Link to the video where Terry talks about modern violent games?

Link to the video where Terry talks about modern violent games?

Other urls found in this thread:

>CIA nigger
I miss the days when he called people India niggers.



Wow Terry is so far off the rails right now.

who called him?

>you're a nigger
>hangs up phone

(((who))) do you think?

All I heard was ...."fucking nigger". No wonder you guys love this faggot so much.

Kind of unsettling to come across Terry's stream

How does one get Terry's phone number?

It's on his website:

Scroll to the bottom.

>Fuckin CIA is still not suckin my cock OK?

What did he mean by that

>let's put a markhov on setty

what did he mean by that?

wow terry is succumbing to the greater internet fuckward hypothesis

I have seen these threads daily, but never actually listened in on until today?

What is a CIA nigger? Is this man actually isane or just a clever troll?

>CIA monkey niggers, trying to jedi mind trick god's chosen

He's a legit, diagnosed functional schizophrenic.

He has schizophrenia. What do you think?

Does anyone know how old Terry is?

Read the source code and make an offering.


>Ubuntu is now the OS of the mentally ill
>I'm watching a mentally ill man watch political comedy videos in real time
>what is society

I'm more disturbed that he hasn't changed the wallpaper from the default.

Terry looks like he really enjoyed the video. More than I did at least.

I just woke up from a coma after x years.

Why did Terry get suspended from twitter? Do we know when it is going to end? Did the CIA niggers finally get him?

He used the no no word too many times


Donald Knuth uses Ubuntu.
If you now ask who Donald Knuth is, I beg you to go back to Sup Forums.

What the guy who phoned him said?
Terry laughed.

I wonder if there's any way to convince him to grow back the mustache.

thanks dude

What did you do?

All those phone calls
Then steam goes down




hes back

Terry just got the call from Russia that saved the world

>God hates Shakespeare but loves Beverly Hillbillies because David was like one
A true patrician

>Donald Knuth
>Sup Forums
bitch i'm a redditor

Oh shit I love TeX nvm my professor knew this nigga

Fuck off back to /r/eddit, you brainwashed millennial negroid kikes.

Kill yourself

It was Terry's intellect that broke him in a world full of stupidity. He was too humble to realize he was right.

48 this year.

>God's temple has ~30 years of further development to go

When do you think he will be put in charge of intel? Maybe when he is 55.

new terry:

>windows getting told the fuck out of existence

MS on suicide watch

I haven't watched any of his video for awhile but why is he wearing a cap now?

>He's a legit, diagnosed functional schizophrenic.

He functions, no?


When you guys call Terry and ask him what God thinks of Gigabit Ethernet, that is a good, productive call. Advance Gods Temple.

Yes, functional. He is high priest of God's third temple. He has divine intelligence. He will be in charge of intel in the future and mandate that TempleOS be put on the ROM.

only faggot hates god

how difficult is it to make an OS? Like, is Terry actually a genius or just motivated?


To do it solo it's pretty hard. Bear in mind that TempleOS is entirely built by Terry. Bootloader, filesystem, language (HolyC), compiler/assembler, all of it was made by Terry.

For one person to do it's pretty much impossible. Terry has divine intellect from God.

start with a compiler from scratch in Assembly to see how hard it is :^)