What is the advantage of using Mac over PC in 2017?

What is the advantage of using Mac over PC in 2017?

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You can show everyone what a retard you are for buying a mac.


You can show off how much you spent on a machine. It's like buying a really expensive watch.

I bought a macbook pro 2016. I am filled with so much regret. It cost 2000 maplebucks. I'm returning it tommorow and I'm going to build a nice PC instead for 500 dollars less and much more power. I thought about getting an imac but when I compare what you get with building my own it's no contest. The only good thing about the imac is the 5k display.

not much for the average consumer. just comes down to which OS you prefer.

thats a buzzword for poor

nothing, you'll stay a normie and that's about it

2000 entry fee for macOS is retarded. You can get so much better hardware for less if you use Linux instead. It's a superior unix experience for less with much more customizability. You can customize the hardware and the software... macOS is designed to be non-customizable.

Develop on iOS.

Believe you are race master of computer.
Believe you are rich,important,creative,productive, like Steve Jobs.
Gets on the cult of Apple.

I want to cum inside her while I roleplay as Alex Jones.

I own a 27" iMac, and I feel the opposite way. If I had it to do all over again, I wouldn't have any stationary general-purpose computers. My servers and Windows game console handle all that shit. I'd much rather have a better laptop.

Apple doesn't watch you fap. MS does.

Apple doesn't spam you with ads integrated into your OS.

Apple doesn't have to do updates 8 times a day

OS X, best AIOs

>What is the advantage of using an Apple-manufactured PC running Mac OS X over a PC in 2017
Your question makes zero sense, OP.

2nd day of work here, they forced me to use a Mac.
Sup Forums, sell me on it. Why would I need to code in OSX?

Full fledged autism

The word "PC" is not an acceptable word to refer to "computers that aren't Macs" anymore than the word "Quadrilateral" is acceptable to refer to "4 sided polygons that aren't squares".

Whatever you say, Captain Autismo

>alt rightist conspiracy theorists use Mac's
Fuck, I have to get rid of mine now.

Rendering times.

>restricting yourself from products because someone you don't like uses them
Even dumber than blind hatred

MacOS is a hell of a lot more nice to use on laptops than Windows, only problem is that you need to pay out the ass for a Mac. The 2015/2014 MacBook Pros are god tier.

>tfw this retard uses Sup Forums
I have to go.


You get a machine that throttles and can turn into a housefire any moment, as opposed to getting a proper computer with proper cooling and airflow.

>2000 entry fee for macOS

WTF, you can get a Mac Mini for $499

The iMac has an excellent aspect ratio and resolution, I imagine it's good for coding

Spoken like someone who spends a lot of time reading about Macs on Sup Forums and not a lot of time actually using Macs.

Not only does my three-year-old MacBook Air run tolerably cool unless I'm driving it to the brink of death like Ben-fucking-Hur, it's also completely silent most of the time. More than I could say for most Windows laptops I see in the wild.

Speaking of 'more than I could say for most Windows laptops', my trusty MBA got 12-16 hours of active use out of the box. 3.5 years later, it still gets 6-8. Pretty fucking good, far as I'm concerned.

Sadly the last iMac to have a 16:10 screen came out in 2009

aw, well i guess mac has two uses now
- to pretend you have money and not working at McD
- rich people trash can

Yeah, like i said way up above, I wouldn't buy the iMac again, if only because I spun all my stationary-computer tasks out into home servers and a windows-based Steam box hooked to my TV. Laptop, all the way, no reservations.

>Spoken like someone who spends a lot of time reading about Macs on Sup Forums and not a lot of time actually using Macs.

Spoken like someone who works at a place where half the offices have Macs, where macs and traschcans had immense heating problems and many trashcan were afflicted with the AMD graphical chipset failure.
Company switched back to using normal desktops.

Sounds like you had one problem model. Plenty of Dell Optiplex models fucking a'sploded on peoole too.

We don't use Dell.
We use HP, and also customized rigs where they are needed built up by our IT slave.
We are also in the process of switching to running everything via VM's instead of having individual computers and components in every office. Nothing but a monitor with a keyboard and mouse plugged into it from now on.

Virtualized thin clients are a good idea. I'm transitioning my household to them at the moment.

A status symbol.

Found the HP shill

I got my MacBook in 2013 because I foresaw unpredictable finances ahead, and I didn't want to have to buy another laptop for a really long time. Lo and behold, here I am, 3-4 years later, having not sunk one extra dime into this laptop. Maybe in a couple more years, I'll pay $100 for a new battery.

Millie Weaver is best Infowars girl.

fusion of software and hardware
how can free software succeed when there is no free hardware

>Linux instead
>superior unix experience than macos
lmao you can't be serious

free as in fredom?

Free hardware exists, you're just not using it.

MacOS has some advantages, but it depends on who uses it and what for.

no, beer
cost is much more important than open source and other "freedom" stuff

Isn't it a disadvantage nowadays? The meme of macs being media production powerhouses is long gone.
Not that I'd recommend wangblows 10 wholeheartedly but I suppose it is cheaper to buy a wangblows machine that offers far more choice, compatibility and power.

This age of OS' sucks, I'm tired of the constant steps back. Loonix is the only sane option but it has ways to go.

>tfw hackintosh
Best of both worlds.

You need to pick carefully your hardware to get a fukly working Hackintosh though but isn't a big deal.

MacOS has native low latency audio. Whereas on Windows if you want low latency you're forced to buy a 3rd party soundcard.
That's about the only advantage I can think of, but it's a relevant one for some people.

This is very true, but you don't need a Mac to run macOS.

>Mac over PC
Is a Mac not personal, or not a computer?


Yeah in an ideal world, a perfectly functioning triple boot would be great but not really something people consider. I see bootcamps on my course, mainly because engineering uses programs not available for macs, so that's one way around it for those who already had a mac before enrolling.

Personally, I'd rather have full flexibility in building my pc. The limited compatible hardware doesn't sit well with me but that's a personal opinion, and no real damage because I don't explicitly require mac OS.

Huh didn't know that. Well yeah depends on your needs, but I think for the masses who literally just use m$ word and browse facebook there is no advantage, nobody wins here.
Program compatibility (be it engineering or otherwise) and gaems is probably the second largest need and wangblows, fortunately or unfortunately, reigns in that department so it takes the advantage.

Tell the truth, I have no idea why so many insist on powerful hardware, fancy features and super 'premium' build/looks when a super cheap atom machine can do all they want really well. That's a complaint for another thread though. Technically apple proved and capitalised on this stupidity with their core m stuffed machines but yeah.

What is the advantage of being a fag in 2017?

A better question would be what is the advantage of regurgitating stale memes?

It's not personal.

>a super cheap atom machine can do all they want really well

except web browsing (on certain sites). nowadays that's the only normie task which can really benefit from a strong cpu.
now, i'd prefer to euthanize people who make those websites, but oh well...

I wouldn't have said this a year ago but shit, modern ones are true quad cores and can turbo (or 'burst'...no idea why intel named it differently for atoms) decently so it saves them from choking on fatass sites.
It's probably enough to make a normie not notice any difference even for bloated sites now. Mostly. No comment on retarded sites.

Atoms have been decent for years, hell my tablet from 2013 has a quad core one.

There is no advantage, it's a personal preference.
I prefer macOS and i like Apple's industrial design. The only thing i don't like about Apple is that it's overpriced.

He was making a joke about how whenever a celebrity or company speaks out against Trump all his supporters boycott them.

Infowars is pro Trump though

Being gay gets you progressive points in your English class.

Hardware wise: Depends on what you want. You want a really nice display and a decent trackpad? Yep. You want a beefy computer though, you're just not doing yourself a favor.

Software wise: A system that literally just werks on many aspects. There's a few inconveniences like Finder not being too specific with merging files and such, but the OS is rock fucking solid if you don't care just that much about customizing every little part of it. Better than Windows in terms of stability and non-forced updates. Better than Linux in the aspect of software compatibility, unless you play games on which it's kinda worse. That's what bootcamp is for though (or even Parallels, I played some of the latest indie games not available on Mac through that just fine)

I wouldn't say atom machines, but at least you don't need half of what people are using on desktops these days to get things working. We reached the point at which even a 5 year old macbook pro is capable of doing most things you would need a laptop for (I mean shit, 3D modeling and gaming on a laptop? is there such a big market for that?).

* No ads.
* Security.
* Just werks.
* Xcode.
* Run any OS in VM.
* Develop for any OS.
* Mission control. (Though Snow Leopard's Spaces were even better.)

Some of these apply to Loonix as well. (I'm sorry: GNU + Loonix.)

You get all the pussy and boipucci in strabucks

from your list, the only valid one is Mission Control imo

Nothing. They're overpriced, constantly thermal throttle, have an os with 5 market share and thus 5% of all the useful software, have horrible build design, and not require the use of at least 20 dongles to be used in a professional environment.

To make things worse they are now steadily becoming a symbol of homosexuality.

Swift best programming language and iOS dev is paid more

>Wired Logitech mouse
Absolutely barbaric

>3D modeling and gaming on a laptop? is there such a big market for that?
sh-shut up

>It's a superior unix experience for less with much more customizability.
Most autistic thing I've read all day.

Real talk, the OS is the main reason to buy a Mac. I use Sketch + several other Mac-only apps and a Hackintosh is not viable for business use.
Other than that you have:

- Best trackpad on the market
- Great high resolution screens
- Fantastic build quality
- Higher resale value

Fantastic build quality is going away sadly. Jobs would have never allowed the Macbook keyboard to pass

>build quality

t. Someone who has never used a Mac, let alone owned one.

Today I was sitting in history class, when my teacher started off on another one of her raging fits about technology. She honestly knows next to nothing about technology, and can barely open power points on her macbook. She thinks she's some computer wizard though. Anyway, the school wifi password was changed yesterday and was issued to all students and staff. However, my teacher doesn't know how to access the wifi menu on her computer. We all got to sit in class for 30 minutes while she called the school IT guy, who had to leave home, while we all insisted that we could help her with this. The guy showed up, took less than 30 seconds to enter the wifi password, and then with a look of fury on his face, glares at my teacher and growls "Will that be all." She squeals out a "yes" and gleams on, glad that her problem has been resolved while completely indifferent to the trouble she has caused in order to have someone type out 20 characters into her computer.
I hope she gets fired.

>t. maymay pro


Not much. They used to be better build quality etc, but if you spend the same on a Windows laptop I'm sure you get something good nowadays.

Main reasons now are probably:
>develop for iOS
>unix tools for general dev and especially webdev
>that trackpad
>just plain prefer the OS/desktop environment to the alternatives

A more or less decent screen with large DPI.

>superior experience
>still you have to access console to solve things that are solved in a commercial operating system

Epic maymay.

I agree that their cables are kinda bad.
They make them to look nice but not to be durable.

Other than that i've never had any hardware issue with Mac's or iPhones.

>dumb blond bimbo uses apple products at work
literately who cares?

I had a Macbook Pro and I didn't have any issue with the cables really.
Now I'm in a W520. Probably I'll hackintosh it.

I had to take apart and resolder my sisters mac pro power block cable connection, took 5 mins


Why a Woman needs a Xeon Workstation?

Then you sperg out and swear not to use Firefox and Github ever again because they've been ruined by SJWs.






Please read: stallman.org/apple.html

>believing the lies of a fat smelling pedo kike

always hated that
triggers my autismo

a Mac is a PC too
just like a Linux machine

why is a Windows machine considered """""a"""" PC"?

>t. mactoddler

I'm not reading your autism blog, Stallman. Fuck off.

>spam you with ads integrated into your OS.
tb really fucking h this is the dankest meme Sup Forums ever invented
it's astounding
it's literally THE 10/10 meme of our century

>t. mactoddler

because you can only do personal things on windows xd

> I can't sympathize much with those app developers, since they are making proprietary software. They all deserve to fail.