For instance, how do you get design work done without Adobe? How do you get high-level spreadsheet work done without a native Excel? How do you use a scanner, or fax machine, if it lacks a Linux driver or software interface? How do you build genuine PDF documents without Acrobat Pro?
Those are just off the top of my head -- but there's a myriad of other software that simply doesn't even exist on Linux -- software for ease of duplicate file checking, software for converting and editing videos easily (such software is even rare on Windows).
How do you get anything done on your box? Genuine question. I absolutely hate Windows, its aesthetic, and how bloated and what a mess it is (out of box), but from my limited experience with Linux -- it can't do much besides run daemons/servers like rtorrent that already exist on Windows, anyway. I'm running my box, now what?
>(besides programming) >high level spreadsheet work >how do you get anything done Hahahahahahaha
Eli Watson
Linux actually has pretty good generic printer/scanner software, don't have to use shitty HP drivers that have elaborate but shitty programs that nobody in their right mind would ever use and constantly run in the background.
I don't know anybody who's used a fax machine in the last ten years, regardless of OS and although I'm sure there's ways to use a fax machine in Linux I think you should refuse to do business with anyone who uses faxes, just like you should refuse to do business with anyone who uses a carrier pigeon.
Photoshop I do run in a Windows VM, can't live without Photoshop. GIMP is a piece of shit. Krita is good for drawing and Inkscape is decent for vectors. My Linux Mint KDE box auto-detected my Wacom tablet without extra action on my part, easier than my experiences with Mac or Windows, and it's super easy to switch its mapping to either monitor.
Video conversion? I'm sure that exists, although I don't work with video. I'm sure there's a dozen utilities to easily check duplicate files in Linux.
I've honestly never used spreadsheets for anything more than keeping track of some simple numbers, which works find with Sheets in the Calligra suite, which has a pretty clean UI. I'm sure Excel has some advanced features that are missing.
Anyway, hope this helps.
Jason Nelson
i use LO Calc , create pdfs from libreoffice (i never edited a pdf in my life), and use fdupes to check/delete duplicate files, and have converted videos with ffmpeg a few times in my life (never done any "real" video editing in my life desu) I used the same on windows though, maybe for the exception of using total commander instead of fdupes.
Sebastian Bell
also basically every scanner/printer i plugged in worked out of the box, i used NAPS2 on windows and simple-scan is a sufficient replacement.
Jason Martin
gnumales, plz go
Hunter Russell
>Photoshop I do run in a Windows VM Not OP, but on that topic: I'm about to install some adobe software in a windows VM in the coming weeks. I'm intending to use PS, AI and Lightroom, all with a wacom tablet.
Can you elaborate a little on your setup, and problems you encountered? What version of PS and which VM software are you using? Have you done any tests on VM performance vs native? What's your hardware setup? Does OpenGL hardware acceleration work? Your experience with a tablet sounds promising, as I find the inability to switch monitor mapping on windows a pain. Any issues with pen pressure?
Luis Price
>How do you build genuine PDF documents without Acrobat Pro?
Connor Moore
Why do the ugly ones always decide to strip naked or do those topless marches? What the fuck mang.
I will stick to 2D where it is safe.
Blake Reed
>high-level spreadsheet work What is that and is it as boring as it sounds? >How do you use a scanner, or fax machine, if it lacks a Linux driver or software interface? How do you use anything that has no drivers for Windows? You don't. You deploy hardware that is supported. > How do you build genuine PDF documents without Acrobat Pro? All software can export to PDF nowadays. I don't see what you're saying. >software for ease of duplicate file checking ZFS with dedup makes this a non issue. I hear BTRFS has it as well, but I don't know how stable that is by now. If you really want to hunt down these duplicates though, you can easily do so with a variety of applications such as fdupes. >software for converting and editing videos easily For conversion I find ffmpeg to be the most convenient as it's easily scriptable, but you can always use UI tools such as handbrake or avidemux. I'm not a designer, so I don't know much about video editing, but to throw together a video in openshot has been really easy. Also there's kdenlive and other minor ones.
>What killer apps does Linux have? The convenience of having powerful tools such as grep, sed, awk easily accessible is noteworthy. Then there's KVM, LXC, systemd-nspawn. Also docker in combination with orchestration software such as rancher to quickly deploy services. SSH is also really useful. I even consider the wide array of filesystems that are all superior to NTFS a killer feature. It really depends on what you want to do, but the best part about it is that you can do most things really easily and every application comes with proper documentation. Lastly of course there's the package managers which reduce maintenance to a minimum.
Ian Wright
I'd just like to interject for moment. What you're refering to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.
Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called Linux, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.
There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called Linux distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux!
James Parker
>Not rms >interjection with advice animal
Jordan James
>high level spreadsheet work >boring wtf you nigger, excel is literally the best piece of software ever developed by Microsoft
Joshua Anderson
A good way to explore this is the tor is. It uses Linux. Linux is a base os. Macintosh Os is built on Linux and so are iPhones. Linux is an open source meaning anyone can create an os using it. It's basically a terminal with commands until you add a ui.
Aiden Murphy
You know ladies get a lot less interesting without clothes right?
You know you want a lady who's not vapid to talk to for the other 23 and 5/6 hours a day right?
You know half the women out there are as fed up with bs sjw stuff as men right?
oh yeah I'm on Sup Forums and women don't exist
Kayden Murphy
>What killer apps does Linux have? kill xkill
Adam Peterson
>just fuck my shit up senpai
Jace Fisher
you say vapid too much
Grayson Diaz
So what you're saying is MS Windows and Mac OS users can't get anything done either without purchasing Adobe Creative Suite, Adobe Acrobat Pro and MS Office licenses?
Aiden Martinez
no u
Zachary Green
I use virtualbox, Win7, Photoshop CS6. I do my drawing with Krita, so I haven't tested my tablet much with it, but I've heard plenty of reports of this working. Never done any performance benchmarks though, my graphics design is mainly limited to web dev work and sprite-based games I make for fun.
I'll check it out when I get home tonight, but I'm sure this thread will be dead by then.
Ryan Morris
3D women are beyond redemption. I don't want to turn this into a Sup Forums thread so let's leave it at that.
Christian Russell
>Win7, Photoshop CS6 Thanks! That's the same I'm planning to use, either with virtualbox or QEMU >I'll check it out when I get home tonight, but I'm sure this thread will be dead by then. I would appreciate it, but if the thread is dead, it's dead. No worries.
Jackson Collins
>genuine PDF documents
Grayson Lewis
>high-level spreadsheet >le killer appz XD Go back to buzzfeed, this is a technology board
Luke Moore
Pretty interesting thread with helpful replies! Thank you.
I guess a lot of it comes down to VM / locating the proper alternative software title.
Is there a good portal for finding Linux software or Linux solutions to Windows software besides
Joshua Phillips
go back to the poo in the loo thread (you know which one).
Brody Hughes
>proprietary lotus clone
Jack Rogers
>For instance, how do you get design work done without Adobe? I don't do design work, but apparently it's possible to get by. GIMP isn't great, but it's certainly adequate for the kind of image work I do. (That which I can't do with a shell script and Imagemagick, that is.) >How do you get high-level spreadsheet work done without a native Excel? Dunno what "high-level spreadsheet work" you're thinking of, but LibreOffice Calc suits my needs well. In fact, at work I usually use it instead of Excel because it's better, though in fairness I am comparing it to a pretty old version of Excel. >How do you use a scanner, or fax machine, if it lacks a Linux driver or software interface? Not a situation that's actually come up for me. If anything, I've had problems with hardware that doesn't have drivers that work with newer versions of Windows but Linux deals with just fine. >How do you build genuine PDF documents without Acrobat Pro? "Genuine" PDFs? WTF? The PDFs that just about everything on Linux generates are perfectly good. >Those are just off the top of my head -- but there's a myriad of other software that simply doesn't even exist on Linux -- software for ease of duplicate file checking, software for converting and editing videos easily (such software is even rare on Windows). Such things exist. Finding duplicate files, that's no problem. Converting videos, ffmpeg and the various applications that use it work great. Editing videos, no problem there either.
Joshua Reed
>how do you do cherrypicked things most people don't do on Linux? Quality thread, OP.
Thomas Jenkins
Linux has supported faxing since the beginning, like early 90s. Hell I built a web based fax app at work in like 2004.
Excel can easily be replaced by open office, libre office, google docs, and a plethora of other alternatives.
Acrobat is not the only way to create pdfs. There's a 1000 ways now and it will work better on Linux than acrobat.
Linux can convert any video to any format. If you can't cli it you can use any number of GUI front ends for the cli utilities.
Duplicate file checking is like programming 101 and there's tons of Linux GUI apps to do it, or you can write a very simple bash script to do it (or copy and paste it from a simple google search)
Connor Sullivan
Find file duplicates? HAsh them, find duplicates in hashes, it's a shell 1liner. High level spreadsheet? That's low-level database usually, I don't think excel is mightier (maybe better discoverability) than a simple sql repl. Video conversion? What's ffmpeg? I'll give you the video-edit point. PDF is built with latex, how it should be. > fax/scanner Have you ever seen the linux group drivers? they are so much fucking better than windows and can drive (almost) everything
Jordan Adams
As can be seen in this thread, only codemonkeys use lelnux. Replies like this are cringeworthy in their ignorance.
Carter Harris
OP pls.
Jaxson Sanchez
>/v manchildren trying to fit in.
Parker Murphy
>thinks he's superior because he CAN'T code
Nolan Ross
Why is not everyone easily replacing them then. Just give up you linux loser
Gavin Reyes
I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.
Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called "Linux", and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.
There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called "Linux" distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.
Jordan Brown
lol you're about the lamest troll on this board. Btw I made $107,000 in 2016 being a Linux loser.
Leo Miller
What's your job function? Sysadmin?
Carter Ross
Systems infrastructure engineer, mainly Linux Devops stuff.
Oliver Phillips
For specific needs, it might help to search for linux communities centered around that. For example, a linux video editing forum, a linux audio photographer forum, etc.
Aiden Carter
>how do you get design work done without Adobe? >Inkscape + GIMP 2
>How do you get high-level spreadsheet work done without a native Excel? >LibreOffice Calc
>How do you use a scanner, or fax machine, if it lacks a Linux driver or software interface? I don't.
>How do you build genuine PDF documents without Acrobat Pro? LibreOffice Write
>there's a myriad of other software that simply doesn't even exist on Linux Not a
>software for ease of duplicate file checking Doesn't know any. Never needed it before.
>software for converting and editing videos easily (such software is even rare on Windows). I forgot the name of the software, but it's one of the best in the market, used in the movie industry. Doesn't work on my machine because I don't have a video card and it needs one. It's for Linux only. To convert videos I use FFmpeg, that is fucking perfect. You need to know what you're doing, but once you rtfm you'll be good.
>How do you get anything done on your box? Normally. Don't lack on anything to me.
>What killer apps does Linux have? I can't list them. Look for yourself my man. They exist.
Ryan Russell
>video editing Lightworks
>software that simply doesn't even exist on Linux The correct site is:
This is pasta too, just to add more background: Not him but the no games argument is not true anymore. Windows is the best os for gaming mostly due to most game developers are trained into developing for it with microsoft's closed APIs, so the simple process of porting a game that was developed for windows to any other platform will affect negatively the performance of the game. This with the fact that the marketshare is small compared to windows there's hardly an incentive at the moment to optimize for linux, making look as if the platform were worse for games than windows when in fact to flip the situation you'll need to change the idiosyncrasies on the industry itself.
The fact though is that the situation on linux is not nearly the same than two years ago and now those who prefer linux over windows now can play games on it, helping to break the vicious circle, but still there's a lot of things to do for linux to compete in the gaming side. I anyone wants for this to change i recommend to play the games you can on linux when possible and ask for linux ports.
I notice some people doesn't want's for this to happen but if that the case let me ask (not directed specifically to the person i'm replying): how are any of you benefited in a meaningful way with the current situation? because i consider that keeping the statu quo just to have a tool to win an argument on what OS is better is not a meaningful thing. how having less options and practically being locked to MS products benefits you?
1. adobe is a company 2. Use another spreadsheet processor. What do you mean by high quality? its subjective 3. Stop using those things. CUPS supports like everything 4. are you stupid? 5. learn shit, do shit with what you learned.
Jonathan Jenkins
>Design work Inkscape + GIMP, though I admit I rarely do anything >spreadsheet define "high-level", because LO did okay with everything I needed so far >scanner/printer without Linux driver unless your budget is 0 and you have to work with what you have - just check for compatibility before buying >build PDF define "genuine PDF documents", because to me the "Export to PDF" option on LO works okay >software for converting videos ffmpeg does that for you
Daniel Nguyen
Now regarding your questions 1/2:
>For instance, how do you get design work done without Adobe? Some adobe programs like photoshop can be installed through wine
>How do you get high-level spreadsheet work done without a native Excel? In my case for tasks that require to manage complex data i prefer to use database software directly or something like matlab or R. I don't know how good is libreoffice Calc or google docs in that regard but you can install up to MSO 2013 on wine if you actually need excel.
>How do you use a scanner, or fax machine, if it lacks a Linux driver or software interface? If it lacks a driver or interface you cannot use of course. Some companies can be linux unfriendly and community need to provide reverse engineered drivers or tools, most notoriously certain certain gaming hardware. However driver support on linux is good most of the time. It's not any like pre-2010. Most hardware i have tried works OOTB and you can even run a full session from an installation media without touching the hard drive, that says a lot. The only drivers i have installed on linux are for broadcom wifi and nvidia gpu, and it was from a GUI built directly in the OS, no need to use the browser.
>How do you build genuine PDF documents without Acrobat Pro? I'm not sure what you mean regarding the "genuine PDF documents" wording. However creating PDF files on linux is extremely easy with most software. For example Libreoffice or scribus or maybe something like master PDF editor.
>But there's a myriad of other software that simply doesn't even exist on Linux. It's true to certain extent that windows holds a huge exclusivity regarding certain software but consider it's a vicious circle. The only way to change this is reaching "Critical mass", i mean having enough users for the companies to not be able to ignore linux. Still you should check google a lot more, here's a suggestion:
Austin Fisher
Fuck off.
Carrier pigeons are awesome. I love carrier pigeons.
Leo Gutierrez
Linux is overrated even for programming. You can program anything on windows just as well now.
Thomas Morris
Christopher Reed
By dualbooting win7 and *nix. I'm not some autismo sperg faggot who thinks having a 'one OS for all tasks' is best. how the fuck am i supposed to play games on *nix, or write C programs in win7 ?
td;dr don't be a stallman
Mason Bailey
>Some adobe programs like photoshop can be installed through wine In my experience adobe products and wine just don't work well enough. Some tools are fucked, pen pressure on tablets doesn't work, some versions display the color wrong, and so on.
There is no reason to be in denial about it - there is no high quality alternative to bitmap editing and design work if you require the whole range such software offers in a production environment. I don't like it, but that's how it is.
However, if you just want to make image macros and epic maymays, you might as well use GIMP, Krita or whatever.
Brayden Phillips
>How do you get anything done on your box? Genuine question. I absolutely hate Windows, its aesthetic, and how bloated and what a mess it is (out of box), but from my limited experience with Linux -- it can't do much besides run daemons/servers like rtorrent that already exist on Windows, anyway. I'm running my box, now what? It takes some time to get accustomed, some things are different. Consider that MS has deals with schools to teach how to use their products and windows-specific products so it's normal that everything else will feel alien. I gave you some examples on people working with linux on the first pasta, check it.
>What killer apps does Linux have? Probably the kernel and the infrastructure itself. I feel the same as you, windows has a lot of exclusivity but is also very limited by itself and feels clunky. It's just my personal opinion but Linux allows me to customize a lot more my OS while practically needing no maintenance. I love that keeping your OS and programs updated is fast and painless. Also i don't like Microsoft's business practices and i don't like how they treat their customers lately. A lot of the supposed advantages of windows comes from anti-competitive practices and i don't see any advantage on locking myself into their products if i can work with other software coming from nicer people.
Take in account that having "killer apps" is hard for linux because open source generally tries to be multi-platform and to be available for everyone when possible. That may or not be important for you but while i like linux a lot i don't consider myself married with it and i take in account that i can change my opinion at any point. In that sense knowing i'm using tools i can run on any OS is a killer feature for me.
Hope this helps.
Charles Lopez
Design work: I don't do any. Spreadsheets: R. Scanner/fax: I don't use these. Build PDFs: LaTeX and pandoc. Picture editing: ImageMagick. Music/video: mpv.
Joshua Bell
>In my experience adobe products and wine just don't work well enough. Some tools are fucked, pen pressure on tablets doesn't work, some versions display the color wrong, and so on. I have only tested photoshop CS6 and the only thing that doesn't work is tablet input. However if you need to draw krita is better option than photoshop IMHO.
>There is no reason to be in denial about it - there is no high quality alternative to bitmap editing and design work if you require the whole range such software offers in a production environment. I don't like it, but that's how it is. >However, if you just want to make image macros and epic maymays, you might as well use GIMP, Krita or whatever. Don't get me wrong, adobe products are great and having them on linux would help it a lot to grow adoption. Yet i beg to disagree with your statement and i presented proof on this, check .
Ian Torres
>(besides programming) you are in luck, I am not >How do you get high-level spreadsheet work done without a native Excel? LibreCalc is good, then again I just use Gnumeric >How do you use a scanner, or fax machine, if it lacks a Linux driver or software interface? Linux is better at this than windows, there is a reason is used as a printer server >How do you build genuine PDF documents without Acrobat Pro? Have you tried Scribus? I honestly use LyX more, because sicentific documents require an specific format >there's a myriad of other software that simply doesn't even exist on mmm, not sure about that, I've found more software on Linux actually, for example for the duplicate files there is dupeGuru, for video editing there is Cinelerra-cv or Natron for compositing >How do you get anything done on your box? scripts, once you understand a tool is only a part of an operation, there is no limit
At the end, is all about dig a bit about software on Linux
Robert Taylor
Fax machines are still incredibly common in healthcare, and as usual Linux is plug and play with them.
Camden Barnes
>However if you need to draw krita is better option than photoshop IMHO. SAI is nice too, and Krita really isn't bad - but I'm not really talking about drawing - a tablet isn't just used for drawing. Photo retouching also works a lot better with a tablet and pressure sensitivity, I honestly couldn't imagine doing photo work without a tablet anymore.
>i presented proof on this I'm only seeing one relevant video on GIMP, which I really don't think is up to par with Photoshop. It's not just the program itself: more importantly, the integration over a whole range of programs (Lightroom, Illustrator, InDesign, Photoshop/Camera Raw) works a lot better, even if the alternatives to these programs (Darktable/Rawtherapee, Inkscape, GIMP) themselves aren't _that_ far behind and have, in some cases, advantages over the commercial programs.
Still, at this point I'd rather use virtual machines than use Windows.
>Photo retouching also works a lot better with a tablet and pressure sensitivity, I honestly couldn't imagine doing photo work without a tablet anymore. I see, yes, photoshop on linux has that limitation so for your case if you definitely need photoshop linux is not viable for you.
>I'm only seeing one relevant video on GIMP There's videos about krita and some examples of beautiful works done with tools available on linux. You stated that >there is no high quality alternative to bitmap editing and design work >if you just want to make image macros and epic maymays, you might as well use GIMP, Krita or whatever. I proved that these statements are not true, you can do great work with tools available on linux with a nice workflow. IMO these tools has a high quality but once we introduce tastes to the equation the conversation may become stalled.
>which I really don't think is up to par with Photoshop I never said it was but i'm referring to OPs post: >How do you get anything done on your box? I'm simply stating that the tools available on linux are not bad as some people wants to make it look. For example if photoshop is a 10 and ms paint is a 1 then is a 4 and gimp is easily a 7 for me. Seriously, once you learn a bit how to use it is a great tool.
>It's not just the program itself: more importantly, the integration over a whole range of programs (Lightroom, Illustrator, InDesign, Photoshop/Camera Raw) works a lot better, even if the alternatives to these programs (Darktable/Rawtherapee, Inkscape, GIMP) themselves aren't _that_ far behind and have, in some cases, advantages over the commercial programs. That's true and it's a fair point.
Jeremiah Smith
They don't, Linux is for light web browsing and servers
Samuel Allen
>Being a living meme
Thomas Nguyen
Connor Williams
my nigga
Camden Brown
>and some examples of beautiful works done with tools available on linux Of course you can do beautiful works with tools available on linux, the question is how effective you can do it compared to windows. Also, I wasn't really denying general drawing being good on linux, I was talking about the >whole range of design software i.e. if your profession involves doing more or less everything: photography, illustration, vector graphics, layout, etc
>I'm simply stating that the tools available on linux are not bad as some people wants to make it look. Oh yeah, that's true. With each of these people that say GIMP is pure shit, there's another one saying that GIMP is much better than photoshop though, so consider my arguments directed at those people.
I'm still following GIMP's development, and try it out every year or so, but it's still not there yet (for my use case). I also try out VM/Wine every year or so, and I have a feeling that this time it will be enough to switch fully to Linux.
But still. >how do you get design work done without Adobe If it's absolutely required, every adobe program runs in crossover/wine. Getting photoshop to work its sort of main target of wine devs, so it's just works. But it's not required in most cases. I use krita + inkscape, covers everything. >How do you use a scanner, or fax machine Plug & play. Literally. >How do you get high-level spreadsheet Gui spreadshit is ALWAYS low-level. Only databases and special-purpose languages can be considered as "hi-level". I use gnumeric (it covers 99% of "office" tasks) and switch to R/scilab when in need of more complex stuff. >How do you build genuine PDF documents without Acrobat Pro Lulwut. Now i'm sure this is bait. >software for ease of duplicate file checking 5 seconds in google >for converting and editing videos easily Blender has breddy gud bundled video editor. Covers my needs. Also cinelerra, kdenlive, lightworks (isnt FOSS btw).
Jaxon Richardson
Point at him an laugh! > HAHAHAHA Go play with your playmobil
Carson Miller
But it will cause your eyes to bleed and your butt to hurt. As it always with windows.
Ryder Phillips
Underrated post.
Joshua Bailey
>How do you get anything done? By sitting on my chair and using my computer, instead of watching it hang as it fights an antivirus and 110 Windows Updates.
> work? I don't. I delegate it to the designer. *My* design would suck balls, Adobe or not.
>high-level spreadsheet? Libreoffice. If it gets too esoteric, it's a prime sign that you're misusing spreadsheets and what you want is a database, in which case MySQL for simplicity.
>scanner? sane (both the adjective and the program)
>fax machine? What? On my floppy-booted Compax horizontal box? Are you kidding me?
>genuine PDF documents? Libreoffice → export to PDF
>ease of duplicate file checking Last I checked there was almost an entire category of software stacks on Linux for that.
>converting videos easily avconv
>editing videos easily Not that I know of but... is that even a reality in Windows?
Gabriel Jones
you mean something like that? Who the fuck needs Adobe Pro anyway
Adam Sanchez
>high-level spreadsheet work >genuine PDF documents >ease of duplicate file checking jesus christ, this level of mental illness should not be possible!
Joseph Davis
>the question is how effective you can do it compared to windows This is pretty subjective but i assume windows has the best tools regarding that but the ones available on linux are very respectable.
>Also, I wasn't really denying general drawing being good on linux I know, my post is not only for you and doesn't necessarily applies to you. It's just i detect an abnormal amount of prejudices against linux and i often see posts and threads bashing it.
>so consider my arguments directed at those people. I see, same here.
>I'm still following GIMP's development, and try it out every year or so. I see. I find the case of GIMP a bit sad, they should do crowdfunding campaigns like krita does. You have already tested the development version? archive/ubuntu/gimp-edge
>I also try out VM/Wine every year or so, and I have a feeling that this time it will be enough to switch fully to Linux. Who knows, i accept linux is not viable at this moment for everyone use case regarding software availability. It's a vicious circle after all but for the average joe that only consumes content seems to work pretty fine so that people could be the first one to help to break the vicious circle and may help to bring the tools you need at some point (due to marketshare). Don't force yourself, if you are comfy with other OS you should stick with it or you'll end hating the competing operative systems.
Ethan Kelly
Apart from Linux having everything you said it didn't. I just use a Mac. I used to be a die-hard Linux fan and windows hater(apart from sideloaded for games that aren't ported/don't work well with Linux).
But I got a free MacBook air as a gift from a family member. And let me tell you. I felt super bad about using it because it went against what I stood for at the time. But holy fuck is Mac COMFY. Sorry dude. I couldn't even see myself building a new gaming PC without making sure I could turn it into a hackintosh. Once you go Mac, you never go back. It's powerful as fuck. Imagine the perfected version of a customized Arch Linux. And then lock down a few of the windows native handlers.
Mac is more than this thread makes it out to be. No I'm not a shill. No I don't own an iPhone.
Posted from my OnePlus 3 with a macair next to me as my only computer in the house.
Anthony Jenkins
>if you are comfy with other OS I'm not, that's the problem. I hate so much about windows, not just issues with its implementation, but the design decisions and environment itself. I fucking hate that I can't use a package manager, I fucking hate that there's no sane updating, I fucking hate the driver issues even more than dependency issues on linux, and I fucking hate that I have to keep using it because of a handful of programs I need for work. Hence all the effort to drop it.
Wyatt Young
t linux users who can fixxbutts at best and rice dotfiles
Asher Long
>die-hard Linux fan and windows hater This post is a false flag.
Carson Fisher
>Once you go Mac, you never go back.
That was a nice buzz in the past, but OSX isn't that great for those with ms muscle memory. You need open mind or start with mac in the school. I got an air too, but i wouldn't call it comfy out of the box.
Wyatt Gray
Indeed, only macfags use such emotional words about things like software.
Also pretending to have got the mac for free. Even if that was true, you can just sell that piece of shit to get a real computer.
Samuel Long
I see. If that's the case what i can tell you is that supporting the platform when possible is a good idea. The only way to get better third party support is by showing there's demand for linux versions of that products. If you have some free time it worths to try to learn tools available on linux because that way you reduce you dependence on one platform. Try to give priority to multi-platform software and open (well documented) standards and formats when you can (for example to use ODF instead of OOXML) because that way you can change platforms at any moment without any effort and you cannot be locked to one ecosystem.
Eli Johnson
>how do you get design work done without Adobe? I don't personally do much design, the graphical stuff I do is more like schematics and simple diagrams. Since I mostly need to use them in documents or presentation, I use tikz.
>How do you get high-level spreadsheet work done without a native Excel? I personally use R (or matlab if I can get the license for free) to script analysis and stuff. But some times I have to work with people who lives in excel, in those cases I just install excel.
>How do you use a scanner, or fax machine, if it lacks a Linux driver or software interface? Obviously I can't if there is no driver. Most scanners work right away though. This mean you can easily pick something that works. Never used a fax machine that was connected to a computer, so I don't know about that.
>How do you build genuine PDF documents without Acrobat Pro? I have never been in a situation where I needed a pdf to be genuine. I make documents using pdflatex.
>software for ease of duplicate file checking, There is programs that can do this, a popular choice is fdupes. >software for converting and editing videos easily (such software is even rare on Windows). ffmpeg is good for converting, but is meant to be made for scripting/automated tasks. Editing is a bit harder, we have stuff like openshot and kdenlive, but I have never used them professionally so I cannot speak to how good these tools are.
>How do you get anything done on your box? When you write scripts, you can call them from hotkeys or add them to a menu. So learning how to make scripts is a crucial part of using the system.
Cooper Ramirez
Why do we allow such threads?
Someone who doesn't know anything about Linux complaining about no software without even looking.
Daniel Carter
Alexander Wright
We simply use different software/different workflows. This isn't about inferiority or superiority, but simply different work and thought patterns that usually end with the same result.
For example; we don't have Adobe software natively in GNU/Linux. However, we have other photo and video editing software like GIMP/Krita/Inkscape/kdenlive/Blender. Of course, something like GIMP is geared to different users than something like Photoshop. A lot of the functionality overlaps, but the feature set isn't exactly 1:1. Of course, for most users, the features our software has is sufficient (literally 99% of cases IMO). In other cases, we have to use a VM or wine. In the case of converting / transcoding videos and audio, most of the software on Windows is actually based on a free software project called ffmpeg, which runs natively in GNU/Linux. So we simply use that (and it's fantastic).
PDF is an open format. We can generate and use PDFs without Adobe software. Similarly many print drivers can be used in wrappers in GNU/Linux, and PostScript printers (almost all printers that aren't the absolute cheapest thing on the market), we support them natively. The same with scanners (SANE project).
For spreadsheets and data processing, I'd argue that we actually have better tools than Windows. If you want something that works like Excel there's LibreOffice Calc. But if you do lots of this stuff, you might find that R/gnuplot/Python or other things.
For duplicate file checking, this really doesn't require specialized software (you can write a bash script of a few lines to do this if you'd like). But I'm sure the software exists.
Andrew Ramirez
Actually pretty amazed at the number of people taking this bait
Jayden Hill
>inb4 all women IRL are 3D
John Baker
>no adobe gimp, inkscape. I'm not a photo editing professional >spreadsheets libreoffice calc >scanner xsane, but fair point, my printer has no linux driver >building genuine pdfs pdfs made with libreoffice and latex are "genuine pdfs", and libreoffice can even edit existing pdfs to an extent >duplicate files what is fdupes? also, this comment shows clearly that you know nothing about linux >killer apps the bash shell used to be vastly superior to whatever windows had, but it's in windows 10 now so idk. I guess having no telemetry and being free & open source is a killer feature for some, but not all.
Gabriel Gomez
forgot to mention handbrake for video conversion, and I guess there are some basic linux video editors out there
Matthew Cook
>GIMP is a piece of shit. Have you tried the new version of gimp? On 2.9.5; surprised by how usable it is.
Tyler Cox
>design work I don't do that kind of thing >spreadsheet Gnumeric >fax/scanner don't have any of those, phones camera is enough >build PDF Latex or printing as pdf covers all my needs >duplicate can be done with bash and coreutils >converting videos ffmpeg was enough for me until now (i rarely do that though) >video editing don't do that kind of thing
Only ever needed a windows VM to flash my phone as it needs a very obscure software and drivers
Owen Cook
>native Excel
Office 2013 works pretty well in Wine 2.0.
Matthew Mitchell
>(besides programming) What else am I supposed to be doing on my computer aside from web, chat, and email?
Art, gaming, and social media are hobbies for women, faggots, and hopeless single NEETs.