be a game developer

> be a game developer
> work in a mediocre company
> have a teamlead
> teamlead doesn't know shit
> extend the deadline one day coz "there were difficulties"
> boss says "why don't you ask your teamlead for help"
> teamlead jumps right into my code
> wow, that won't work
> it works for 2 months already
> float scale = math.min(w / this.config.width, h / this.config.height);
> wow you're so tricky gonna be hard to fix this one
> barely knows english (we're russians)
> always completely misspells shit in the worst way possible
> can't do shit because he's stuck with his old crap and rejects to use new tools and libraries
> ask him why won't he use assembly
> says "on the way to it"
> is my teamlead

Help, Sup Forums

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Nice blog, dude. Can I subscribe to your RSS feed for updates?

Sure, go ahead.

Dude whatever

ty ebuchiy autist blya

UI programmer?

I hope we can reach a compromise but I'm not backing down

If you didn't say you were a game developer I would've thought you were at Oracle.

Not only

> using assembly to make a game?

no wonder you're over the deadline.

What game are you working on? Anything of notice or just some stupid russian MOBA?

Nothing I'd seriously play myself as a gamer.
But hey they pay a lot here (upper middle class salary)

>Not using assembly
It's like you don't even care about your instruction cache

He's going to take years doing a game in asm.

нacocaч, быдлo

Noice blog, dude, where do I subscribe to your vk feed?

Here vk com/gay_bi_photo_video

Paзyмeeтcя pyccкиe oбcocки oтвeчaют тoлькo нa pyccкoм. Tипичный white trash. Haзaд пoд шкoнкy.


Isn't this illegal in Russia?

пoтoмy чтo этo никoмy блять нe интepecнo. нa pyccкoм - чтoбы тoлькo OP пpoчитaл. nice blog post

> нa pyccкoм - чтoбы тoлькo OP пpoчитaл

o мeмнaя кapтинoчкa и cкoпиpoвaннaя чacть тeкcтa c cимвoлoм бoльшe чeм :-DD

здecь кaпcбoлдить низзя(((


Play chess.

You even fail at greentexting and not posting utter shit

Only the promotion of it is, being it isn't

>reddit spacing

He probably meant inline assembly for places that need very heavy optimization, not writing the whole game in assembly.

Do you guys program in English, or do you use your wacky Russian runes?

Anyway I bet his teammates hate assembly too. He should just do it without telling anyone, saying things like he is going to give the leader credit and then stab him in the back saying he was against this at first, but stab in a soft way.

>>reddit spacing meme

I just wanted to say hello to a Russian

> > not spacing your greater-than signs
don't do this, guys, I hope you won't

Don't provoke me or I'll hack your life, pupper.

Leave this placeБ americuck.

I was genuinely curious

What company?

Is Russian even English? That shit looks like lines and circles, all of them the same wtf.

>eyy b0ss, can i be the teamlead pls

Do not fuck with us, you CIA nigger.

What would a Russian SCRUM look like? Do you do shots of vodka and complain about the cold whilst throwing the dismembered head of a gay rights activist between each other?

I hate you redditfags so goddamnmuch smash

I am in this thread because I want to ask if a 1990s Ukrainian pop star called Russya was famous in any of the ex-Soviet countries. I have just discovered her but I can't read all the squares and pointy shapes in her YouTube comments.

To keep it technology-related, how many of you Russkies make viruses and malware?

tell him suka blyat priviet naruil
works everytime in csgo, results guaranteed

How do I become russian hacker?

I audibly kekked

Nasosach, bydlo