REMINDER: If you aren't utilizing the terminal in a GNU/Linux system, you aren't really using GNU/Linux.
REMINDER: If you aren't utilizing the terminal in a GNU/Linux system, you aren't really using GNU/Linux
Why would you not use the terminal?
It's impossible to use Linux without ever resorting to the terminal.
>if you do something differently than me, you're doing it wrong
kys, sage
using terminal is fine, but i would like to have a simple batch rename in my file manager.
Does the $ mean its asking you to put a quarter in?
So use it.
It makes sense to use the terminal for things that makes it easier.
It is not like you can only use one over the other.
In the PS1
$ usually means regular user privileges
# usually means root
android phones ? smart tvs ? every embedded device running linux ?
Surely with software centres (gnome and the like) it's possible?
You know what I meant, bitch
Until the software centre breaks down
At least in my experience software centers do not contain all the packages that are available in the official repositorys. For example ~Buntu variants have steam available but it is either not in the software center or installing from it does not work.
I bet a friend can't use Manjaro for three months (no windows, he plays CSGO only so he does not care, runs really well on his setup). He does not know a slither of Bash or anything shell related whatsoever. He installs a lot of software and updates regularly. He's doing well. Nothing broken, yet.
>he doesnt use his computer using only a TTY and screen or tmux and no X or wayland
I surely didnt. I never used the Terminal for about a year or so in Linux. Then I noticed how comfy it is.
That's only because every Linux distro is a convoluted piece of shit.
funnily enough, OP would have been using "utilize" correctly if he changed his sentence to
>if you aren't using the terminal in a GNU/Linux system, you aren't really utilizing GNU/Linux
That's a terminal emulator.
Only use it make webms.
Reminder: If you use botnetbuntu, then you're not actually using free GNU/Linux
>OS tries to make Linux more accessible for the average user which it desperately needs
>Neckbeards want to hold it back because muh secret club
This is why Microsoft will always dominate the desktop market.
Oh god I want that nougat
Damn, Daddario is aging like milk
Reminder that you're full of shit.
'\$' in you're PS1 will show as a $ if you are regular user and show as a # if you are root.
Do you mean the screenfetch box?
Does that include Vim?
Next time I see my tech illiterate grandparents who have been using Ubuntu ever since the PC repair shop installed it for them 4 years ago, I'll have to ask them if it was difficult to learn the CLI.
Thanks. I do it for the (You)s.
>Hi! I am OP and look at my cool kids club
>You don't have my skills faggot
>Why are you using W10 botnet OS? Why won't the year of the Linux Desktop happen!
>What can we do to attract average consumers?
The Linux community is full of cancer.
Use Dolphin.
REMINDER: If only you use GNU/Linux for your personal computer and have never used GNU/Linux on the server, you're just a try hard baby.
Have a (You), you earned it.
Lol, mad tech-illiterate winblows user detected.
If you seriously think using the linux terminal is some sort of esoteric skill people learn to impress others then you obviously have never used linux and are also dumb
I want to cum in her eye
>l33t h4x0r green font
>muh terminal
skiddie confirmed
sadly this
why would you have a desktop environment in the first place? Linux belongs on servers, not desktops.
hehe mm and windows is purely for spreadsheets
>telling other THEY aren't really using linux
Windows is for excel and powerpoint at work
linux is for servers for companies that can't afford Windows Server licenses
and macOS is for facebook and fox news at home
If Ubuntu is meant for the average user, then why in the world would it matter what neckbeard NEETs think about it? Your argument makes no sense.
what if I don't give a crap about GNU part?
REMINDER: Shut the fuck up faggot.
>someone simply uses a terminal
you must be pretty insecure
I utilize the terminal on macOS.
fuck your coreutils you faggot
>then why in the world would it matter what neckbeard NEETs think about it?
Because the Linux community is full of these people and they're the ones developing and influencing the software. Maybe Ubuntu wouldn't be such a piece of shit if people didn't want it to fail so badly.
>the only reason Ubuntu is bad is because a bunch of neckbeards on an anime imageboard don't like it
kek, you should get out more
also Sup Forums != the Linux community
>the Linux community is full of these people
Well that settles that, then.
Looks like we should let it die
>Linux community
doesn't exist
>also Sup Forums != the Linux community
It really is, I've used Linux since the early 00s and everyone in the community has been the same type of elitist scum that inhabits Sup Forums.
It may as well not.
Don't talk like that! I won't hear it!