Uninstall Firefox!

Today is monthly Firefox uninstallation day! Why haven't you yet uninstalled this bloated POS?

I've long since switched to Opera Dev edition, works like a charm and I don't even miss the bloaty FF features at all. But this is just a stop on the road for me until Vivaldi, the true master race browser, finally gets syncing. Vertical tabs work in it pretty well already, so I can't complain. Better than the eternally broken Tree Style Tabs in Deadfox anyway.

Other urls found in this thread:


I just moved back to Firefox nightly from Chrome.

It is fucking amazing.

Opera? a shitty chinese chromium copy!?.. yeah.

Bloat in firefox? have you even compared chromium and firefox?

I installed firefox last week. It's not bad at all.
Go fuck yourself, shill.

Opera has none of the USA botnet that Firecocks and CIAhrome have built into them, because it's a glorious european company. Enjoy your data getting read by the FBI

Wow, a freedom-hating nutter shilling shitware.

How original.

The ammount of paid antifirefox shills on this board is unbearable. It's like (((they))) are scared or something.

European? Opera was bought by a chinese company.

I honestly think they are just trying to justify their own choice to use shitty chromium based browsers.


They didn't. It's like you firedumbs don't even read news and listen to the (((SJW))) cult only

oh look more vague anti-firefox threads

how nice

45 and 52 ESR till 2018.

No browser does tree style tabs better than FF.

useless feature

Opera is based off of Chrome

It has the same engine, but the components are different

Already did 6 years ago. Have a bump, user!

I can't use chrome because of this shit

no, having to open an extra window just to get proper tabbing management is NOT fine

>no, having to open an extra window just to get proper tabbing management is NOT fine

but it is because you should realize that ure not actually using those tabs anyway

upgrade from a 1366 x 768 screen


I uninstalled that pos at the momento Brendand left, never looked back.

So I take it you are using Brave now?

That one and ungoogled chromium

If you are actually using Brave. Is anything happening there? they are really bad at updating their blog, so I kinda assumed the project died out before it started.

What should I use instead of Firefox?

Whatever you want bb

>bloated POS
>switched to Opera Dev edition

You can't make this shit up

Get bent shill. Just updated to 64bit Firefox and it's fast as fuck, just as smooth as Chrome and without the botnet! :^)

Firefox nightly is really fast as fuck.

there's literally nothing, these threads are just a bunch of Chrome shills

try brave browser, its really good. destroying the ad cancer on the internet could save the internet

>Allow us to replace ads with our own goy! You can trust us, we would never spy on you.

Seamonkey is the only solution.


It's an option. not even default.

I've been seeing a lot of people recently mention Firefox ESR (which I assume means Extended Support Release).

Is that just a new meme or something? Why the hell would you use that on your personal machine?

Because nobody created it like Tree Style Tabs for FF. But for now, you're right.

Firefox is fine.

Until November.

they're about to kill off their entire add-on ecosystem with FF57

Only getting better in november.

Let all the all legacy shit go.

>literally becoming Chrome in terms of add-on restrictions

yes, better.

I would gladly but Opera doesn't use Presto anymore and everything else uses Webkit or Blink

shoo shoo Mozilla employee

try to learn how to code so you can stop pulling every useful feature out of your browser in your quest to be Chome: Down Syndrome Edition


Why are all browsers shit? The only one that is remotely usable is firefox after multiple edits to the config file and a dozen plugins. I hate internet browsers.

That is exactly the main reason I use Firefox and will continue to do so until it dies or something new comes along.

I refuse to support a mono engine web. It is only gonna bite us hard in the butt later on.

>click install on https everywhere
>click allow
>download bar appears
>it disappears
>no install button
>check extension list
>no buttons to install

this browser has started doing some really trashy stuff lately like loop a second of videos with hwaccel or gifs/webms freezing Sup Forums until I refresh the page (and then they load).

firefox is TRASH

dead project, dead company

>ublock origin
>probably ghostery out of site
nigga you went full retard with your addons. All you need is umatrix out of the four - the others aren't doing shit with that running.

>All you need is umatrix out of the four
but I want to be behind 7 addons

How are Chromefags liking the new 'silently phone home to Daddy Google about all of your bluetooth devices' feature?


>Chink fork of Chromium
Yo dawg, I heard you like botnets...

give me a better browser, that isn't hipster placebo and less botnet, and i'll do it

It's cool.

There is none.

What retard uses Bluetooth unless it's for a car handsfree or something?

>they're developing new APIs to mitigate the lack of features of WebExtensions
>they're baking in vertical tabs and script blocking


I want Sup Forums newfags to leave.

And that's my point. Until further notice, Firefox is the least cancerous browser.



Why the fuck does https everywhere eat so much memory? Holy shit, it eats triple that of uBlock origin.

Chrome is the new IE.

they're used to getting fucked up their asses, that's why they chose chrome in the first place

whats it like being a desperate criminal 2 steps behind the law at all times?

Actually this. Chrome is hyper botnet from an evil company that will enslave us someday but good browser desu

https everywhere always causes me massive lag with firefox. Honestly, I just switched to Brave full time now.

I wonder who could be behind the daily firefox hate threads!

see It's the paid shills of Brave. They want more people to buy into their scammy browser bullshit

brave is shit
>install ublock
there, now I have all the functionality of brave

> opera

>every single major add-on dev has said the "new APIs" are all theoretical and no work has actually been done on them so who knows if they'll ever actually exist
>Mozilla has already started to deny requests for certain features in those "new APIs"
>vertical tabs
Who gives a shit?
>script blocking
Guarantee it will be worse than NoScript or uMatrix

why are there 3 FF threads

stfu faggots we know FF sucks now

it's not.

my dad can beat your dad

Werks on my machine.

Never installed it, did re-install Waterfox. I'm still a Chrome-fag though.

waterfiox a shit

Firefox is so fucking slow Jesus Christ I hate it so much
I want the developer to die

Even Safari is more popular than this piece of shit, fucking lol.


>If it's popular it means it's good.


youre so gay, dude. You think youre some hot shot because you don't use chrome? fuck outta here and go read a book, faggot

doesn't really bother me that it's using 1.2 GB ram, I'm only using 10G now so I still have 22 left
ram is cheap as fuck, even my 5 year old thinkpad has 16G

>glorious european company.
Norway is part of Somalia.

i use palemoon coz fuck mozilla

if it wasn't so ugly and slow compared to chrome i'd use it as my primary browser

pls stop the firefox threads, pls

>i use palemoon
>slow compared to chrome


Palemoon is the epitome of slowness.

Daily reminder that Mozilla is a SJW/feminist/pro-nigger/anti-male company that needs to be destroyed.

Like all companies in the world?

[citation needed], dumb faggot.

What company do not do social pampering nowadays!?

It's part of this amazing gynocentric world we live in.

ungoogled chromium master race

But Google is what makes it good.

Embrace the botnet user.

TONS OF THEM! In fact, it's harder to find one that does than the one that doesn't.

You're just looking at those tech companies situated at the faggotry capital of the world: San Francisco. Look outside the Valley and it's much different.

So what browser do you use?


I fucking love Firefox. I am using the latest nightly after years with chrome.

It's so smooth and fast. I can hardly believe this is Firefox.

I don't use SJewW shitware.