Current state of windows

Current state of windows

>Not running Enterprise edition in an Active Directory environment with group policies enabled and packet blocking on your pfsense hardware

>Or just use Linux

>I'm OP and I started a pleb thread for plebs like myself

>picks express settings
>complains on how it's shit
weow lad
Havent seen that process since W10's technical preview, learn to configure.


just leave

>Current state of winshills

Just because you're too retarded to configure your OS of choice doesn't mean that I'm a shill.

>32 bit
What year is this?

Maybe it would help if you actually knew how to use it.

I know how to use it: Throw it straight to the bing̀¶

I never understood why people don't just install education-n version and customize it to not use anything and just be a simple clean windows install for whatever windows need they have.

Just run Blackbird V6.

Education - nigger edition does not solve this problem

noticed this yesterday despite using o&o shut up, ffs

>complains about telemetry garbage
>has, Opera, Discord, OneDrive, Avast! & Microsoft Office running in the background

Only an inane person uses Windows for real stuff.

>snipping tool instead of alt+prtscn
>broken Origin


windows update is worse. takes up 25% of my cpu doing jack shit.

O&O ShutUp are partnered w/ Microsoft of course they won't turn it off.

Running avast means you are stupid. If you can't trust what you run avast will do shit. Patricians don't any antivirus or antimalware on a live fashion, only after an infection or only before running something suspicious as a scan on it.

One is simple for basic users, the other is for people who are advanced enough for more in depth options.

Do you cry that Linux has config menus available and command line that can do the same shit but one with more depth?

>legacy control panel is """"((advanced))""""
So what is registry and GP?

>Runs out of arguments
>Invents conspiracy theories

Sup Forums in a nutshell

Literally what? It says it on their website.

Holy shit I didn't know that

It literally says so in their website Raj

What's wrong with Opera?
I've been using it for like 10 years now.

>using opera
>not using discord in browser
Yea press the trigger

>Not having a hardware firewall before the router, to block M$ and even ads

>Look mom, I posted it again

>using groove music
You need psychiatric examination

What is wrong with it? It is lightweight and very easy to use. Fetches metadata and album art on demand and has a dark theme.

>Current state of windows

>>Then run


Then run Blackbird V6 you sperglord.

The Apple MacBook Pro with Retina Display doesn't have this problem.


Autism tier

I don't have that senpai

It does if you run Windows 10 on it.

>Win10 can do automatic BIOS updates
>And might kill our computer by installing a non-matching BIOS

>just run this botnet script which adds a few useless hosts entries
ok :^) but we already discussed that yesterday


if you dont use linux and dont have active directory running for windows machines and use enterprise edition, you are retarded and shouldnt even come to Sup Forums


The fact that you are an Eternal Sperglord from Freeturdland is proven by the fact that a recent update from Microsoft targetted the software so now the hosts file can't be written automatically on any computer I tried.

That proves not only that it works but that you should fuck off back into your hole of no-software-that-matters where you belong.

This thread is completely FUD. People who install Windows in VM with stock settings and enable all the unwanted features just to take meme screenshots and troll normal Windows users.

People such as proved that normal installation has no such issues.

is with unwanted features disabled at setup

>j-just disable the default settings


>Blackbird V6

Is the source code available?

I don't think so. But I noticed something today that makes it even more legit. Some kind of automatic update from Microsoft made it not be able to write to the hosts file at all.

How the fucking fuck is that even possible. And I can't even be wrong. I just tried it on 2 different new PCs that I never had run it before on and it just started doing it.

Oh well, it's not like you can't write a hosts file yourself if you know the list, and they update it.

Current state of a usable Linux DE. It started out with pulseaudio at the top, even though I'm muted right now.
Fucking Lennart.

I mean it seems normal but the fact that there isn't any proper information makes it seem sketchy.

About the hosts file, the were people claiming that windows started to bypass the hosts file but I'm not entirely sure about that. Telemetry isn't just a meme.

It doesn't bypass it at all. Try adding boards.Sup and see if you can get in, and it would be a Marketing-suicide if they hijacked their own routing for profit because any old jerklord can just sniff their packets externally and expose them within minutes of update. No, this is something else, they try to target the normies that don't know how to even edit hosts files.

I mean those people were claiming that it bypassed the hosts file selectively so you couldn't block m$ servers. I couldn't find any source on that though.

I know, I still think it would be a marketing suicide because they would hijack their own reputation of their own basic routing services for the server world, so this is most probably something on a higher level of simply hosts-file-writing to target normies possibly with the excuse "for security, you have to edit those things manually".

Besides it's pretty obvious "botnet" is a concern of less than 10% of their users (and I'm being too generous with that number) so they don't give a shit if a few sperglords on Sup Forums do fully block everything of that sort.


>look mom, I run a development version of windows, that is precisely used to test tablets, phones and the like
you sperglords are really paranoid aren't you?

>Current state of windows

You're pretty pathetic.

So which Windows version should I use?

Opera is good desu


So why are you telling people to use it if it does not work anymore?

It works. It's just that the final step, only one of the steps of blocking some domains doesn't. I wonder if every tool has a problem now.

>tfw my w10 is broken

But they do. Add Bing in the hosts files and then try to open it with Firefox - it won't load. Try to open it with Edge or use Cortana - Bing will load.

Microsoft doesn't care about the people that want to lock their OS. Normie's don't have a reason (or at least they think they don't) to block MS servers and those who do are a minority that can be easily silenced by calling them names online.

>Add Bing in the hosts files and then try to open it with Firefox - it won't load. Try to open it with Edge or use Cortana - Bing will load.

Wrong jew. How desperate are freeturd sperglords ? Now they imagine things.

>ClientTelemetry.dll injected into VeraCrypt

Niggerbirg shill pls go away

> uga buga can't handle the truth
> others are the niggas
hahahaha pwnt bitch

Just tested this out. I added,,, to the hosts filed pointed to
Chrome only stopped loading DDG
Firefox stopped loading DDG and Bing
Edge only stopped loading DDG

What the hell..?

Are you fucking lying. I ONLY added and edge couldn't reach it immediately.

Make sure you don't mess up the subdomains. The subdomain should be same.

It doesn't even need a restart.

My Win 2016 Standard not have this!


Retested it, this is what's in my hosts file
Without restarting my pc and simply adding the lines to the hosts file the effectiveness seemed to vary even wider. It wouldn't load a site and then it would, restarting the browser after it didn't load the site would cause it to load on some sites (like Google.)

After restarting:
Firefox didn't load DDG or Bing
Chrome didn't load DDG
Edge didn't load DDG or Google

It's fucking weird. Either the hosts file has issues on windows 10 or some fuckery is going on.

>did regedit to add 0 telemetry entry
>deleted the two telemetry services
>don't use cortana
>disable everything important in security settings

A-am I safe now bros?

you forgot the part where you install gentoo

My machine had 8gb of ram and for some reason windows was almost always using up all my memory when I would play a light game, which pretty much forced me to buy another 8gb. It fucking sucked but now I'm about that 16gb ram life and it's a good life

Chrome was caching. Reload with either ctrl+F5 or shift+F5 or alt+F5, one of those usually works on any browser.

I wouldn't use your meme tool without looking at sources first

Enjoy your botnet.

Current state of Linux

To cover all bases, I tried (and also just alone)
Cleared the cache and browsing history on Chrome and on Firefox, Chrome/Firefox loaded google, Edge didn't.
I don't favor these results...

linux is a kernel, retard

I FUCKING KNEW IT. Some months ago Windows was updating and, after shutting down to complete the update, my computer wouldn't POST. I had to boot from the backup BIOS and reflash the main one to get it working. Fucking windows, man.

Ok so Firefox finally stopped loading Google, with a secure connection error. Chrome still loaded it fine.

You're the retard, nobody should be doing all that while running VideogameOS, at that point you may as well use Linux.

or just run Windows 7


Where do you get that app? What is the executable name? It does not turn up for me in my task manager anywhere in Win10 X64.

This is too complicated for your average Sup Forums audience

>That proves that it works
No, no it doesn't.
Just like you.

>used to test tablets, phones
It was a chromebook competitor yesterday :^)
>you sperglords are really paranoid aren't you?
Not without reasons
I enjoy not having win10
Even active directory with WSUS won't let you defer updates forever

Question to winfags. Why do you tolerate this? Why don't you fill a lawsuit or something?

Winfags are cucks and windows is a cuck OS

do you even understand what telemetry is. It's what linux does routinely with a "want to send a bug report of what we traced live?".

sperglords found their new excuse.

>firefox 32 bit