What was wrong with 1 GB = 1024 MB?

What was wrong with 1 GB = 1024 MB?

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Because you don't get to redefine the metric system, you stupid fucking Americans,

Si defines giga as 1000 mega. Si people were extremely upset that gigabyte was used to refer to 1024 megabytes. Someone came up with that dumb GiB compromise.

Mostly 1024 MB not being 1 billion bytes.

wtf is GiB?

let me just google that for you

>Not knowing your units
Are you 4 years old or some shit?


Are you seriously this fucking retarded?
Do you not know the metric system?

computers didn't use the metric system since their inception

and if the metric system is so good, why are you using base 2 units instead of base 10 units on your OS?

What is goggle?

you left a trailing comma you retart

We don't use base 2 in OS. We just use registers in memory, without any regard on OS level what they are. We use base 2 in implementation of computer hardware.

Anyway, his argument is if you don't use metric system, don't steal terms from it.


Brought to you by linux autist.

Man you guys have no fucking clue how electronics work.

>registers and memory*
to intelligent to proofread my posts

And you missed your capital letter and full stop, and you misspelled a word.

>why are you using base 2 units instead of base 10 units on your OS?
You're making a lot of assumptions there, you reddit-spacer.

I've been using double newlines ever since I came to Sup Forums in 2009. It's not a sign of reddit poster. Not the person you're replying to.

Computer merchants saw a possibility of selling you 2.4% less bytes for the same price.

The fact that it was objectively wrong?

If you ever refer to a computer device or system and use base 10/1000 instead of base 2/1024

neck urself

You misspelled subjectively.

No, the metric system is objectively defined.

Why don't we measure network speeds in 2^10 then?
1Mbps really is 1 million bits per second.

But words that metric system uses do not exclusively belong to the metric system.

That's something only an American would say.
Kill yourself.

That's a pretty weak counter-argument.
Anyway, I'm Russian. Not like nationality has anything to do with this.

>Not like nationality has anything to do with this
Yes it does/

You're making a claim that words can't have multiple meaning which is just inane.

We're talking about a technical term here, which usually don't have synonyms and are supposed to be unambiguous.
Then all of these special snowflake Americans come it and fuck it up.

Permanent reminder.

>technical term here, which usually don't have synonyms and are supposed to be unambiguous.
is this a joke

Apple devices count 1000MB as 1GB


Système international d'unités, (SI)


>tfw two smart to think 1024MB=1GB
it's clearly 1000MB=1GB if you think about it

Linux does it right.

Network speed is measured in 10^n because networks existed before computers.

Russian government recognizes usual prefixes as prefixes with 2^10n base.

That's nice to know, but if they didn't, I wouldn't support their decision anyway, which means it matters not to me.
Fuckers are censoring websites left and right without any reason. A tiny administrative region's court can issue a ban for any reason that will affect the whole country. The system in place is insane.

GB means gigabyte. Gib is just a fancy word for give. Like gib money plox

You are right there are code artisans for a reason.

really tickles your synapses

he said he is russian.
nice strawman

Kilo is a greek word for thousand, just written using roman letters. Thousand has one meaning

But kilo prefix has multiple ;)

I know applefags are retarded, but just so you know - that's correct.

As a unit prefix it doesn't.

Kilobyte is popularly used to refer to 1024 bytes. Just because you or some administrative body considers this to be incorrect doesn't actually make it incorrect. It does have multiple meanings in practice.

>Go around calling a rake a shovel
>People say you're a fucking idiot and what you're demonstrably using is a rake
>Get mad because "U cant tel me waht to do XDD"
t. (You).

>Just because administrative body considers this to be incorrect doesn't actually make it incorrect.
Except this administrative body said kilo is 1000 prefix in the first place.

Human creations and their naming is not up to a popular vote but to a standards committee. You can go around calling kilo 37,36(7) but that's just not true. Something invented/discovered is.

Don't worry user, it's okay to be wrong. It happens to stupid people all the time.

Look at all these morons crapping themselves over SI units. Computers don't fucking use SI units because they measure data in multiples of 2, hence their underlying base 2 units.

Just because they use the SI prefixes doesn't make them SI units. A bunch of butthurt idiots decided GiB wasn't fucking retarded and went entirely against binary computing conventions.

Reading comprehension?

>Human creations and their naming is not up to a popular vote but to a standards committee.
That's bullshit. A human language is not decided by any committee.

I am not mad. I keep using Kb = 1024 bytes, just as many other people do, calmly and happily. SI people are mad. SI people are telling me what to do.

>Just because I dress this way does not make me a whore
But you gotta admit it's pretty fucking confusing.

Your computer doesn't actually use kB, MB, GB, etc. It uses the exact number of bytes. There's no difference between binary and decimal except for the fact that RAM comes in powers of 2.

That is clearly Kilobit, you fucking idiot.

Depends on context ;)

1 kiblobate = 1.024 kaikliboit

Why is that so hard to remember?

I'm not too intelligent to not know what prefix means from the context.

>twf two intelligent too understand what you said

Yes, yes it is. Or we would redefine "your" and "you're" solely on "it's popular to say "your wrong".

Almost all published texts still use your/you're/you are the way we consider those to be correct.

Trump will fix that.
In 4 years "ur wrong" will be correct.

>In 4 years

Fucking marketing people

I'm more upset by people thinking capital K is a SI prefix. It's not.

Good for Microsoft. IEC came way too late (1998/9) to set a standard and change the rules on how things are called. The base-10 notation is worthless in computer space if not for drive/ram manufacturers (since they save bits and still call it "1TB") or services who put data caps (because they're made up figures anyway).

Apple switched in the late 2000s so idiots would stop asking why a 1TB drive doesn't show up as 1TB on their Mac. It's not because they care about standards, it's because they don't want to deal with that shit and took the easy way out (otherwise they'd be using binary prefixes like all the other *NIX systems).

binary prefixes and (2^10)^n measurements should not be used for anything besides SRAM/DRAM sizes.

File storage and transfer just doesn't have any meaningful relationship to power-of-two sizes.

Good to know at least some of g is not completley retarded

A perfect system that should've become standard

This. This. This. This. This.
Jews from the US want to milk us like cows until we're cracked-dry (so dry your skin cracks)

>base-10 is worthless in the computing space
Information Theory has used SI notation for decades, before Microsoft even existed.
You know, actual computer science, not "koders".

>binary prefixes like all the other *NIX systems
Most GNU software uses SI prefixes.

Using base 10 prefixes for base 2

>File storage and transfer just doesn't have any meaningful relationship to power-of-two sizes.
I agree even though hard drives and file systems usually store data in blocks of 4 KiB but that's a thin argument.

Why do we let yuros even have computers?

They still measure the world in feet and armpits.
All hope is lost.

Nothing OP and infact it's correct anwser.
Confusing part is that 1GB = 1000MB is also correct anwser.

We tried to change once, stopped because old bags that'd be dead in a few years anyway were afraid of change

Metric system abolished when?

> kaikliboit
I laughed

Gigas in Bite

why not b, B, K, M, G, T

$ du -sh
15G .

it's an question though, maybe it's used for something else i don't know

Americans hate standards for some reason.

Uh no
Japan Yen and American Dollar were the same, 1 for 1, long ago
It'a because of American Jewish cunts that made the chinks inflate themselves to oblivion because of some spooky ooogabooga magic hot spicy meems

How are we even suppose to pronounce GiB anyway?

I say 'bee' but since it means binary maybe it should be 'bye', but that always sounds awful when combined with byte.

Because you'd be seriously disappointed with your 100M ethernet switch if you thought it referred to bytes rather than bits.

Your mind has been warped by JEDEC I see.

Gibibyte or just GiB

You're supposed to say "gibibyte" and then continue blabbering like an infant.

Or, you could just say gigabyte like a normal person, and then clarify if some autist asks which one you mean.

>consciously choosing ambiguous terminology

That's funny.


>consciously choosing a word with the repeated "b" syllable

Shit makes me uncomfortable, and it's worth having to clarify in the very seldom cases where the distinction matters.


NIST suggests that in English, the first syllable of the name of the binary-multiple prefix should be pronounced in the same way as the first syllable of the name of the corresponding SI prefix, and that the second syllable should be pronounced as bee

>in English, the first syllable of the name of the binary-multiple prefix should be pronounced in the same way as the first syllable of the name of the corresponding SI prefix
You pronounce "gigabyte" geegabyte?


gee has a soft g, shouldn't it be like gih-bee, with a hard g?

(/ˈdʒJɡə/ or /ˈɡJɡə/)

I hope Sup Forums doesn't censor IPA notation.

GiB stands for Graphical interchange Bullshit, so it ought to be a hard G

.GIF is pronounced JIFF