I'm fairly new to Ubuntu (switched from Windows 10 a couple days ago).
I have full-drive encryption and home folder encryption enabled, so when the computer boots I almost instantly land at a prompt to enter my encryption key/pass to decrypt the drive... I can't type in the text box, and trying to go into terminal mode doesn't work. To boot the computer I have to start in recovery mode (which lands me at a terminal) and then enter my encryption key/pass, and then finally select the option to resume normal boot. I have tried to edit the Grub parameters, with no luck.
Even doing that is buggy, at the user login screen I get a notification box saying that my monitor configuration couldn't be loaded, and it's all fucked up (both 4K monitors blank and the 1080p monitor trying to display a 4K output). I have to move my mouse around to find the login box, login and then it finally will load the monitor configuration correctly.
any help would be greatly appreciated
Justin Lee
Install Gentoo.
Cameron Martinez
Eli Evans
Upgrade to 16.10?
Ian Ramirez
16.04 is LTS, upgrading shouldn't be nescessary.
I also had problems with DPI stuff with 16.04 so I didn't bother upgrading from 14.04
Emacs, compilers and i3wm works fine, that's all I need. Ricing is the ultimate cancer
Jayden Ramirez
Linux is buggy. Just go back to W10 if you want to be comfy.
Nathaniel Bennett
You're typing, it just doesn't reveal the "*" characters in case someone is looking over your shoulder. At least that's how it used to work.
Jayden Wilson
>W10 is not buggy This is so true XD
Gavin King
Why wouldn't you think they fixed some bugs with a newer version?
Jaxon Nguyen
Why do you need to encrypt your OS partition? Have a separate/encrypted /home, /temp, /usr, /var but leave /boot and / unencrypted.
Camden Butler
With full-disk encryption I couldn't get it to work... at all. Would boot to a purple screen and then if I hit ESC it would turn black.
I thought that too, but I found out after looking more into it that Ubuntu isn't capturing keyboard input at all. (can't hit ESC to get into console, and if i hit the caps lock button the light doesn't illuminate etc)
Nathaniel Russell
Ironically this Unironically this
Colton Stewart
Strange, never heard of that happening. Are you using some weird keyboard or other input device by any chance?
Angel Collins
i like ubuntu but i never use disk encryption on my system partition. if you only encrypt home folder anything in there is inaccessible and messes with the rest of system.
i would recommend asking on ubuntu forums. they're helpful for identifying "ubuntu" way of doing things.
also 16.04.2 was delayed until feb 9th :(
Jace Flores
Post video card and what driver you're using
it's most likely the freetard driver which never works. Use the proprietary one or if you don't care about games, use a fallback like xvesa
Owen Kelly
Just install Windows and stop with autism.
Hudson Morgan
using a WASD V2 and a Roccat Kone XTD. I wanted to try using a PS/2 keyboard or this keyboard with an adaptor, but I can't find either :(
>see pic
>i would recommend asking on ubuntu forums. they're helpful for identifying "ubuntu" way of doing things. Hm. I think I will
Joseph Long
Do you have dual gpu like optimus? some laptops crash with this on even on windows for me. You can select in bios to use one or the other or both
Levi Hughes
shot shit sherlock
Liam Martinez
I once encrypted my Ubuntu partition and it also encrypted my Windows 8.1 LMAO.