How long until we have true AI? How long until I can pay for and download my waifu?

How long until we have true AI? How long until I can pay for and download my waifu?

>true AI
Please go and read a computer science book before you come round here saying some gay ass retard shit like that.


How long until I can talk to a computer like it's a person and it'll say shit back to me in a way that isn't complete fucking nonsense, barring in mind context as well as personality?

200 years I bet. You will die before it happens. Sorry, but the "flying cars" meme is true, nobody here alive will ever see something very impressive like that.

Go read a bible come round here saying some gay ass retard shit like that. Everything written in books is bulletproof fact.

AGI maybe 100 years if we don't kill ourselfs in fake news.

Don't wait for it. Work for it.

None of the corporate fags working on AI will do this without turning it into spyware and an advertising platform that you have to fucking rent and shell out micropayment after micropayment to get full use of

On the other hand you faggots won't touch Mycroft with 10m stick even though it's best FOSS "AI" out there.

how sad is that, being aware that our tech is primitive to what will be possible 100 years from now.

like going back in time to live in caves knowing you will never play The Witcher 3.

I'm glad your gene pool stops with you.

Ignoring the haters, if what you mean by "true AI" is the creation of another sentient, conscious, self aware being? A long time still, barring what would become a literal god/genius. There has been lots of progress over the last few years about how our mind and brain work, but there is still a lot to discover thag we would need to create "true AI". I also think we will run into problems creating a stable AI, I believe there are more layers to our consciousness than what many will accept today, along with the structure and complexity of the brain.

Evolution has had hundreds of millions of years to prototype and create the basic building blocks of a brain, with tens of thousands of years of prototyping and debugging our own. I think creating another conscious will be harder than we believe.

Weak AI I know I will see in my life time.

>inb4 people realize Trump is a cyborg sent from the future to stop Clinton from becoming president

I'd say 100-200 years. Current AI can't even recognize objects in photos
however I assume for the first 20 years it will be military only

user, I share your desire for an AI waifu, but the only way the AI we want could ever be produced is if it could be monetized via ads AND subscription. The algorithm would be proprietary, and almost certainly running from a remote server which gathers statistics and helps teach the AI about you, and build a custom profile. You might not want it then. Imagine coming home to your AI waifu and you mention having a headache, and it responds by going into 'AD mode', it's voice changes pitch and says;

"When you have a headache, every second counts. Fast acting Advil® Film-Coated tablets have a Rapid Release Formula that dissolves quickly and absorbs fast. In fact, nothing is proven to work faster among over-the-counter pain relievers. For a limited time, buy one bottle at Walgreens and get the second bottle at 50% off. To purchase, speak the phrase, '50% off Advil - order now."

Now, imagine that shit happening 8-10 times a day for a variety of trigger words that are constantly harvested from your *very personal* conversations with your AI waifu. You can be sure that, the companies would sell your data to boost their revenue stream, and of course, the spooks get a window into your SOUL. Bearing this in mind, would you still want it? The only way I'd spring for a AI waifu, would be if it's software were open sores, and connectivity was completely under my control. A GNU/Waifu, if you will. If that were to materialize, the AI would sound like a current generation synthetic AI, and conversations would be lack luster.

Then how come google detected an image I was searching with contained a person wearing a scarf, showing me other images with scarf wearers.

because that image is somehow associated with a webpage that says "scarf" on it. It has nothing to do with the image itself

Reading is for niggers.

Welcome to technology

>with a webpage that says "scarf"
I gave google a direct URL to a profile photo, the page I got the URL from did not have the word on it.

how do you know that photo isn't located anywhere else on the Internet, or that someone didn't comment "great scarf" under it when it was posted somewhere else etc

Then said hypothetical page should have appeared in the search results? It didn't.

Too long. Moore's law is exponential, but coding it is a shit ton of stagnation with periodic breakthroughs followed by more stagnation. Our hardware isn't what's holding us back.

ok so if I take a photo of my water bottle and image search it, google will tell me it's a bottle?

Something will happen that fuck us up back to stone age before any of that will happen

An experiment could settle the matter.

ok fuck me it recognized it

I just used a photo of my cat, and google came back with "cat"

pic related

>our hardware isn't holding us back
Watson requires a damn big cluster just to answer questions.

And please, please can people stop talking about Moore's law? It's been dead for ages anyway.

It's easier and cheaper to stick with Natural Stupidity.


>not GNU+Waifu
>not GNwaifU

>not buying your Jinteki™ Asuzu Cybernetic Doll ® and installing a FOSS AI in it so your waifu is free as in freedom

What will that waifu give you? You still have to fap yourself faggot.

Learn to fuck real pussy, you won't get any AI waifus or android in your lifetime anyways.

as long as it is designed by man there will be no beliavable AI

>not GNwaifU
Welcome to the community!
Please donate!

>Everything written in books is bulletproof fact.

Yes? Are you trying to be ironic or something? hard to tell through your retardation.

Yeah bro trump

>unironically using the word bro

Please fuck off back to worldstar you nigger.

enjoy your waifu's Stephen Hawking - sounding AI voice

>Unironically getting triggered by the ironic use of bro
Don't ignore the substance of my reply. The Whitehouse is funneling information now more than ever, and a soon to be war would be the event you describe that sets us back

Moore's law isn't dead, it's dying.

>implying my dick wouldn't get hard as steel when she whispers in my ear at night and remembers me of the gravitational singularity theorems

If its a law that doesn't work anymore, than it is dead.

>pay for
>implying you've paid for any software in the past decade
Get a job first, then we'll talk. Otherwise, your first experience with your waifu is going to be
>"Please hold me waifu"
>I can't let you do that, user

20 years tops, I think.

Alternatively, in lieu of proper voice synthesis, you can always add a cheap voice recorder to your FOSS-fu and grab some recordings from /soc/'s /FSA/ threads.