do with your throwaway code

>he misunderstands the meaning of free again

>implying I want to waste my time learning to program
>implying I'd lurn C even if I did


Absolutely nothing successful has come from permissive licesenses like BSD yet GPL software has some of the most successful projects of all time. If you have no requirement to care about your code, you'll always get shit results.

bsd posters exist on this board because they are hipsters, there's really not anything else to it

one day one of their friends started using ubuntu so to protect this they no longer use linux or have friends

you can't be the same as anyone else or else you can't pretend you're superior

How could you be posting this if it was not?

systemAIDS was written for boot times in the first place

so nice going: you fucked everything up for faster boot times in a OS renown for not having to be rebooted very often

Why do opponents of BSD say that people can steal your code? There's no stealing going on. They're using it for free for their own purposes. Similarly, other people can use it for free in free software if they choose. There is nothing wrong with a free software library being used in a proprietary application. In fact, it's better that a free library be used rather than a proprietary library.

All enterprise networking switches use BSD, PS4 uses BSD, Mac OS x is successful too.

You lincucks are a bunch of hypocrites.

You can't shut up about "muh freedom", but what about freedom of choice? I am free to choose whatever the fuck I want to use as an operating system, a browser, anything.

You are against the core idea of freedom, because you are constantly harassing people for how they exercise their freedom.

My life is powered by FreeBSD.

Macbook for computing, PS4 for gaming. Both based on FreeBSD. Really makes you think.

If it was run by the people, the people themselves would fight to protect it, like they did in America. They could have even petitioned a foreign power to aid in their resistance like the Americans did France, but nobody wanted to do that. Why?

Freedom 0. Also literally none of this applies to people who just use the software. It's only when you decide to write it that you can begin to protect what you wrote.

great analogy op


As you can see, there is more than one definition for the word. This isn't an uncommon thing in English.

>Macshit is FreeBSD
Fuck off itoddler

None of those count. I'm not going to tell you this again.

You can steal GPL code all day. You know how you get passed it? By making your program closed source... How is someone gonna figure it out if they can't view the source. GPL accomplishes nothing.

>How is someone gonna figure it out if they can't view the source.
Program flow.

Yeah, good luck with that. SSL had vulnerabilities for years and no one read or fixed it till a lot of damage was done.


>Amelia Bedelia detected

kek. Free as in free to do whatever the fuck Stallman and the FSF tell you to do. Stop taking everything so literally, queer.

Not only is this completely unrelated and irrelevant, but also this is why we need rust. C is cancer.

friendly reminder

I like how Sup Forums hates niggers because they blame whites for being successful when they can't be, but then Sup Forums hates jews because they blame jews for being successful when they can't be.

Well, Sup Forums is mostly comprised of rich, white businessmen, so their positions are kind of understandable.

Yea, but they are all old money business faggots, so really they are the ones responsible for allowing the Jews to ever run amok to begin with. This just makes Sup Forums a bunch of hypocrites to be honest.

>Windows mobile

Thinking makes Sup Forumss head hurt.


No we hate Jews for subverting and slowly destroying Western civilization. I could care less about how greedy they are.

>Well, Sup Forums is mostly comprised of rich, white businessmen
Apparently it makes your head hurt too seeing that you said the dumbest thing I've heard today.

As a communist I am fine with this.

This... is pretty accurate.

It's worse than I thought.

Stopped reading there.

>could care