Speccy thread, post them

Speccy thread, post them.





5/5 Main machine.



>not using puppy linux

Be Gentle

my i5 750 broke down on me a couple days ago

just built this new system today, using some old parts though

had 16gb of dd3 and I found out that z270 boards don't support ddr3 so i had to buy a single 4gb stick until i get paid again

im pretty poor so this is pretty much what I could do



how hot am I?


should invest in some more ram and an ssd brah







oh wait you're that faggot from an earlier thread


My shit is old.

Looking at a G4560+B250. Throw in the 950 for low tier gaymen.

Got my XG2401 earlier today finally. I'm really digging it so far.


Rate my shit.

Look at how stupid my build is guys!

Kek be praised.

First new rig in 6 years.

>memorytype gddr5x(micron)



You should have just kept your RAM and bought Skylake.

>crossfire midrange cards
Enjoying that negative scaling?

Laptop, desktop's PSU went out and hopefully didn't take other components with it.Wish my the RMA would process more quickly. Corsair a shit, at least their customer service people are friendly.



pop a 3470-3570 with 3550s selling the cheapest for some reason. on bios 3602 you can set 3550 to x39 multi and 102.6 bclk for 4.2/2c-4.0/4c and bench at a i5 6500 level.

just did that and a 390 to my sandy build on a asus p67. kicking ass but I need a new psu to push both the cpu and the gpu at the same time.

i dont use spyware

These got to be the most useless threads on Sup Forums

Even having speccy installed at all makes you look like the typical fedora wearing gaymer manchild who just has to continuously boast their specs

aww man I'm a little drunk.

you can set multi to +4 above ax turbo so
you can possibly bclk to 105+ I had rock stable 104.2 with my hdd going screwy around 106.

not bad for $73 shipped. it is also the fastest 3550 on user benchmark at this spec.

it's really stupid that these Sup Forums threads are allowed but desktop threads aren't

in case you haven't noticed these threads on Sup Forums the person with the oldest and or hottest hardware wins with i7s getting ignored.

Get on my level


>He doesn't cook with his computer

Literally just neck yourselves

>tfw new GPU but slow ass internet to download any games.

Still running good, originally on XP, got Seven but it was laggy as shit and have W10 since they release the test versions