>there are people in this board right now who unironically downplay, outright ignore or even openly defend the new administration, even though it's blatantly anti-tech
Tech companies fight back!
Other urls found in this thread:
>this is only gonna get worse now that the FCC is run by an unironical ISP-shill Pajeet with known ties to Verizon who attacked Netflix for using encryption
>encryption is gonna be banned in your lifetime
Please kill me right now.
>this is now your country's cyber security advisor
I want to get off this ride!
>tech companies fighting as hard as they can to displace american workers
This can only go down well
Nice gospel of envy you got there.
Git gud so you can compete, fagget.
>apple, facebook, google, microsoft, uber, dropbox, pinterest, reddit
and nothing of value was lost
>>encryption is gonna be banned in your lifetime
Impossible and not going to happen.
>Git gud so you can compete, fagget.
American workers first, faggot.
>all tech companies decide to move out
>american workers lose bigly
Was that part of your plan?
They'll move back in when trump taxes the crap out of them to import anything into america.
>there are people who voted for Trump because they thought the SJWs would shut up and conservatives would win the culture war
>companies trying to make national policies
Totally not dystopian, lad.
How are you going to tax Google? Most of what they sell isn't physical products, they let people use their services for free and then sell the information they collect.
Tax their income, ya doofus.
Nationwide internet block on their sites/services and allow other companies to fill the void.
I'm not a trump supporter and don't agree with many of his policies, but these large corporations should not be able to reside in the US, receive large US gov tax breaks, and profit off of US citizens if they can't give back by hiring US citizens because they don't want to pay a fair salary.
Companies like Disney, Intel, etc. firing thousands of Americans to be replaced by temporarily imported workers who are willing to work for shit, because shit here is better than shit there, need to be penalized
>Companies like Disney, Intel, etc. firing thousands of Americans to be replaced by temporarily imported workers who are willing to work for shit, because shit here is better than shit there, need to be penalized
non-nationalists get out
>Companies like Disney, Intel, etc. firing thousands of Americans to be replaced by temporarily imported workers who are willing to work for shit, because shit here is better than shit there, need to be penalized
I say that's perfectly reasonable, I fully agree.
I hate those tech companies tho.
Travel ban from 7 absolute stone age shitholes. Literally nothing of value was lost.
This is just worthless virtue signaling.
Can we come up with any tech from Somalia America desperately needs?
why should we support the modern robber barons
According to my calculations, OP is a faggot.
Whites immigrated from Europe hundreds of years ago and fought and died to build a nation but because the constitution was poorly written and open to much interpretation now anyone that makes it here on a banana boat is somehow entitled to the pie the white man baked.
>how dare a country not allow non-citizens to enter the country!
>it's literally a human right to go to whatever country you want even if they don't want you!
Bro its people with legit visas, if that wasn't a part of the ban I don't think people would give a shit
Nice bluepill, you fucking kike.
From out of the country?
lol amerifats
>this board is now full of ctr/crew shills who left Sup Forums
It's ironic when they tell you to go back to Sup Forums, the place they came from.
>trump going full retard
>i-it's shills
That image is misleading.
Iran's "The Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran" is Rothschild owned.
Central Bank of Iraq is Rothschild owned.
Central Bank of Yemen, Bank of Sudan, Central Bank of Libya, and Bank of Sudan are all Rothschild owned. Only Somalia and Syria don't have centralized banks owned by a Rothschild.
I said Sudan's twice. Oops.
T. Drumpftoddler
>lowest population employment participation rate since Jimmy Carter
>"It is estimated that 37% of the workforce in Silicon Valley consists of immigrants."
Not only do I defend this administration, I hope he drops a fucking hammer on silicon valley.
* No more H1B visas.
* H1B visa review. Many need to go back.
* No more loopholes for companies like Disney and SCE to fire American employees.
* Hard limits on offshoring. You want to sell in America? Build in America.
* Equal pay and rights for H1B workers we allow to stay, including the right to change companies. No more Zuckerberg's becoming rich off 80hr work week immigrant slave labor conditions.
Fuck silicon valley.
>immigrants working 80hr weeks for half the pay just to escape their shit hole countries
>"Git gud so you can compete, fagget."
Keep sucking billionaire cock fagget.
>there are people thinking these companies are fighting for them meanwhile they are just fighting to keep their low wage immigrant stream pile going.
Oh, and allow me to add...
* No more self righteous tech libtards bitching about America's pollution and "carbon footprint" while offshoring work to nations with ZERO environmental laws like China and India. Companies like Apple send work overseas to skirt US EPA laws and become gross polluters in the process. Fuck their hypocrisy. The EPA should fine them for pollution in excess of US limits related to any products imported to the US. Don't preach green unless you're going to be green.
* No more tax safe havens, offshore accounts, and other loopholes to skirt US tax law. Microsoft has done this shit from the beginning. And Apple is effectively lying to their investors by hiding the amount of tax they owe the minute they have to bring cash home. I'm for lowering taxes, but only if EVERYONE pays their fair share. US has one of the worst corporate tax rates in the world, discouraging the formation of new corps, while existing ones just shelter their money offshore.
Fucking hypocrites. I hope the God Emperor punishes them all.
>even though it's blatantly anti-tech
[citation needed]
You tax their income, you fucking idiot. Please don't cone here anymore. No one wants you around.
>Companies like Disney, Intel, etc. firing thousands of Americans to be replaced by temporarily imported workers who are willing to work for shit, because shit here is better than shit there, need to be penalized
You'd probably be the same to complain when one of those companies jacks up the price because they can't afford labor costs.
> Implying any of the savings are passed on to consumers
> Implying prices aren't dictated by market tolerance rather than production costs
Imagine being this retarded.
Why these tech people always lean to the left? If they're so smart wouldn't they understand that letting in poos in the loos and mudslimes and other degenerate people into America will only hasten the destruction of America and everything it stands for such as freedom and free speech?
Because when you're rich, you have nothing to throw butthurt tantrums over. Also, they probably have Indian friends who helped them with their homework when they were younger.
>the brief said that immigrants from all over the world (especially from those muslim shitholes mentioned in the immigration ban) help monopolies pertain shitty quality of their products, shit on undesignated non-shitting streets and, sometimes, explode.
>it went on note that immigrants or their children went on to work their minwage asses at McDonalds and Apple and AT&T outlets. It also notes that most of the detainees are shitskins from shitholes.
>it is estimated that 100% of USA population have immigrant parents
>traditionally, Burger King has not been politically active in the way, say ... The muslim ban would not affect them and not get them involved, since muslims do not eat pork.
My Pulitzer Prise when?
Punish capital flight harshly.
How many of Apple, Kraft, Ford, GE, AT&T, Google, McDonald's, Boeing and Disney's founders were iranian muslims?
I am a senior developer that now works management at one of these big tech companies in the Seattle area. I much prefer Pajeet over Americans, they are better workers.
>They don't take time off constantly
I've had to force Pajeets to take vacation because they've been accumulating it for 2 or 3 years and HR does not want to pay them for those days when they exit the company.
Americans take sick days constantly, and always want a 3 or 4 day weekend every couple of months. They are always constantly running out of time off, and usually have to beg and plead with me when they need 2 weeks for their wedding/honeymoon or something big like that because they haven't been saving their days like they should have been.
>They have good family structure
I've never once had a Pajeet tell me that he needs to leave early to pick up his kid or go to a parent-teacher conference. They always have some other family at home or nearby that can handle those tasks.
It seems that many of my American employees are either single parents or both work and have bad relationships with other relatives.
>They are good at Math
Their equivalent of K-12 emphasizes Math education way more then anything we have here in America. It is really evident when you start getting into anything complex. Irregardless of whether or not you went to some fancy University in the USA, my Pajeets do not blink an eye while my American workers need to research. Many Americans also have this miconception that it was ok to "brain dump" these complex theories once they left academia.
>They stay to finish the project
I've had to force Pajeet to leave the office at 7pm on a Friday.
Americans essentially quit working after lunch at 1pm on a Friday and I need to constantly baby sit them to make sure they are not browsing social media or the web. They also start asking me if they can leave early.
You're retarded.
t. Sup Forumsack
Nice copypasta
>Keep sucking billionaire cock fagget.
>Fucking hypocrites. I hope the God Emperor punishes them all.
This is rich coming from someone who worships a billionaire and calls him a "god" and "emperor".
Not even remotely true, but excellent conclusion jumping without knowing anything other than a single opinion about me.
Also I have to agree with the other guy. Those corporations aren't passing any of the immigration savings on to us. It's just another method for them to boost profits for already rich owners.
I'm all for capitalism and don't believe in arbitrarily raising the minimum wage (I think it should be based on cost of living in the area), but there need to be laws to protect the working citizens of a country, because God knows billionaires are more than willing to take advantage of us.
Also C++ is the best language
>he pays for a (((free))) anime website
I only came to Sup Forums to figure out how to clean the cum stains off of my secondhand thinkpad but this post, pasta or not, pretty much sums up the differences I've noticed in hiring (legal) mexican immigrants for doing professional lawncare.
The mexican workers are glad to be here and be working, when the alternative is making sixty dollars a week picking strawberries in their home country while any American workers take smoke breaks every 15 minutes and spend all their spare time doing meth and fighting over the obese landwhales they fuck while trying to do as little work as possible.
It isn't as though the pay is minimim wage, it's set by the government on nearly every job and on most the workers make more than I do in the office, its just that mowing grass is such shitty work that literally only the dregs of American society want to do it.
Both groups will fucking steal anything you leave unattended, Mexicans to send to their families and whites to but meth.
Blacks without fail immediately steal any piece of equipment that you hand to them and flee in front of you to the nearest pawn shop, presumably to trade for the new Jordans.
there is absolutely no legitimate need why foreign workers on a visa are needed. even if you only want to hire foreigners, there's plenty of foreign citizens to choose from, and the arguments about qualifications are totally bogus
>37% of Silicon Valley is immigrants
Really? That high?
I have a beef with that statement, calling them immigrants implies citizenship, these people have no interest in citizenship, they are permanent residents but not citizens. also this whole thing is bogus, a travel ban on muslim extremest countries in no way effects getting workers from india. pakistan maybe, but all the money is jewish so pakis got no relevance to this
>supporting shitty programming practices
time to go back sanjay
>Employer: B-but we have to hire immigrants! Local people don't have the experience or training we're looking for!
>Worker: If you know what needs doing, why don't you train us?
>Because I don't waaaant tooooooooooooo! ;_;
And then they call us lazy for not having the skills.
>the cost for a pass is higher than the value of your accumulated time spent on captchas in a year
>muslim country
Sounds more like a culture problem than a general american problem. You're also generalizing the hell out of the entire american populace. There's similar people who do that here. When you have mouths to feed, suddenly any job doesn't look that bad. You think people LIKE working at places for long periods of time like Denny's and such? The entire food and customer service industry disproves your post drastically.
>I want to get off this ride!
do the world a favor and KILL YOURSELF, Mohammed.
>You'd probably be the same to complain when one of those companies jacks up the price because they can't afford labor costs.
>implying companies like google, facebook and microsoft and apple dont have a 50%+ profit margin
Who are you quoting?
I don't know why they oppose travel ban from sandnigger countries. Literally not a single towelhead came to the US not to blow something up. Most founders came from Russia, including Google and most of the H1B holders are fucking Indians.
This is the funny part. If a lot of the employees are indian, then why are people getting upset? We haven't banned anyone from those countries.
Steve Jobs's's's deadbeat Syrian refugee dad, though
I think this is more about the proposed changes to the H1B program, namely raising the minimum salary of people employed under it.
Oooh, so basically, the companies are crying that they have to pay people more. This is going to be good.
>Nationwide internet block on their sites/services and allow other companies to fill the void.
>calling for internet censorship
Fuck off.
This: the ban affecting people who already have visas and even green cards is why people care, especially businesses that hire those people. Most people wouldn't give a shit otherwise.
So they can't just import wage undermining slaves and have to use it for it's intended purpose which is importing talent which can't be found domestically.
It's people that should have never been given temporary visas in the first place. Fuck off Muhammad.
They don't care. Poo in the loos, mudslimes and blacks can't afford to live in their gated communities anyways.
A lot of these companies were caught red handed in the engineer wage fixing scandal just a few years ago.
I remember hearing about that.
Well, guess Google's bubble is about to pop. They were hiring all those women and numales for "diversity" but we know who is about to get cut now.
This, fuck these modern day robber barons.
I never called for it. I told him how it could be done.
People will discard your opinion if you can't comprehend what they say.
I don't support censorship, but I will happily support a competing company that doesn't treat American workers like shit. I believe in protesting with your wallet
All this. We need to put the squeeze on the kikes in Silicon Valley.
Sorry Pajeet. You have to go back.
>Sup Forums is suddenly defending censorship
I want me around.
But seriously, Trump is cutting taxes on businesses. He fucking campaigned on it.
Protecting American workers' jobs isn't anti-tech. It's pro-tech because third worlders make objectively shittier products.
remember that 'billionair' has been shit on and despised by the establishment he wants to be part of, and seems vindictive enough to fuck their day up just to put a middle finger up in their general direction.
Which is why his cabinet is the richest ever in history? Because he hates rich people? Boy, he sure punished the swamp by making an oil tycoon secretary of state...
Being a successfuil entrepreneur isn't about hiring the right people, it's about firing people who turn out to be wrong and replacing them until only the right people are left.
I seriously doubt that he's going to make it a year before someone on his cabinet gets the axe.
Successful companies to their best to minimize turnover, because that shit is expensive. When I applied to UPS, they took me on a tour of the distribution center before even interviewing me to make sure I would be able to handle it before even interviewing me. Especially when you're a politician, hiring the wrong people in the first place will cause people to question your judgement and hurt your chances of re election.
He still has 1,366 days until the next election to make it look like he knows what he's doing.
>literal green card holders get banned
Looking for safespace? >>>/pol
People will remember. Benghazi happened years ago and it hurt Hillary a lot in the election.
then lets attack tech companies by installing gentoo
Again, I'm proposing/supporting/condoning censorship. I was answering his question on how it COULD be done
NOT*** to any of those. Fuck mobile...
Your personal answer is: "Sup Forums" does not exist.
>the right people
I'm sure you mean correct people, not right people.
Wait a second... neither Chinese nor Indians are Muslim, and neither China or India are on the ban list. What are tech companies losing from this ban?
India has one of the largest Muslim populations in the world. China also has a much smaller Muslim minority.
But it makes tech companies scared that Trump is just testing the waters and is going to restrict immigration even further.
It's not about tech companies, it's about (((tech companies))).
>Trump is just testing the waters and is going to restrict immigration even further.
God I hope so. We're full, other countries can keep their fucking huddled masses and shit.
>in this board
> anti-tech
More like anti-pajeet
>in this board
> anti-tech
>implying the people who post here haven't read Kaczynski and don't, deep down, know that he's right
For a bunch of progressive companies that say you can work from anywhere, they sure seem want people to be in the US, sitting in their beanbag chairs, in their open concept office spaces, drinking their cappuccinos and eating the complementary M&Ms a lot more than one would expect.