Reddit - the shittiest website on the internet

>go to on my phone
>pop-up that can't be closed and it blocks actual content
>clicking "continue" redirects me to download the reddit app on google play store
>clicking "login" redirects me to login page
>NO close button

>go to
i found your problem, user

More like Sup Forums, triggered anons. You are just too dumb to use reddit.

>can't even browse a website
Have you considered that you might be mentally retarded? Oh wait, someone mentally retarded would never consider that!

try harder next time

The problem is not me having a letter combination, but rather reddit making it impossible to close the pop-up that blocks actual content.

Just a couple of days ago, atleast we could "continue to the mobile site". But today they replaced it with a login button instead.

Oh and yeah, ignoring it and scrolling down doesn't work. It follows you everywhere.

I guess they went all in for their ad ridden app

>>go to
why did you even bothered coming back?

Stay the fuck in your cancerous place

>>go to on my phone

It's sad that even default Sup Forums is more mobile responsive than reddit.

Then fuck off to Reddit and never come back

The old mobile site is way better and it still works. They never should have made a new one.

Tap outside the light box. Most sites that feature stuff like that don't include a close button because this is supposedly assumed.

>want to install a Linux distribution tailor made for chromebooks
>overwrite firmware, install new OS, doesn't work
>post on Sup Forums
>get ignored
>post on sub reddit specifically for that OS
>get referred to the guy who actually wrote the software
>he responds in 2 days and fixes my problem

I like Sup Forums because you don't see so many people fishing for upvotes, but the anonymity keeps anybody from establishing themselves as credible. I've been browsing Sup Forums since 2008 and I legitimately think Reddit is a better place for any sort of constructive endeavor.

itt: memelords that are so tied down to some vacuous rivalry that they relegate themselves to the use of a single, web1.0 portal to their entire world.

Ebin!!!1!! Screencap me too

Just block it you dumb nigger cattle

you don't come here for advice or for tech support
you come here for discussion and for the memes

can't have any real meaningful discussion though, because any in depth discussion requires accountability of both parties, and you don't have that on Sup Forums. There's no record of who's being inconsistent, who's lying, and who's pretending to be a different poster. So I think, it's really just for the memes

>you come here for discussion

desu i think reddit is better because people actually want upvotes. On here its just kys kys and cancer memes. At the same time there is something about being anonymous that brings something to the table

>the same board where you're bound to see shills and 'install gentoo' memes

I say it's a Sup Forums problem. I frequent Sup Forums and Sup Forums and surprisingly they have actual on-topic discussion.
They don't do the shit flinging contests on their OS preference that are the usual here.

>you come here for discussion

Triggered anons, really funny to see. Sadthat you can't admit that this place is so much worse than reddit. This here is judt NIGGERS, JEWS, etc. Can't you even have a NORMAL conversation? Jesus.

Also, it's finr on my phonrm You all are really just too dumb to use a website. Holy shit.

I'm not even logged in.

>go to on my phone
stopped reading right there

Hey redditfag, or someone else, riddle me this:
What does "/u/" mean when, related to reddit or women?

/u/ = user
/r/ = subreddit

How come OP is not banned yet?



You have to go back.

>you come here for discussion

Sup Forums is a rotten carcass of a board. Besides, why would I help people on a mostly anonymous website? There aren't any good guy points here, it all depends on user's mood and how interesting the topic is.

Typing whatever you want is great since there isn't a permanent ID on you most of the time, but you are part of the problem if all you do is shitpost. Sup Forums is shit, but there are maybe one or two threads every week or so that aren't irredeemable trash.

FUCKING Phoneposters + plebbits

Honestly, my advice is to go to the generals and stay on the generals when you're on Sup Forums. They tend to be more focused than 99% of the board 99% of the time

Thanks, was wondering what whether this was a reddit or a Sup Forums reference in my video games.
It seems to be a Sup Forums place, but that /u/ look dangerously Reddit.
Probably not, but then again there are mostly women on this made up board.