/ptg/ - Private Tracker General

edtion-less edition

Previous thread >Not sure what private trackers are all about?
The mission of /ptg/ is to promote the highest possible standards of tracker service by providing members with opportunities for professional development, by recognizing technical competence through examinations and by advancing the interests of its members.

>Have a question?
FAQ pastebin.com/LQxkS1mU
WIKI wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Private_trackers
MORE REFERENCE gitla.in/ptgGuide/ptgGuide/tree/master
IRC #ptg irc.rizon.net 6697/9999 SSL only

When autism reaches critical levels, news will get posted in this thread.
Want it sooner? Do it yourself or read the old thread.

Use as a link to find the /ptg/ thread.

Remember the following:
>Staff occasionally read these generals and have posted here before.
>Staff may pretend to be normal users asking for invites and when you invite them, they ban you for inviting strangers
>This is a thread for educational purposes only don't offer or ask for invites

Yes, forgetting the news!


another fucker who lacks imagination for news

delet this

OP has no news for (You)

/ptg/ ALERT

>[BLACKED] 2017.02.04 Kendra Sunderland (Kendra\'s Obsession Part 4) [480p][2mbps]][Mp4]

there was no new thread for a while
are you all really that incompetent that couldn't even make a new thread with your news, but instead waited for someone else to do it 'wrong'

they really are

is there anything special in btn invite forums I can't get from ptp/hdb/ahd?

kg but other than that no

>tfw made it into hdbits
who /s*tfo*li*e/ here?

>he was not /setforlife/ before getting hdb
wew lad

hello, Swampfrog




What initial ratio do you usually get from autosnatches? I'm getting 1:10 at best, seems not to be worth it.


autism is reaching critical levels!

That's UL:DL ? What seedbox are you using?

a raspberry pi on my 35/5 home network

omg, why is the mad lad pedalling curry in pth forums?

Finally got into BTN through an invite from a friend a few days ago and it's been long enough that I think I can offer commentary:

Holy shit this is so much better than MTV or other sites. I found the TehC > PTP "upgrade" to be fairly meaningless and often use TehC over PTP still but BTN is leagues better.

If you can get into BTN and like TV, do it. Ratioless and their bonus point system is great from what I can tell. Downloaded 2TB over a couple nights and no ratio watch rubbish.

>sharing 200GB of lolicore on slsk
this is what happens every time
>guy starts downloading a huge amount of it
>part way though probably listens to a few songs
>cancels all of the downloads

>invite from a friend a few days ago
>Downloaded 2TB

this, you mean?

>edtion-less edition
Bitch edition

Has either PTH or ApuLoo reached 1mil torrents.
I won't join b4 that.
Also daily reminder waffles took the money and ran.

danny is a cuck

Post waffles stats anyone?
They could have been #1 tracker if it wasn't for the downtime.
They would have gotten donations too. RIP

no, ok, ok

>I won't join b4 that.

pls fuck off to POO fucking lazy leech

>it is harder to get into pooploop than asstheheadphones

this really makes me think!

Why am I even on BTN? TV is trash. I don't even watch any shows that are currently airing.

ask myself the same thing
tv trackers are pleb shit, tbqhwyrnf

in order

no one cares
no one cares


>giving money to trackers
kek lad

>Why am I even on BTN? TV is trash

You need mental help.

I only watch Japanese TV shows and there is not much of it on the site. Sigh.

why isnt zooqle better than all ur secret clubs again?


get in

sure you did

public retards don't seed. private gods seed.

to the guy that just keeps slamming caps lock

you're doing a really really bad troll job man

who would want to join a tracker that's starting to go backwards?


keep hook posting, nala! one day your tracker won't be shit!

>go to APO interview
>no need to wait
>give proofs of ratio from nya, bakabt and general ratios of your utorrent program
>tell few of your favorite albums
>YOURE IN, BOY! Welcome and GL!

>go to PassingHandPhone interview
>have to wait SEVERAL HOURS
>get scolded for asking invite (why not try your luck if you already waited so long, lol?)
>Copy paste answer to the question - "This looks like a quote from the interview site. You failed. Good luck next time"

Gee, i wonder which site is better and actually made FOR PEOPLE.

this really altered my perspective!

some more freeleech will solve it


>give proofs of ratio from nya
nyaa doesn't track ratio, you complete demented mpron

im still trying to find out where they recruit from...

what's an easy to get into x264.me?

>implying you cant screenshot your utorrent program

if you don't know already, you'll never get in :^)

get in sir

lmao. pooloo staff on suicide watch
the plebs need more freeleech

>tfw i have no friends to invite me to BTN

otherwise known as
also stop bullying people silver


PU or elite?

like where? none of the tracker i'm offer invites to x264.me

should i try APL?


i don't know lad, they're almost everywhere.
uhdbits, tehc, pth, ahd etc
i'm not elite on apollo to tell you though

But how do you show it's from nyaa?

wait, PTH offer invites to x264.me? is that for PU or elite?

well they probably do, i haven't checked just now though
everything is in the PU invite forums right now


you can get on x264 it is good!

So does POO though.

>2 on 1 scene
>no DP
>not even anal

It is on both PTH and APL, one needs PU on PTH to access the invite forum and Elite to access APL's.

fast way to get PU on PTH?

Fill a request



Wait till the next FL.

I thought that was their new acronym...?

hop in

me on the bag


i'll probably get sniped though or something
and i prefer keeping piracy cost-free if possible


love that doggy.

what's better tehc or x264?

poorfag neet faggott identified
ratiomaster you dumb shit


x264 for quality, Teh for quantity


dubdubs confirm

x264 AHD or UHD. which one and why?

AHD because you get real recruitment

AHD if you can get in :^)

definitely AHD because no 576p meme or tayto bloat :o)

its not even worth it tbqh

>the feeling when you thought it was a meme but you realize it's real.

you know how i know he's white?

well I just want a tracker for high quality 576p rips for older SD-only content.. would an alternative be any better for that?

>high quality
pick one

older SD content is usually not 576p kek

bithq is pretty goof for dvd rips, new and old

but yea, x264 is perfect for 576p

he's uploading, he's seeding, he's in the forums.
leave the guy alone, he's a good private tracker user.