2013 Chromebook Pixel

>2013 Chromebook Pixel
>$350 brand new on Newegg/Amazon
>based 3:2 aspect ratio 2560 x 1700 IPS 13" display
>i5 low power processor, 4GB of RAM, 32GB SSD (or 64GB for $390), has an SD card slot for more storage

Super easy to install Linux, and the screen res and quality blows the absolute fuck out of every other option out there at this price point

Seriously, is there anything that competes for this price:value for a Linux laptop?

Nope. I bought one at launch for $900 and I still use it daily. Imo Chrome OS is just as good as Linux for 90% of what I need. Still buttery smooth and fast as fuck.

Although I thought it came with a minimum 8gb of RAM

How is a 4 year old laptop "brand new"?
And why is this better than a used laptop (assuming you are just needing a sibgle personal computer)

Pretty sure the 2015 model came with 8GB minimum

That said I don't think you can fucking find the 2015 models anywhere for a decent price

Ah damn that's the one I bought. For some reason I thought it was in 2014 though.

Regardless, the design is fucking ridiculously solid and aesthetic.

i don't like having to run my linux in crouton. i think it's aids. can i wipe chrome os off and only install linux?

The 2015s are quite a bit better, they get quite a bit better battery life.

That's the most significant difference.

Crouton is the antiquated as fuck method, almost all Chromebooks (both Pixel models) can natively boot Linux and totally remove ChromeOS

You can remove Chrome OS

There's even a distro designed specifically for Chromebooks/Pixel, (GalliumOS), has a lot of stuff like built in hi-DPI support for the screen, drivers for the touchscreen and touchpad, etc, it's very straightforward to remove Chrome OS and install Gallium or another distro

Christ, weren't they launched at $1,200? Definitely a steal as a linux machine.

>that screen

No, I don't need to spend $350

Yeah they were like $1300 and $1500 for the LTE model, which is under $400 on Amazon for a sealed new one.

I wonder how the batteries held up in these? Looks like you can buy new Chinese batteries for them, and they're apparently fine (but you never know with chinkshit batteries).

Wanna be a good goy and sell me your 2015 model?

Google says the 2015s have super good battery life.

Did they ever fix the issue of the touchpads not working out of the box with Linux?

Cursory glance says it works out of the box on Gallium 2.1, but looks like as late as 2.0 it wasn't working by default.

>check ebay
>tons of new and sealed chromebook pixels


>Big bezel
>No F keys
>no super key
>no trackpoint
>no touch screen
I mean, it's a nice looking laptop, the aspect ratio is good, but it has too many downsides.

>no touch screen

but you're fucking wrong

>No F keys

>no touch screen

super key is the search key (where caps lock usually is).
It's super ergonomic and in linux the top row are function keys unless mapped otherwise

>constant whining and bitching about unupgradable ram/ssd and lack of ports in macbooks
>jerking off over a 4 year old chromebook with the exact same problems

i know you dorks don't wanna look lame in front of all the people who absolutely do care what fucking laptop a complete stranger uses in public, but just suck it up and buy the used thinkpad or whatever other business laptop you find a deal on

yeah but Macbooks are $1k+ bare minimum

it's not fair to compare something you're getting for $350 to a hideously overpriced Macbook

non-serviceable parts aren't acceptable in either case. 4gb ram and a 32gb ssd isn't worth $350. you guys should be pissed how that rad screen is being wasted on such a hamstrung laptop

>earlier I saw a i7-7700k for $300
>now I see this

I wish I wasn't so jewy when it comes to money.

>you guys should be pissed how that rad screen is being wasted on such a hamstrung laptop
i am and i am even more pissed that these fucking dumbfucks stupid ass piss companies cannot even make a proper fucking standalone computer screen with these panels.
retina displays are from nearly half a decade ago and it's not exaggerated, it's the blatant truth. if you'd had a p3 in 2003 u was FUCKED

nowadays we have like these retarded 16:9 1080p screens flooding the market for the last 10 years straight and there still is no end in sight because "muh HDMI port will do"

fuck all of you, especially google for luring newbs into buying 32gb trash in 2017
thats like the size of an ipod from 2002 or something, fuck that shit

>inb4 pic related damage control shills replying

is this the next thinkpad?

I might consider it if it had USB 3.0 ports.

I love my chromebook. Thinking about buying an SSD and installing GNU/Linux on it but for now it's a great shitposting machine already.

Is there an option to install msata in pixel? I've head that there isn't, the only available ssd is soldered down.

>storage on fat memory
Yeah nah

Which model. Chances are the storage is soldered and you can't do that.

Can anybody confirm or deny if the 2013 Pixel gets the Play Store? From what I've found, only the 2015 gets it. It's the only thing keeping me from buying a 2013 to replace my old C710.

Acer Chromebook 11 CB3-131

Damn, it's soldered in. That's a shame.

It's the reason I didn't buy a Chromebook yet. All the promising ones are still Chromebooks.

>i5 low power CPU
The ultra low-power "Y" version of the ultra low-power CPUs? The 4.5 watt CPUs that are 1.8GHz base?

>4.5 watt "Y" version CPU
nigguh, this beast has a dedicated southbridge

Meh, 2015 model is better. Find an LS and you'll be all set

What is LS?

"Ludicrous Speed" model from 2015

Good luck finding one for under $1000. They're really not worth that much (despite the awesome 3:2 screen) but Google probably didn't sell too many, so they're rare.

>all those specs
>still only a 64GB SSD

Is that laptop an elaborate prank?

Muh cloud and whatnot.

Also I bet chrome OS doesn't eat 25+ GB like Windows does after a few updates.

Is there anything you can do on chrome OS that would require an i7 CPU and 16GB RAM?

I'm not sure tbqfh. I'd probably just end up installing Linux and virtualbox or something.


Looking to get my dad a Chrome book. Any 2017 models to look out for?

OP, I am using ChromiumOS on a 10 year old laptop, and its running fantastic.

I wouldnt really pay $350 for that, maybe $250, 300 tops, but those Chromebooks are amazing quality, and that screen is fucking wonderful.

You can load plenty of other OS on it. I say go for it.

Doubt it. The Pixel was always just for tards who can't into computers but have lots of disposable income and people who just install Linux.

so much this tbvh

Only if you use ChromeOS, which no one uses.

funny that you mention this. I have one coming in the mail right now, bought the 64GB wifi+LTE for $360 new. super excited.

>$350 for a dumb terminal

Normies will defend this.

alright Sup Forums
convince me to sell my X220t and pick this up

Keyboard is chiclet poopoo

Not a development machine.

ITT: idiots that don't realize it's an actual computer that can run OSX/Linux/Windows/what-the-fuck ever and still think because it's called the Chromebook Pixel it only runs ChromeOS

>stupid fucking people will be the death of us all

did you accidentally solder 4gb of ram, a 32gb ssd, and the battery onto their connectors, then poured epoxy glue into the expresscard, ethernet, 2nd ram slot, msata, and one of the usb ports? then the 2013 chromebook pixel won't be a downgrade

So lemme get this straight.

Buy the google book -> Install linux somehow -> Have 12/12 laptop?

clearly not understand the prospect of krum os