Silly question: why dont they make CPUs as a long rectangle instead of a square?

Silly question: why dont they make CPUs as a long rectangle instead of a square?
Would that not be more efficient for cooling?

higher latency.

The further away the 0s and 1s are away from each other, the slower it goes senpai

A die is like 100-200mm^2

transistor distance between each other

at those frequencies it becomes a limiting factor

Then why don't they make it into a cube and attach coolers to each side instead of just on top?

They did in the late 90's.

Way better cooling, and clock speeds jumped to redickulous highs during that time.

However, it was too expensive and hard to mobile so they went back to flat squares.

But they do, look up Skylake-EX.

Wont the next intel cpus be round?

AMD does for their server chips. Intel did for the Pentium Pro way back in 1996, but honestly, that was before heat became a major issue with CPU's.

AMD already did that

Volume scales with ^3

I'd say removing heat from surface is easier than removing heat from dept.

cpu's should become cubes with integrated Fluorocry piping to a integrated sink that requires water colling.

Intel had them beat by a few years.

When with this *PGA meme die so we can go back to sexy DIP?

It's mainly a structural engineering thing. It would increase likelihood of chip death by about 180%. Especially on those riced cases we all use with a Noctua N15 on it that weighs 100 pounds.

How the fuck would a DIP CPU with 942 points of connection work?

The dies are actually not rectangle. I don't know, it's weird. But the packaging is of course rectangle for structural integrity reasons.

My Noctua doesn't weigh 100 pounds. Are you a manlet?

> a pound of feathers is lighter than a pound of steel

are you stupid?


Why not a tesseract? Surely 4 dimensions can hold more transistors than 3
