He bought a laptop with windows 10

>he bought a laptop with windows 10
Fucking morons are screwed. There's no way to disable the botnet even if you install an older version of Windows. Not even installing a Linux OS would get rid of the botnet. Get fucked laptopcucks.

only autists would care about this

>i-i didn't want freedom anyway!

The fuck has this to do with laptops? Desktops and tablets are affected as well

Yeah you're right.

Everyone with Windows 10 is fucked. There's absolutely no escape from Microsoft spyware.

But i just want to use Linux op, if i cared about spying i would not install Ubuntu.

I'm not a pedo, i have nothing to hide

post your porn browsing history then :^)

I don't browse porn because I'm not a degenerate liberal.

>he browses porn
i don't have a smug enough image for this

nie sad cie skaze pedofilu.

pokaż co tam rysujesz

have fun

Ok post your Facebook assword

Somehow this makes sense

Any of these futashit?

polska go clean toilet kurwa

some architecture apparently. its not mine desu, i had some people over.
polish Sup Forums should atack kebabs desu.

only Polish priests are gay pedos, you don't know this?

all priests are gay pedos.

>buy thinkpad t42
>install windows xp
>install all needes programs
>remove wlan card
>never plug into ethernet

All good. No botnet

Even better, if your computer needs are word processing and other office applications, install windows 98 on an old pre 2000 thinkpad and love it

Dude she is 500 years old, its fine

>Niggers don't know about me scrubbing the firmware