ITT things wintoddlers can't do on their toy OS

ITT things wintoddlers can't do on their toy OS



Try killing yourself

name one person who loves you

Now open up the video game in your wallpaper.

Looks like an acceptable replacement for losing access to any worthwhile software

Current state of windows

>butthurt wintoddler damage control

Do you ever feel sort of ashamed that you installed a cloud OS just to make a misleading webm to post on Sup Forums because you're trying so hard to fit in?

Can you show us any features that have actual use?

>Current state of windows defence force

one of the better bait threads

I have a family

You can't save porns in your PRN folder

>ITT: dumb faggots argue over which OS is subjectively "better" when in the real world people use whatever OS is best for their use case because you can install all three of the major operating systems on hardware "off the shelf"

cygwin exists
the rubbery resizing of windows is the exact definition of childishness

>version of windows made to sell licenses for dirt cheap and only run store apps



Winfags will never be able to do this

>autistic shitpost

We can shitpost just fine. Retard.

What progrem does that?



I can run windows programs natively and do everything you did in a virutalbox or though ssh.

>implying any of this shit is useful

Linux is great, but saying it's a better OS than Windows only because you can do this dumb, pointless shit is pretty fucking stupid OP.

And we can run your Wangblows programs through WINE. But in neither scenario does it mean it works well.

Compiz and Arch in 2017.

I bet you believe that you are an special snowflake.

>any of that
I think the matrix one might work, but that's it

lincucks will never play these.

>And we can run your Wangblows programs through WINE.

With limited success and wildly different set ups, mainly crossed fingers being the number 1 method for getting things to run.

Why would we want to do something designed for manchildren?


Considering you're using one as your desktop wallpaper in your webms, you can stop pretending you don't care.

Lest we pretend you're here for any other reason than being a neo-luddite looking to complain about technology and pretend you're better than other people.

Games are for children and children play games.

Don't worry, you will grow out of "PC gamer master race" phase.

pretty sure you can remote desktop though ssh

>Application maximizing slower than in Windows


Did OP install arch just to false flag?

>games are for kids
>rices arch
Shiet man, make your mind already

>>games are for kids
Is there any confusion?

I'm sorry, I can't hear your crying over all this superior programs I got over here.

Windows does virtual desktops, too

You absolutely can. It's called X Forwarding or X Tunneling. Fucking PuTTY can do it

That wasn't your argument when you posted this I guess I'm too old for Sup Forums toddlers

I'm not OP

>uses assassins creed wallpaper
>OS doesnt support it

>recognizes shit games from a wallpaper that isn't even that distinctive
off yourself manchild

Seriously, Freetard and Wincuck wars are enough of a problem without the gaymers getting in

Are you retarded?

Hello OP

Haha holy shit. damn

>resorts to ad hominem
Wow, little jimmy. You have extra 5 edgy points today. Bye.

>tfw winfags can't update every program on their computer with a one line command

The only thing more flaming, bloated, and jiggling than this desktop is the person who made it.


>toy OS
>literally showcases "features" that serve no functionality and resemble flashy lights and animations meant to entertain children

You clearly don't understand the capabilities of Windows.

>that resolution

>judging the only superior 4:3 resolution to ever exist

is this real life?


Somebody failed math.


>all 3

Do wut

There are two os's that just work; Windows and Ubuntu (and red hat)

FreeBSD is base but Bella unsupported and OS/X is illegal to install on any non-mac. Use ubuntu for backend programmers and the tech savvy and use Windows for most guest front-end sessions. Use RHEL or CentOS on server.

If you disagree you've simply never worked in a modern environment.

Also daily reminder Windows group policy and domains are base af

This is a retarded idea tho; no competent admin or dev needs a gui on Windows or GNU/Linux

On UNIX the gui is just a shell and on Windows you can just run cmd or PowerShell and have full control

>toy OS
>proceeds to show off his command line tricks and epic arch tweaks
And it's people like you who give linux users a bad name.

Macfag toolbar, arch linux, and that lame Matrix background from 1999 = sperglord.

Prove objectively that your current distro is better than Arch. If you can't, you might as well not make an argument about it, since it will always be subjective; and no one gives a fuck about you.


Debian is superior to all except gentoo, nuff said.

Absolutely mesmeric

Fellow arch user btw

As an ex-linux user I am laughing my ass off right now.

All this thread has proven is linux is only good for ricing the shit out of your desktop.

Wake me up when linux stops being the joke of the internet and does more than get you maximum internet points in desktop threads.

get a Mac, use all 3.

>mfw only the best programs available are windows compatible

No, nuff said.

Holy cowsay, a Wincuck just made me get BTFO
You have the same wallpaper as my Windows partition btw


Sorry I'm not a prancing homosexual degenerate sub human like you are. :(

> As an ex-linux user

2 weeks of using Ubuntu does not make you an "ex-linux user" you smug retard. Also I hope you realize how idiotic your argument is "a single person using Linux in a way I wouldn't invalidates all other use cases".

What font is that? Also, just out of interest, have you disabled font smoothing/hinting globally in fontconfig and simply use raster fonts for all your applications?

GNU/Linux is good for a user who wants to customize every single thing, and is willing to do research on how to use their computer to make it easier for themselves (via command line tools, package managers, etc). It's also for autistic people who think they are smarter than you.

Windows is for people who want it to just werk out of the box. If they mess something up a simple Google search will always fix their problem.

Why the fuck can't we agree on a resolution like this?

because as conciliatory as your stance might sound:

> It's also for autistic people who think they are smarter than you.

your bias is very clear.

I'm an Archfag tho. I'm this guy I wouldn't recomment Windows to anyone over Linux. But if you're not willing to make fun of your own flaws, you're not a good person. I stand 100% by what I said. Freetards, specifically people using the more advanced distros, will develop an idea that they are some type of h4x0r.

They don't even make such a fucktardedly crippled version of GNU/Linux.

>three letter all caps folder names
What is this, 1982?

Windows has pipes and all of those applications can be trivially ported or reimplemented for Windows. I actually wrote a platform-agnostic cowsay in ANSI C a few months ago. And you could even write a C or Batch program to fake the "arch 4.9.7" prompt as well.

Linux can run Windows 3.1 programs. Windows 7-10 can't.

Using a text shell on Windows sucks because so many file and folder names have spaces.

I'm the guy you responded to, I've also been using Arch Linux for about 2 years now and I don't really feel superior in any way. I just think that people who willingly use Windows are naive, not necessarily much dumber.

the font is anonymous-pro size 12. It's comfy for programming
>have you disabled font smoothing/hinting globally in fontconfig and simply use raster fonts for all your applications?
I have never even touched that config file, so probably no? I set my font through my wm/terminal config file.

Windows is marked as an OS for normies, but the problem is it's actually way easier to break than Linux is (largely because user privileges aren't a fundamental part of the OS design, and only tacked on after the fact, basically for show). You need to know how Linux works to use it effectively, however it's far easier to make sense of Linux than it is to understand Windows.

WTF I hate windows now

you were saying?

That's ubuntu

>Ubuntu on Windows
kys yourself

> things wintoddlers can't do on their toy os
> toy os
> proceeds to show off a series of literal toys that windows could do 20 years ago but has since grown out of
Sometimes I think there might be something to all this linux gumph, but then a post like this reassures me that it is literally for hipsters too poor to go applel
Can someone post a webm of that old windows 98 app that let you smash up your desktop?

> but then a post like this reassures me that it is literally for hipsters too poor to go applel

You mean sometimes you fall for the bait? Congratulations, you played yourself.

Use catalyst as the lastest driver for AMD GPUs

And of course there are many good users whose heads aren't in space. But from the freetards I have met (which isn't many obv), we are slightly more... smug, that the Windows users.

In my first programming class, one kid was running fucking kali for I don't know what reason. He was showing off in the exact ways you would expect. Others have looked down on Windows users for their choice of OS. Keep in mind this was in real life where that kind of thing is discouraged. Yes, Linux is definitely better, but there are nicer ways to talk about your OS.

So, are the majority nice? Of course. But, there is a higher per capita of bad linux users than per capita of Windows users. I suppose that's why I said
>ALSO for autistic people who think they are smarter than you.

Okay, agreed, when you put it that way.

Gotta kick these fuckers while they're down, it's the only way they'll ever learn.

I've used linux: mint, debian, kali, arch, fedora, opensuse, ubuntu, and even fucking manjaro

Are are still work-in-progress shitbirds utterly useless outside of desktop threads.

The linux community is an even bigger joke than linux itself. You fat basement dwellers can't be bothered to work on a single linux distro that actually fucking works.

You fucking faggots can't even be arsed to write proper AMD drivers or even write them at all which is open source-friendly.

Hell shit is SO BAD that I find freebsd more usable and will switch to that after microshaft pulls the plug on windows 7.

No one is down, except you thrashing on the ground trying to remove the hook, bud.

Linux can still run desktop-destroyer on WINE. You jelly :^)