Hi-tech phone home screen screens hots thread.
No more autism addition.
Hi-tech phone home screen screens hots thread.
No more autism addition.
smartphone are for cucks
>utorrent on a phone
>those autismo folder names
>plebbit, grindr, discord, twitter, starbucks, imgur, all those separate cloud file services
I don't envy your lifestyle
>utorrent on a phone
tips wakizashi
Holy shit
How old are you, OP? That's got to be the setup of someone in their teens.
>distracting videos
>people are annoying
Your life is sad
Yeah, plays halp
OP is literally a faggot.
App drawer with already alphabetical app order > filling your homescreen with apps
Did you miss the
>No more autism addition.
party in the OP?
This thread is going well.
Microsoft Office because it's the best at what it does. Google Drive because it's the best cloud storage service, especially for documents in combination with Office.
Pushbullet Pro for continuity and convenience. Feedly in lieu of a YouTube account and for feeds, obviously. Pocket is amazing. Pocket Casts for podcasts.
Phone, messenger, photos, and Spotify for music.
I still can't settle on a layout. Always end up changing it.
Autism is creating your own app drawer when one already exists. If you ever have to seek the apps that aren't on your home screen, you're playing yourself.
>screen screens hots
Found the worst Korean shilling Samdung products.
>No more autism
Uses defualt samsung theme, ecen tho it come with a theme engine
>he recognises the icon
If you want something like that then download KISS Launcher. I'll suit you better.
>paying for anime streams