So how do i test this vuln?

So how do i test this vuln?

Other urls found in this thread:

>loonix is shit because its developed by unpaid autismo coders who work on it in as a hobby
>Windows is the superior system, developed by hard working talented indians specialists

>H1B indian slave worker

People on Sup Forums use windows? Seriously? I thought I was getting near heretic territory for using Fedora.

Its more or less used as a gaming console operating system, just tacked into a computer or laptop.

>“By connecting to a malicious SMB server, a vulnerable Windows client system may crash (BSOD) in mrxsmb20.sys,”
Oh wow, it's fucking nothing

So basically you have to connect to a malicious SMB Server.
Could it be as easy as having a rogue javascript link you to file://evilserver/evilshare?

>bypass password by pressing backspace 28 times
>linux security

>Implying I connect Windows directly to the internet without a firewall.

If you use windows you should not be expecting any security

>I don't know what a bootloader does

So you have your firewall block outgoing connections?
Most people only block inbound traffic.

>bypass password
You mean, get a useless root shell. Not even remote. You are pathetic.

Is this the new Windows uptime thread?
Post your uptimes.


We don't give a fuck nigger. Most of these vulnerabilities require certain conditions, and a really dumb user. If you are dumb enough to fall for these hacks, you probably deserve it.

The vidya must flow, we have shit to do and need a juicy system that can switch from games to work instantly.

Meanwhile Linux cannot even alt+tab out of fullscreen games causing you to pull the power plug to restart because it crashes the system. Linux can't even install multiple instances of software because sudo locks you out. How can anyone put up with this garbage is beyond me.

>Linux can't even install multiple instances of software because sudo locks you out
Wait, what? This is true?

Try it yourself. Open terminal sudo install [something]. Open another terminal or use Software center or anything that requires sudo privilege. It will either wait till the first process is complete give an error saying unable to proceed, sudo has locked out.

enjoy your vulnerabilities


but seriously what do you expect from an operating system that handles scrollbars in the kernelspace?

I just played a ranked League match, immediately after that worked on my assignment and did some data entry for my part time job on Office 365. Now I am going to bang my 9/10 wife while you sit here bitching about your riced up animu desktop and how your kernel booted 0.00001 m/s before my Windows and how SSD is not placebo.

Windows users actually get things done.

>Office 365
enjoy your botnet wincuck

Company paid for license of Windows and Office 365. I am using it for free on both home and office devices.

I just played a ranked OpenArena match, immediately after that worked on my large software project (LGPL of course) and finished by tomorrow's lecture in Emacs + org-mode, exported to PDF presentation via LaTeX. In the meantime I saved my company billions of dollars due to my skillfull knowledge of the Linux ecosystem allowing me to quickly recover the servers from an unexpected crash.

Now I'm going to bang my 10/10 wife while you sit here bitching about muh videogames and how your green gaming LEDs provide great background light for the entire basement and how they influenced your melaning production therefore you sleep better.

Windows users on Sup Forums and their dubious claims of employment

Yes you cannot run apt simultaneously in two separate terminals but why does that even matter since you can install multiple programs with one command?

Wrong. You can cue multiple programs, but they install in a sequence, not simultaneously like Windows installers.

>Being this ass pained

You can get a job if you actually tried. No need to be jealous of Windows users.

>Meanwhile Linux cannot even alt+tab out of fullscreen games causing you to pull the power plug to restart

That was an unity bug you...

>inux can't even install multiple instances of software because sudo locks you out.

Then list it on that fucking prompt. I hope you won't install bootloader and kernel in the same time. This is the "price" to solve the "dll hell" and dependency solving with package managers.

>How can anyone put up with this garbage is beyond me.

Then use whatever.

Thanks for the (You) my Sup Forumsedditor friend. Knew you'd reply.

apples to oranges



Meet with your living god there. Cocksucker.

Your package manager locks the database so you only write one change to it at a time. It's pretty reasonable to do that.

>first CEO is a redditor
>the one after him is a complete sperg
>the current one is a h1b shitter

>Most of the repositories give like 20kb/s download speed even with local server selected.
Do you live on the fucking moon? This is hilarious.


I never stated that apt installs them simultaneously. Regardless, does the fact that packages are installed in a serial way really matter? I would be worried more about OS rot, especially on windows.

getting firefox on Arch took me less than 2 minutes, and I have a 10mb bandwith

Either you didn't select the correct mirrors or you're being throttled
My internet speed is 3 mb/s and every repo I download from is at least 2 mb/s

Same, on both debian and arch on a shitty 16mbps adsl connection

>malicious SMB servers
Something you will never come across in the real world.

what makes you say that?

ITT: Spillover from Sup Forums blaming their ineptitude with anything other than Windows on the OS.

It's kind of funny seeing so many of these supposedly really "technically adept" types go all apeshit over people using Linux or OSX. My experience is that it's usually just their ego telling them that "No, you can't be bad at something relating to computers, so it has to be something other than you" to avoid having to admit that they only know how to use Windows.

Personally I dumped Windows for OSX around 2007 and after a lot of tinkering with UNIX stuff in OSX all my desktops have since then run Linux (while my laptops run OSX). At this point Windows has to me become "That OS the clueless, kids who want to play games and those who have to use some really obscure tools only available on Windows". Pretty much all the software I run into, even the obscure stuff like AVR Studio, Matlab, Quartus II, etc., run on ether Linux or OSX.

Also, picture highly related.
My ISP surprisingly rates this connection around 80Mb/s which is roughly 10MB/s.

Putting things in perspective.

wtf I hate Cuckrosoft now.

>as laptop user it is a nightmare to not have wifi working with linux and always carry ethernet cable
It's alright. You get used to dragging around that ethernet cable everywhere. We all do it. Clearly nobody has working wifi on Linux and it's not you doing anything wrong.

>as laptop user it is a nightmare to not have wifi working with linux and always carry ethernet cable. since ubuntu 12.04 I submitted this issue with wifi/bluetooth and here we are soon 17.04, the issue is still persisting.

>it's usually just their ego telling them that "No, you can't be bad at something relating to computers, so it has to be something other than you"
rings more true than ever

You submitted an issue related to proprietary broadcom drivers to the party that has zero influence over proprietary bradcom drivers.
It's like complaining to Microsoft that your nvidia drivers don't work.

Did you receive your "greatest retard on bugtracker" sticker already?

Honestly, I don't even know if it's worth it to keep windows update on. I just have some basic security packs, then disable it entirely. I don't trust Microsoft anymore than I do sony with my personal info.

I know I might still be their bitch by using their OS, but hey, at least I can turn SOME of the telemetry off.I just don't think updates are worth the hassle anymore.

>comparing a kernel to the largest software company in the world

>Honestly, I don't even know if it's worth it to keep windows update on.
Rejoice! With Win10 the burden of that decision shall no longer fall upon you.

Well, with Win10 I just disabled updates in the registry itself, and so far Microsoft hasn't turned it back on.

chuckled heartily

I tried this, it doesn't work.

>being this retarded
Hooooooly fuck maybe some people SHOULD stick to Windows.

I was cheering for you until this.

I think it was patched before the issue was made public.

It was the GRUB password, something 99.9% of people don't set.

So another one of those bugs that was fixed long ago but which Pajeet busts out as a way of excusing shitty MS security. Got it.

Seems like they do this a lot. "Oh well sir, Windows sir is a very very veryvery good code, please looking at Linux, it has bug since time of Manu and veryvery hard fix."

Veryvery good sir. Very good.

Na, it wasn't fixed before it was made public. It was also present in code for over a decade.

I wouldn't call it indicative of Linux security but it certainly makes you think what other dumb fuckups are lurking in Linux code that could be getting exploited in the real world right now.

Also, Heartbleed.

So a couple fixed bugs make Windows awesome and excuse any Windows bugs. It's cool to know we're still sticking to our core message.

And when this bug gets fixed you will also stop complaining about Windows?

Windows has more bugs and critical vulnerabilities than any OS and it spies on you. Of course I will not stop complaining.

Anybody retarded enough to use it deserves to get digitally raped though. When I hear tales of woe from people about their computer I actually laugh these days, because we all know that it's Windows which causes 99% of computer problems.

Stupid normies and gaymen fans, when will you learn?

Why don't they patch tha? Did Windows became unmaintainable?

Nice perspective, Pajeet.

THe guys who discovered this bug said Microsoft already patched it:

>Microsoft acknowledged the vulnerability and has published an advisory and a patch, resolving this issue.

So I suppose it's not an issue anymore.

And it was just an issue with SMB servers if you connected to the internet without a firewall.

How many servers actually use SMB? And how many users connect without a firewall to SMB servers? A really rare occurrence.

>ITT: lincucks who don't have windows expertise criticize windows, while windowsbabbehs who don't even know basic shit about linux try to argue based on that zero knowledge why windows is superior
Every single time.