How accurate is Mr. Robot Sup Forums?

How technically accurate is this show?

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its not at all, barely see any tech

about 2% because I seen computers in it.
I still like that show,because It is good piece of cinematography , not as good as sherlock but close enought



Le sherlock is probably best series purely camera-wise. Even if you hate the edgy detective story came-work is excellent.

>Le sherlock
>purely camera-wise
>came-work is excellent

What a fucking pleb.

it just name drops shit

So I see you're running Gnome

well to be honest it's fairly accurate, at least compared to the rest.That being said there aren't many (if any really) tv shows about "hacking" & shit

It's just they got the anonymous 2012 fuckng hype which already died.

Season 3 will be decisive if the show will be shit or not, because it actually puts the writers at work.

Show would have been much better without that mental illness/ daddy issues crap

I'm a KDE guy myself. I know what you're thinking.

It is pretty accurate to be honest. It's plausible and they are talking about and using real techniques.

It's still a TV-show so they embellish and brush over details of course, but the gist of it is not far from how it's actually done.

An executive running Linux?1?1?

kali /20

it's a good cyberpunk hacking serie.

Evil Corp is way too big and centralized than any corp can be actually.

Phillip Price represents everything people hate in capitalism.

Their guy that chooses WHAT to show is actually smart. But of course the execution is normie. The whole show is about his mental state though so it's not like it matters for ratings.

I wouldn't watch it for the freeturd shit it would shill if that's what spergs here want.

But user, he's one of us

Agreed, it's not the pinnacle of satisfying Sup Forums spergs, but it is pretty good as cyberpunk art.

And their guy that chooses the superficials like what kind of client to use for hacking is good.

but we don't use google stacking windows or the front page.

Yeah their guy that chooses the superficial stuff for the "show techie stuff" scenes is actually good. Sure, he's not perfect but not as much normie as others. Most other shows are still on "enhance this image computer!" mode, deprecated since the day Star Trek did it on the time travel movie, where it was the only time it was actually fun as a comedy.

I have a sneaking suspicion he's actually reading me right now isn't he?

"fsociety? i checked all hacking websites..."
i loled

star trek the voyage home confirmed a better hacker movie than mr robot.

not very accurate

oh okay, so because the show is only 99% instead of 100% unrealistic it's automatically great then.

Fsociety stands for fuck society

better or worse Sup Forums?

>not cuck society

no shit, what's your point?

What is that?

what theme and de is he using?

Where are you getting this from? The show is fairly accurate. I have this sneaking suspicion that many of you who act like the show is completely unrealistic don't actually know much about cybersecurity, networking, unix tools etc.

Noomi was better.

I prefer that girl, but her tech is not that good. Both shows are focus on other topics.

Tech in Mr Robot is more accurate than any show I have seen, but still fiction.

looks like gnome 2 with a really weird theme to me

lol fsociety stands for FUN SOCIETY, name of a place where they were gathering. letters U and N fell off the building, that's why it was just fsociety. and also you are retarded for not getting the point

Hey remember when that chick hack the WiFi back up. that was pretty accurate.

I leled

The guys who made it were way more familiar with programming and hacking than with economy, for sure.

You yanks and your silly version. Noomi was much better in the Swedish original.

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. The inferior Americanized version with Daniel Craig and Rooney Mara.

Meh, its both innacurate and accurate.

The hacks are accurate enough for tv, honestly the best I've seen outside of isolated instances (such as the real matrix exploit) but the hyped and pumped up hacking, exploit and stuff is really exaggerated. You don't constantly write custom scripts and stuff, it's 80% reconnaissance, 10% automated scanning, 10% exploiting

Hacks are surprisingly good for tv. Economy and society stuff is shit until you account for the unreliable narrator. Then it might actually be really good, which I suppose is enough.

It's the least inaccurate

>about 2%

Fucking bullshit.
The tech parts are >90% technically accurate and possible. Yes, it's a long shot for them to be possible at the same time, but they're absolutely doable.

In fact, people who are very much smarter than all the people in this thread have consulted with the show writers and created potential scenarios.

schizophrenic with aspergers and social anxiety here, does the mental side well



>producers pander to image boards
you're a fucking retard for sapping that shit up.

Mr Robot is a mediocre shitshow. 2nd season is completely unwatchable.

>2nd season is completely unwatchable

>proceeds to jerk off to some low grade anime and call it a masterpiece

No, seriously, go ahead, tell us which shows do you consider to be great.

you find heroin-induced delusions watchable? you find mental illness and dperession fun to watch?

even the shittiest anime is better than that shit. anime makes me happy. it makes me laugh. it makes me love life.

Mr ROBOT makes me wanna kill myself.

>I can't detect sarcasm
Do I have to put /s at the end of my post?

>claiming sarcasm when confronted with facts

I suffer from (diagnosed) anxiety. Been on SSRIs and now am on shitty benzos trying to come off them.

So, that being said, I also like to watch cartoons and shit. There's a time for everything. Going by your logic, if you watch Game of Thrones, you like blood, gore and dicks.

If you don't like some of the realism presented, that's fine, but don't claim it's objectively shit when it's just something that you can't personally stand.

This, there were also quite a lot of easter eggs to find during the show.

>people still talk about Mr. Robot
>tfw nobody talks about Person of Interest

Why doesn't anyone talk about this

Fairly technically accurate, but not realistically accurate. Drug addict hacker is not going to fuck druggie girlfriend/drug dealer.

No shit, that's why it's a fucking television show, not a documentary.

Agreed. Person of Interest was great!

Show sucked after the twist you could see coming from a while away. Second season was fucking dogshit. I never want to see Christian Slater's face again.

whatever you say edgy mc smartass

"He's really crazy and talking to himself" meme! That's edgy. Why couldn't the show be about a brilliant autistic hacker without all the Fight Club bullshit? Every reason the show was good in the first season disappears because of it.

>brilliant autistic hacker
I'm reading one's post right now.
Except you're not brilliant at all.

Explain to me how the hell can an autistic hacker be "brilliant"? Explain to me how the hell would the show look like without conflict and imperfections?

The imperfection and conflict is his inability to interact with other people.

How can an autistic hacker be brilliant?

>exceptionally clever or talented.

He is clearly exceptionally clever and a talented hacker.

I just need Tyrell and Eliot to fuck then I can finally abandon this piece of garbage.

No homo.

technically accurate first two episodes

then turns into game of thrones

>he can hack into any system
>the FBI can't find him, the NSA weeps
>nobody knows who he is
>no man can defeat him

>his only weakness is...

Real hacker here. I've given talks at DEF CON and stuff. Nothing that exciting ever happens to me. Hacking is a hobby, and will not change the world or whatever. It's basically just for fun. I like to pick things apart and see how they work. I don't use Kali either, because that's for plebs. I guess the Raspberry Pi thing was accurate, but I mostly use mine for SPI flashing because of the GPIO pins and nice software/community support. It was also $20. I use a Librebooted Thinkpad as my main PC and Debian as the OS.

>inb4 teach me to hack Facebook

I honestly don't know how. There are basic things I could do to try but I have never attempted this. I don't use Facebook or any other social media that requires me to identify myself. Facebook abuses its users.

Any other questions while I'm here?

>every Sup Forumsentleman knows an 8/10 qt drug dealer who begs them to fuck her

Yeah, pretty accurate.

I'm not saying he should be perfect and infallible. A show shouldn't derive its depth from cheap tricks and workaround like "Mr. Robot isn't even real!!!"

>Real hacker here. I've given talks at DEF CON and stuff.
I don't believe you.

>Nothing that exciting ever happens to me
Because you haven't stepped on many toes.

>I don't believe you.
I think you're under the impression that being a hacker is something special. Anyone can be a hacker. You just need to use computers in ways they aren't designed to be used. Think outside the box and have a little fun.

>Because you haven't stepped on many toes.
Why would I want to be a prick to people? I like getting along and working with others. No point in "stepping on toes".

how to hack gibson????

>literally quoting every entry-level "how 2 be a 1337 h4xX0r" book ever
>I'm a real hacker



Real hacker here, you sound like a fraud.

looks to be xfce with a shit theme.

Prepare your floppies.

There are books for that? I've learned about computers through installing Funtoo.

You look like a frogposter.

look at how triggered this guy is getting
here's your (((you)))

>There are books for that? I've learned about computers through installing Funtoo.
>marginally competent linux user thinks he's a hacker because he installed an OS

What makes you think that, user?

>I think you're under the impression that being a hacker is something special.
No, you're getting the wrong impression. But you're using the term "real hacker". I've hacked tons of hardware, found security holes in various websites and hacked a few local ISPs for free internet in the early 2000s and I don't use the term "real hacker". It's like someone saying "I'm a REAL gentleman". Please.

>Why would I want to be a prick to people?
Take a look at Aaron Swartz, he wasn't a prick to anyone. Or Snowden, he didn't want to cause any harm but to prevent it. But they stepped on toes. You don't have to be a prick to run into a bad situation. Unless you sit around in your room all day and dick around with a cheap chink arduino and a led matrix to display a 16x16 cock, then you're cool.

for 1, it has better execution than fightclub imo
also techwise
>hak5 tools
real things, dudes

I have bad news. I think you guys have autism.

Season 1 was good.
Season 2 is like reading the front page of Reddit.

ur fucken responding to everything everyone posts

you're actually completely correct

I'm sleep deprived

I don't see anything wrong with him using the term "real hacker."

Can you hack porn sites to gain free access?

I'm a real 4channer XD


Well yeah. Did you not know you could reply to multiple posts at once or something? I posted that because I knew I would get a bunch of ass blasted 14 year old like you to argue with.



Well, if one were talented enough to perform a hack on the level he achieved, they probably would be a genetically superior specimen. Their intelligence would attract qts even if they were ugly which is less likely as intelligence and attractiveness are correlated.

Snowden was and still is a CIA asset sent in to discredit the NSA so as to give the CIA free and total reign over information. NSA is the only major contender to CIA and they don't see eye to eye on many things.

Prove me wrong
>protip, you can't

The agency shadow war is real, and we're living right through it.


The Agency Shadow War was a LONG time ago try the late 80s early 90s.

Now it is all one big happy family who happen to enjoy violating your constitutional rights.

That's not necessarily true. Each agency still has their own overall agenda just as much as they did many years prior. It's just evolved to match with the information age.

Not to mention there are also plenty of internal feuds to be found as well. FBI doesn't like CIA, CIA doesn't like DEA or NSA or FBI, NSA doesn't care and has dirt on everybody and everything because they can. It's still very much alive and real.

cracking techniques in Mr. Reddit are plausible. wich is not plausible is that any person that suffers a mental decease can beat the entire system using a raspberry pi. The Fight Club covers that dream without selling us the Anonymous meme. I don't understand why Mr. Reddit fans are worried about technical details of this serie. I mean, the only shit that you want to hear is "yes, is pretty accurate, being a hacker is the new way to be anarchist and a Don Jhon at the same time", wich of course never happens.

I cringed really hard on this one part.

Why not get a clue so you can fucking find out yourself.

>people who are very much smarter than all the people in this thread
No. Stupidity is everywhere, and all encompassing.

They weren't smart, other people were just too stupid to tell.