What OS has built in

what OS has built in

>word processor
>presentation software
>PDF reader
>audio editor
>video editor
>image editor
>global dictionary
>password manager
>file manager with column view and batch renaming
>godtier aesthetic



>default software
top kek

I hope one day you are about to present a big project and then you forget this is your desktop and it gets shown to the whole audience.

>makes a long list of bloatware
>calls them features
Only a macfag


w-wow rude

please stay off my posts, you hijack every thread to post your shitty desktop, contributing nothing to the topic at hand.

I suppose it must be frustrating having the crappiest desktop on /w/, always getting outshined by better anime desktops so instead of competing and losing against your own kind, you find a reason to post it elsewhere.

please stay off this board, thank you. luckily the mods/janny are good here

Windows 7 by PajeetOS

none because that's not what an OS does.


fuck off faggot. everyday you make these meme threads with your shitty OSX skins.

I use GNU/Linux now but do love macOS

The only problem is it doesn't run well on good hardware.

Why Apple? Why did you remove all of the damn ports from your products?


unsurprisingly, the windows/linux tard doesn't realize default software doesn't have to suck


>not using quake-style terminal

Ubuntu has most of them :p

Wouldn't it be easier to list the ones that doesn't?




It's sort of a shitty situation.

I have Windows, which is compatible with most software, but has shitty font rendering, a lot of tinkering to make it look good, these worthless updates..

I have linux (currently Ubuntu MATE), very simplistic but I had to google a lot of shit just to get basic functions, and I heard a lot of times about how you get to know what goes on behind the scenes, but I never managed to figure out how I fixed tearing on chromium.

And then there's macOS, a tiny bit slower on some tasks than Windows/Linux, at least noticeable but not a deal breaker. But it's compatible with most software for work (not games), looks good without tinkering too, has no issues with updates, I had very few problems I couldn't easily fix. I got used to it pretty much and it's sad. Fuck it even got Sketch.

Prebundled != built-in

TouchWizz doesn't have this problem

One that obviously has a monopoly on their own products, of course.

Microsoft got in trouble for that shit, bundling all that kind of application support into Windows yet Apple has never even had a slap on their limp wrists over it.

Talk about unfair business practices, I mean really.

A shitty OS.

The more software your OS has pre installed the shittier it is.

also lincuck NEETs don't need all that cuz they don't go outside or have a job

a bloated OS

>this shit OS can't do anything stock without having to get 3rd party bloatware
>this shit OS has too much functionality with its 1st party bloat

fucking Sup Forums