Stop programming in java

stop programming in java


Remember Sup Forumsanons, anything by Oracle is cancer.

>it triggers Sup Forums
That makes it even better.


Mfw i need to use java for android programming class

Nah, Swing just werks.

What's wrong with the greatest programming language on the planet?

People find it too hard, can you believe that shit?

a system is capable of inputting and outputting information.


java is pretty cash actually.

> he took android programming class

what did you expect

Java = training wheels

I'm programming in excel, what now?

Stop making edgy music :^)

This is what happens when kids are taught Fisher-Prices languages like Python/JavaScript/Ruby as their first language.

Good universities teach C, C++, Java and Scheme in first year CS courses because anything they learn after that can only get easier. It's also good for weeding out the idiots who get depression as soon as they get to their first C systems course.

I do what I want.

What about Swift?

People who wants to help you may actually hate you.

It's too Objective-C what TypeScript is to JS.

This. Without C you can't do shit. Operating systems, system programming, parallel programming etc are C only.


I agree.
C# is vastly superior anyway...

but then again I earn more money with javascript only in one month than C programmers in half year

Daily reminder that if you need a college to teach you how to program, you have no talent and should start practicing digging holes or painting walls.

did Dennis Ritchie went to academia? or learned stuff on its own and invented C and UNIX?

Please, there's Javafags who won't use C++ because it's too hard for them

Do you like your job, at least?
I work in a C++ shop, I hate it half the time because the projects have accumulated cruft and make it hard for someone new to get into the project without pain. But at least, I enjoy doing C at home, and sometimes at work when I can experiment C++11/14 features in R&D. I really feel like that there is still so much work that can be done in both C and C++.
Money is not everything, you must feel that what you're working on is not a dead end, otherwise you'll burn out after 10 years, and your well-earned savings will only permit you to survive the burn-out, nothing more.

javascript is the future beacuse the internet is the future
Are there any jobs in C anymore? Are there companies actually employing strictly C programmers? For what ffs? I know C too but why bother... I cant hack people online using C

C jobs exist because you can't make protocols or embedded systems in html.

i know, arent they already made 30 years ago?

It is recognizable that Java has its flaws and it certainly is not the best language in existence but to outright refuse to use the tools of the trade is foolish. Face it, Sup Forums, Java is one of the most popular programming languages. There is nothing that these fags who fap to anime can do about it.

the tools of the trade for making calls to C++ libraries in your trendy webapp on android

Oracle > Micro$oft
