gtk takeover is sketchy shit. systemd is in the same vein.
What's their endgame?
Fix the balkanized shit that GNU FOSS software has.
> systemd
It's nothing.
>gtk takeover
QT seems to be dominating, even Unity 8 will be using QT.
>le systemd is le nsa maymay xD
I meant Redhat hijacked gtk development.
QT has long been better. Even more at the time of full GTK+2.
Well, competition is good even for open sauce.
does it mean that they'll stop breaking the API every version?
i never, EVER used a GTK program that didn't have errors
DBus (and fucking kdbus)
Wayland (implementations dependent on systemd)
Just pick your poison. Software is becoming so massively entangled that no single developer can dare to debug that hairball.
If no independent developers can debug or even fork this, isn't the same to say RedHat pretty much controls the Linux world?
nope, since devs can fork and maintain previous version if they wish.or they could just start porting things to bsd. if not something else, there are several alternative os' whose bandwagon they could jump on
your answer is just theoretical and not practical, forking any of those projects is nothing easy and the current developers made sure of it.
Is clear you didn't read the previous post.
>being this out of touch with reality
Looks like the open source memes really did a number on you, user.
you're not getting it, they don't have to fork those entagled webs of fuckery, they just need to take and maintain a previous version of the linux kernel
Holy shit, you're right! Fuck Torvalds, fuck LKML and fuck all userspace software, let's just fork Linux!
>durr I don't understand shit so I'll mock you and pretend a task is herculean
dude, maintaining a previous kernel with security patches in no way negates comparability with anything dumbass
I'm not even sure if you're trying to bait or genuinely don't know anything about open source development anymore.
it's obvious you don't know anything about opensource dev, also you're completely ignoring the other option I listed so it is surely thou who art baiting
>>le systemd is le nsa maymay xD
RedHat's biggest customer is DoD and NSA you dumbfuxk.
Wha? Redhat bought Ximian in the 90s.
And systemd was in-house. Hell, I was one of the people who brought Lennart in-house.
Friendly reminder NOBODY here knows ANYTHING about tech, anyone who thinks they do should KILL THEMSELVES this is the BOTTOM OF THE BARREL for tech boards on any chan site. participating in arguments about tech here only PROVES you are a true faggot nigger. I only come here for entertainment
Do you go into an autistic fury when ever you see him?
>projecting this hard
Why wouldn't it be? SELinux is.
>using a distro with a fedora as a mascot
Why even bother? Might as well embrace this stupid android botnet or go to OpenBSD, which most likely will run into problems due to lack of drivers just like what happened to linux in the early 00s.
>I don't know anything about OpenBSD, the post
vertical integration is good. now redhat can finally make a good linux desktop without people arguing and getting in their way. embrace our redhat overlords, at least it's not canonical
>BSD has drivers and can do everything Linux does!
" . . .RedHat pretty much controls the Linux world?"
"And one ring to bind them all."
they're going to offer 99$/mo tech support for GTK+
>I don't know anything about OpenBSD, the post, continued
digging yourself deeper, it seems you dont know what the fuck the project is at all
developing software and receiving crippleware in exchange?
no thanks
the project isn't commercial. the project is not for you, it isn't for consumers. openbsd is developed by its user base. are you developing openbsd? no? the project isn't you. comparing hardware support to popular linux distros shows how little you fucking know about anything lol little baby
>bsd has drivers
no it doesn't
>yeah well you're not good enough for bsd
ok kid
Him? Who? Lennart? I convinced RH to hire him.
And it was a brilliant fucking move.
ayyy outing yourself as a low-tier troll. Theo de Raadt would punch your fucking throat and make you look like a little bitch boy, i can imagine the look of pain on your face while you try to explain to him about what openbsd is and does, and its success and many contributions currently in stream
you are a scary person
I had FreeBSD detect a wireless card that linux struggled with, sounds like you just have a hard time doing things on *nix buddy
>why I left openbsd
>no name
your crippleware BSD is purposely without drivers, very suspicious theo the rat don't harass people to be available for more hardware
samefag, just google
hope saying that saved your frail ego from collapsing
What is the real reason the Gnome developers made systemd a dependency?
Do they secretly hate BSD users?
You.. You're a monster!
Monster? No. But I'm a little jealous of Lennart's anti-posse now and then (until I remember I have completely different priorities from Lennart).
This post reeks of tumblrina manipulative tactics, no offense.
I did not post that with the intent to bully your beloved OS, but you should stop falling for these obvious baits if they are making you upset.
no offense taken seeing how i won our little exchange friend
>playing pretend on Sup Forums
Nope, try again.
Dude you better be pretending because if lennart sees this thread, he will know who you are and fucking toast you.
Don't be an idiot.
Huh? I like Lennart fine and he likes me. This is long ago past, man. The right thing happened.
Can someone please explain to me why Systemd is and always has been unanimously hated on this board? I'm new to Linux but I'm learning and I'd just like to know the history of this subject.
babby ducks don't like change. don't worry about it.
from what I understand one of the core philosophies of linux is that everything should do one thing and do that one thing really fucking well
systemd is an init system that tries to do WAY fucking more than an init system needs to do
it's a dependency chainer. That's all it does.
This core philosophy failed at the core.
systemd is good
kdbus is fucking horrifying though seriously what the fuck
Has hidden direct links to the NSA .
I think their long game is to make linux not shit.
dude lets take these scripts everyone liked and make an entangled mess that everything depends on lmao
Yes and everyone recognized this, so kdbus is dead and it's being replaced with bus1.
They want to go full botnet. They killed that Debian fella because he found out about the plan.