Why are androids not popular in japan

Why are androids not popular in japan

no culture of freedom

They are? Sony has most of the market share there.

the average japanese is tech illiterate to the point of retardation
>lol but android isn't hard
Yes but iPhones showed up there before the android so it's a case of baby duck syndrome

Japan is pro white and won't use freetard anti white degeneracy like android.

Apparently windows phone is really popular as well

if you have stats for this post it ffs


Its sad that the supposedly superior aryan race doesn't know about foss and use shit like iphone all while sipping their caramel macchiato. Fuck this world.

Go back to peppering the bull, cuck. Jamal is waiting.


Foss is communist and degenerate. Proprietary software isn't full of degenerate trap faggots and mentally ill trannies.

idk idk idk

Why are there no big japanese smartphone brands?


>Japan is pro white...muh 'degeneracy'

Japan is pro Japanese you retarded

They were the only ones with a relatively recent chart that wasn't putting apple at over 50%
so, you're welcome fag

yeah that's why they like to watch the BBC defile their women just like americucks

Yeah, its full of pajeets and tumblrinas

Because they are rich enough to afford iPhone and other pricey tech, meanwhile 47% US families have only $1090 in savings

lol the autists are so literal and easily flustered


Culture of not being able to make user friendly software

Japanese are honorable ayrans you cuck, they're white.


wtf that can't be true. normies seem so rich


some (you) for u

>best financial website
>gee has a problem with it

people like iphone because as shitty as it may be, it's a universal UI and form factor

getting a different android phone from another brand may as well be a completely different version of android, because it is.

google has no control therefore there is no uniformity.


>pro white

How the fuck asians become white, did they nuke that place again?

Even when google does have control, they still fuck it up. It's unbelievable.


>call peole cuck
>say japanese are white

Because Japan is a shitty racist, boring, soul crushing place.

Japan is white because they're honorable ayrans, it is the last bastion of whites left.

cuck, have fun with your asian gf

Japanese are weird people. iPhones are used by weird people (i.e. faggots and cucks)

Enjoy your ugly """""""white""""""""" black or mexican wife, cuck.

>8 posts in and a tech thread turn into Sup Forums thread.


>Japanese are honorable ayrans

this. japs don't care about freedom, they care about lolis.



I highly doubt Apple allows Loli VNs in the app store.

Didn't japan use to think of itself as a consumer tech leader? Is everyone there really okay with importing from Cupertino,China?