Current state of Windows
Current state of Windows
Other urls found in this thread:
>free version of windows
> I'm incapable to right-click->uninstall
inb4 gif pasta of weird app-related errors:
fuck off with your pirated preview copies that have nothing to do with production windows
>that have nothing to do with production windows
Just like the Windows Vista, 7 and 8 previews weren't AT ALL like the final versions, right?
report and hide.
this is a dedicated troll making 100's Windows hate threads per day. not sure which company is paying him, he might even be doing it for free.
>not using server 2016 master race
Sup Forums has too long been infested with Windows gamer kiddies. It's time to purge them once and for all.
Any of the following regularly occurring threads on Sup Forums is either directly or indirectly about Windows gaming:
* Intel vs. AMD threads
* GPU threads
* Various types of rig/battlestation/guts/Speccy threads ("What parts should I buy, /g?" "Is this part good, Sup Forums?" "Check out my specs, Sup Forums.")
* All Windows discussion and support threads (obviously)
These threads only serve to discuss products for playing video games. They have nothing to do with programming, networking, security, privacy, freedom, design, usability, or anything else Sup Forums related.
These threads and the people who post within them belong in either or as they are the appropriate boards in which to discuss their hobby, along with "console war" and "PC vs. console" threads. This should be Rule #4 for Sup Forums and it should be aggressively enforced until the children finally get it and move on.
This is the thread to petition Hiroshimoot to cure the Sup Forums cancer in Sup Forums. If you really care about technology and not just vapid consumerism, help by adding your voice to this discussion.
We can do it, Sup Forums.
>implying i use windows 10
fuck off pajeet this is the pinnacle of technology discussion
an archivecuck and a racistcuck in the same place. lewd.
You've got to be kidding me. Sup Forums has generated one of the most powerful insult memes I've seen in a decade. "cuck". Immediately, a man sees that and starts reevaluating his life. Some man is rude and tries to put you down, at first you might think, "ahh I'll let it go", then another voice in you head says, "but that's what a cuck would do...". Once you're uncucked, you start being more assertive, you carry yourself with respect. You notice it in the way you walk, your friends ask you for your work out routine, and women are begging you for it, left right and center.
The cuck meme is all over the place now, in your safe space and in your mind. This frightens you.
There will probably be some beta-lefitist planning to vote for Hillary. When he sees the ballot, the voice of his lost inner manhood emerges, "Hillary? Really... kinda a cuck thing to do isn't it?" and right there rejoins the ranks of men and votes Trump the God Emperor. At work he cancels the plan to outsource jobs, then comes home to fuck his wife with a raging MAGA dick.
Sup Forums is winning, and it scares you. America's back baby.
only if you're a narcissistic cock. I've embraced my desire to not be in a committed relationship and I love my life. I'm liberated and the word cucks says nothing to me. cucks.
if you want a board filled with freetarautism, go to /tech/
Fuck off.
Isn't the internet great. It allows shitheads like yourself to say shit that would, in real life get your head cracked open.
Hopefully you'll suffer the same fate fucking cunt.
Please turn to the loaded gun in your drawer, put it in your mouth, and pull the trigger, blowing your brains out. You'll be doing the whole world a favor. Shitbag.
I would love to smash your face in until it no longer resembled anything human, faggot.
Die painfully okay? Preferably by getting crushed to death in a garbage compactor, by getting your face cut to ribbons with a pocketknife, your head cracked open with a baseball bat, your stomach sliced open and your entrails spilled out, and your eyeballs ripped out of their sockets. Fucking bitch
I would love to kick you hard in the face, breaking it. Then I'd cut your stomach open with a chainsaw, exposing your intestines. Then I'd cut your windpipe in two with a box cutter. Hopefully you'll get what's coming to you.
Fucking bitch I really hope that you get curb-stomped. It'd be hilarious to see you begging for help, and then someone stomps on the back of your head, leaving you to die in horrible, agonizing pain. Faggot
Shut the fuck up faggot, before you get your face bashed in and cut to ribbons, and your throat slit. You're dead if I ever meet you in real life, fucker. I'll fucking kill you.
I would love to fucking send your fucking useless ass to the hospital in intensive care, fighting for your worthless life.
I wish you a truly painful, bloody, gory, and agonizing death, cunt.
Those aren't ads you dingus, and if you don't want them just uninstall them...
>What the fuck did you just fucking say... etc
nice copypasta brah
mother fucker you dont know who the fuck i am, you are a fag who likes sticking it in guys asses and you best believe that you'd be the one getting crammed in your fuckin rear by my Ukranian Fort-500 shotgun before i blow your fucking guts out your chest you faggit little bitch your fucking pathetic you best hope i never head to your town, i'll find yeah and shank you in your sleep, you wanna die motherfucker? faggit little cracker, hahaha I betyou aint ever even gotten and coochie, huh? ever got any pussy? i dont even keep count anymore, but it is definately past 35 cuz thats where i lost count bout a year or two ago, added a few since then, so ask yourseld, should your faggit no coochie gettin bitch ass maybe try to shut the fuck up, or do you want to hear more about how fuckin gay and lame you are? you cocksucking homo bastard go kill yourself you worthless chunk of shit, your useless and lame as fuck, and i cant wait to show your gay ass faggit no roastin abilities, you couldn't talk shit even if you ate shit, go slit your wrists you aint cool at all give up on your gay ass life
they need a pasta filter in this shitplace.
how many more of those have you got
Lol u mad, lololololol, yes of course I'm mad. I'm mad by the fact that you think you can tread in here with your dirty boots reeking of underage b& and Sup Forums, and I'm even more mad that anons around here aren't doing shit to correct it.
See, this is why Sup Forums is so fucking shit. Just get the fuck out and stop adding to the cancer.
Sup Forums, this is the result of your lax attitude towards newfags. In the past, we would collectively put down these faggots. But now, you just let them be, and now they think THEY can put down the true population of Sup Forums. This is what happens when you don't take an active stance in correcting these newfags, and I hope you don't complain when this place falls into a shithole even deeper than the one we already have.
inbred linuxcucks can't articulate so they must use pasta you know
what the fuck. you're not even replying to anyone.
I'm willing to bet you're the OP, and that you're so fucking frothing at the mouth with this tumor of an idea in your brain pushing on the gland that regulates aggression. Some becky at the office or your mom voiced the opinion that blocking ads is stealing, or worse yet, a buzzfeed article appeared in your fucking plebbit or facebook feed. You couldn't retort or think of a witty comeback at the time, so you spent your day moping and coming up with all the reasons why cares about your shitty tool. At this point, you NEED to argue about this topic or you will implode. So you made this thread, hoping, pleading, begging that people would come to voice an opinion that was always contrarian to begin with, but is now just a troll meme that people pull out to get guaranteed replies. You made or posted in this thread because you have succumbed to 'rant culture' or 'callout culture'. Fuck you. This isn't twitter or culture. This isn't your clubhouse full of like-minded individuals. If you wanna yell into the aether go to /s4s/
Well don't stop there, let's a get a list going now.
Four for Four, do it faggot.
Hey guys, im using windows 10 and I'm just wondering if there are any ways to get rid of all this bloat it has? I want the full functionality of windows without all the bullshit.
Please don't reproduce
I met many retarded people in my years on this site but you easily made it into the top 10 with this
You actually don't understand shit, so please let me give you this one advice, and please take it:
You are horribly stupid and it hurts, don't ever try to spread the shit you believe to know about anything ever again.
Now please try to think about the shit you're telling us here for at least 5 minutes and maybe you find the giant flaws in your logic all by yourself.
No one is here to give you private lessons. Maybe google "How do computers work?".
If you still don't get it then, just kill yourself
Reported so hard my reporting hand (right, fyi) gained a life of its own, clicking my mouse rapidly for 3 hours straight with such a tenacity it became clear arthiritis was the least of my worries, so clear was it that I could lose MY ENTIRE HAND to this bizarre possession. Suddenly my mouse smashed through my floor, pulling down my report hand as a hapless hostage. Smoke filled my bedroom and I woke up god knows how many hours later in a small village south of Aokigahara.
The people of this modest commune emerged slowly from their shacks, all of them viewing me with what I can
only describe as suspicion mixed with awe. Suddenly they began throwing spears into the air and running towards me. I SHAT BRICKS, but then they GRABBED ME and LUNGED ME INTO THE AIR, praising my name and kissing me. The chieftan came down later and over a feast-for-one explained I was to be crowned The Chosen One, the Kamisama of Reporting foretold in Nihonese folklore to appear in the year 2012. At this moment an old Japanese woman - she must've been 85 years old at least - began doing some kind of dance, spinning around in circles whilst singing "Sorairo Days" and throwing confetti into the air. I was DOWN with this state of affairs, let me tell you.
For 300 years I trained with the chieftan in his private dojo, reporting shitty threads, every day becoming quicker. At first I could report 10 threads per minute. After only 2 weeks I was up to 5 threads per second. After a century my KTPM (kuso thread per minute) rate rose to and stalled at 200 per second.
On the last day he graced our planet, my sensei bestowed one last task to me: the reporting of this thread, the shittest of all shit threads.
I did not respond with words. Rather, through our eyes he knew I would obey.
This one's for you, Otousan.
6 / 6 ?
to the admin that will check my report: check his post history here and elsewhere in that he is copy pasta-ing, probably with an automatic script.
I didn't give you permission to reply to me. Listen, it was entertaining, first. Hell, it was actually funny.
But now I'm getting the feeling that you actually think that you're on my level. From the day I was born, I was destined for success, you little shit. I was brought into this world by a software engineer and and a prominent actuary, both of Norwegian descent. From the moment that the fucking curtains were raised, I was set to dominate the STEM fields. And because I had guardians that actually cared about me, I flourished. Pretty soon, I was placed into a special school of correspondence, specifically I.M Gelfand's school for gifted children in New England. I not only reached my parents' expectations, but I passed them with flying colors. I had raw talent. I was fucking better. I was surrounded by 6th graders, many from Hong Kong, whom were smarter than half the posters in this fucking thread. And now, where am I?
In MIT, getting my double BS in Electrical Engineering and Physics, with a Stanford-Binet tested IQ of 147 at age 17.
Get this through your head: you are nothing. I am worth more than your entire goddamn family. I'm smarter than you, better looking than you, taller than you, wealthier than you, and more employable than you. While you type out another post to get cheap laughs, I'll be simultaneously working with the brightest minds in the world and fornicating with my beautiful girlfriend. It gets on my nerves when people pretend to be better than me.
Know your place, you fucking vermin. Never, ever reply to my posts, again.
I don't have much else to do at the moment, don't ruin my fun yet.
Did you just copy-paste that in preparation? Seriously, I just copy-pasted and googled this crap and the first thing that comes up is:
> reddit
First off, moments after my post got through, you decided to make a 'I am better than you' post which is basically a copy-pasta. Seriously, I'm not impressed especially how you're just plagiarizing at this point.
motherfucker, if you are the op too, I hope the admin permabans your ISP.
sup redditcancer
im only 20 iq pts behind a man (einstein) who debunked the majority of physics by thinking about trains. And seeing as physics deals with true complexity and other science do not, its even more reasonable for a 140 to be able to trash your kind than it was for a 160 to trash physics ;)
if ur iq was above 140 u wouldnt be as butthurt about the concept of a 140 hyp grad lurking this beta barn..
so the logical conclusion is that ur iq is lower than 140 (possibly much lower)
if you met me in real life you would instantly be blown into a world where all that mattered was getting me to acknowledge your existence and even hopefully be your friend... But i would probably find you to be a desperately uninteresting person and want you to exit my awareness as fast as possible.
the fact that i dont lie about my iq is what gives me the edge necessary to call you an inferior little girl who couldnt understand basic physics, and BE RIGHT ABOUT IT.
honestly if i woke up one morning and for some reason my thinking capacity had devolved to your level, it would take me less than 5 min to run to the kitchen and slit my throat...
maybe your going to tell me u work at goldman..
but ud still be way inferior, as is anybody who projects their iq to be higher than it is..
maybe thats the point, inferiorboy ;)
>Never, ever reply to my posts, again.
you mean like this
OP you are really a dumbass. First off, you assume everyone is so bad. Let me point out your flaws. First, you said you were pretty much perfect. If that were so, you wouldn't brag about it, you would be humble and not attempt to gain attention from "no-life’s who spend every second of their day looking at stupid ass pictures." Second, you said we do nothing else than look at things on Sup Forums and the internet. There again you are wrong retard. I in fact only go on Sup Forums when i have absolutely nothing else to do. I (and I assume at least several others on here) have friends. By assuming that we are all people with no lives you once again prove your idiot ways to us- you cannot grasp a concept that people with lives can also use the internet. Third, if you are trying to prove to Sup Forums that you are perfect, at least type properly. "but you all take to a whole new level." You forgot a fucking 2 letter word. Fourth, A's are not that hard to get in high school dumbass. It's not a sign of intelligence, but an ability to listen. Good job for using something that everyone can do. Go to /sci/ and get your mind raped by some actual intelligence. There you go; I just wanted to you about how wrong you really are. With all honesty, I really don't give a shit what you say only wrote this because it’s fun as hell to rant to dumbasses. Next time, go tell someone who actually cares.
PS. I saw that pic on Google images and it most definitely isn't you faggot.
Spiderman thread?
Lol u mad, lololololol, yes of course I'm mad. I'm mad by the fact that you think you can tread in here with your dirty boots reeking of underage b& and Sup Forums, and I'm even more mad that anons around here aren't doing shit to correct it.
See, this is why Sup Forums is so fucking shit. Just get the fuck out and stop adding to the cancer.
Sup Forums, this is the result of your lax attitude towards newfags. In the past, we would collectively put down these faggots. But now, you just let them be, and now they think THEY can put down the true population of Sup Forums. This is what happens when you don't take an active stance in correcting these newfags, and I hope you don't complain when this place falls into a shithole even deeper than the one we already have.
repost, it's a bot
i'll slit you neck and watch you bleed to death you pathetic waste of fucking life i hope you god is as powerful as they portray his fucking shit because when i am finished with you he'll need to rearrange yo shit and scene damn cant you spell it at all seeing on how your the expert of this when the bands you like are third world wanna be's and to add i live in america but i am brit dumb shit shows what you learn from stalking my shit lurking little bitch and fuck your shit scene is a label nice to see the immature little bitches from other country's who act as if they are in middle school or is it that you didn't get that far in life you think your pathetic little insults work that they make me depressed or emo or what ever you dumb fucks call it when i could swear that you live in a conformist country full of the same damn wanna be's when i am here as who i am chris not scene.scene kids are pussies who change with the time emo's bitch about how sad they are fuck that dumb shit fuck they don't even drink German beer or liq. what the fuck is that stop acting like a prick who has no dick from my point of view you are a virgin in the world of women who want nothing to do with you so grow the fuck up you sad waste of life
Windows 10 is literally dumb design. Windows 7 is superior in literally every way.
>in CS class
>mention to another student that I'm working on an IRC bot
>kid tells me its a bad idea
>redditfag pulls up reddit, shows me an article
>read the article because now I'm curious
>article is about an Android Trojan controlled by an IRC bot
>re-read the article, just to make sure
>yup. IRC bot being used to control a Trojan
>mfw my IRC bot has nothing to do with Trojans
>mfw my IRC bot has nothing to do with the article
>mfw IRC bots are neither illegal nor a security flaw
>mfw redditfags don't know jack shit about technology
This same kid is also fascinated by `w` `last` and `cd $HOME/..; ls -l`. He's probably never even used IRC.
Here's the article, if you're curious:
it's not that bad. i'm a student so my laptop isn't very well organized but if you take 30 minutes to go through the settings and cut off the fat and turn off the data collection, you're left with a nice workspace.
this copypasta is my new Windows logon notice, thank you
Why use a server OS on the desktop?
If you do kill yourself, could you do the world a favor and make weeaboos look really bad before killing yourself?
It wouldn't take much effort at all.
Just fill your room full of shitty anime merch and waifu paraphilia, and then jump off the highest tower in your town while wearing a shitty cosplay of someone's waifu while numbed out on horse tranquilizers.
It'll be painless, and you'll easily set back the institution of anime in the west about 20 years.
All you motherfuckers are gonna pay. You are the ones who are the ball-lickers. We're gonna fuck your mothers while you watch and cry like little bitches. Once we get to Hollywood and find those Miramax fucks who are making that movie, we're gonna make 'em eat our shit, then shit out our shit, then eat their shit which is made up of our shit that we made 'em eat. Then you're all you motherfucks are next. Love, Jay and Silent Bob
haha, how can autism be used as an insult?
Only an ignorant cunt would use autism as an insult. (And there's nothing I hate more than ignorance)
Autism is a gift in my case, I have an IQ of over 150 which makes me technically a genius thanks to my autism.
I've been going through school all my life being bored out of my fucking brains getting at least 95% on all my tests (and all the incorrect answers were silly mistakes) because I'm just too fucking smart for school I can't wait for everyone else to learn something I already knew within the first day or too of being taught it.
Every year I scored the best of my year on these stupid multiple choice tests we do and the headmaster came to my class to tell me that, which obviously resulted in being called a 'nerd' which is true but I shouldn't be ridiculed for it.
I recently became home educated so I could learn at my own pace and I'm getting my GCSEs done in 1/4 of the time everyone else has to do it in, I'm also doing more than double the average amount of GCSEs that usually would be done.
I used to get paid £30 an hour working online, which is more than the teaching assistants at my old school earned, it was so fun pointing that out to them
So, in conclusion, calling someone autistic is not an insult, in my case, it makes me highly gifted.
One more thing, I don't know if this has anything to do with my autism but I am a sociopath so I'm not hindered by irrational emotions like guilt, compassion, empathy etc.
haha, the most satisfying thing is to know that you will all see this as a waste of a natural gift and that I am undeserving hahaha, that brings me great satisfaction.
I'm practically perfect, let the jealousy flow through you.
>walk into Gamestop
>Asian girl at counter
>"Hi, would you like to preorder MW3?"
>"...M...MW3 is for c-c-casuals, ahahaa..."
>"Uh, are you looking for something?"
>entire store is looking at me
>point at MW3 poster
>"I-it's shit, right? ahahah..."
>Police walk into gamestop
>"I'd like h-hyperdimension neptunia"
>"Which one is that?"
>Police start sprinting over to me
>Spagetti flies out of pockets and wraps around the police
>Cashier gets on ladder to get game
>look up her panties
>Spagetti shoots out faster
>police break through spagetti
>"Here is your game sir would you like gameguard with that?"
>Immediately begin vomiting on her
>Police run to grab me
>Start shitting and pissing in a circle to fend them off
>Increase speed of rotation while SWAT team rushes in
>begin liftoff of piss and shit helicopter, break through roof
>lift off into space and freeze
>become a watchful shit and piss spinning guardian in the orbit of Earth
>"That'll be $54.99 used"
Hi Sup Forums. I know I said I was leaving for a while, but now I'm back to share a story with you guys :D
We're all sinners, you see. Apart from dedicated Apple consumers. I recently spread Jobs's word by travelling to a country way off near Europe or something, a country called Africa. It had all these people whose skins had been enburnened by the fiery evils of overheating Windows Vista Home Basic PCs, and homosexual Lewnucks OLPC machines.
We did spreadeth the good word of Jobs, peace be upon Him, but lo they did rejecteth it, for there is no Apple Temple Store in Uganda. I suggested that they did go on to the Holy Lamb of the Apple Online Store so that they could make good purchase under Jobs, but they hadeth no credit card.
Thankfully, some nice honkies from Invisible Children, makers of the "Kony 2012" campaign, did make good sacrifice before Jobs, by allowing me and the other Apple Evangelists to use their weapons. We proceeded to execute the unbelievers, allowing those who changed their ways and sold their children's kidneys on eBay so they could obtaineth iPad Tribute Funds to survive.
And so we did flyeth homeward in the Apple Executive iJet, with Tim Cook to my right and Jobs as my co-pilot, safely home we were delivered. Africa is now a much more holy and pleasant place, and soon Jobs's work will spread there with the new iPad Factory we're building on the grounds we obtained from the tribe we enlightened.
All glory to Jobs, peace and light be with him in his aluminium unigrave.
Its called not staring at your start menu all day
Hey Sheldon what's up?
>(a faint giggle echoes through the studio)
Convincing my mother to buy a new computer.
>(the audience's excitement is ever apparent now, as their laughter spreads like a chemical reaction before coming to a stop)
What kind of computer does she use now?
>(The silence is shocking. The audience waits with a remarkable patience; for they know that within the next two seconds, the world as they know it will end and a series of cosmic paradigm shifts will force themselves into existence as the universe morphs into a new and beautiful form)
A Mac.
>(Within the first few nanoseconds, the explosion burned at 9 billion degrees Celsius. Earth, the moon, and their closest neighboring planets were obliterated instantly. Trillions of stars entered our universe from billions of universes connected by the resulting interdimensional rips in spacetime. The consciousness of the live audience and crew became one, and with each cosmic exhale of laughter the universe expanded and retracted. The multiverse was a quivering mess of bright lights for a trillion years, while the aftermath raged. At the end of the chaos, all the universes collapsed into one point, creating a near infinite convergence of energy. The point reached a critical mass, at which point it exploded, resulting in the big bang.
>us mature tech enthusiasts am I rite
Cancer ladies and Sup Forumsents.
How much did RedHat Corporation pay you to shill for lunix daily pasta man?
>Go to bestbuy
>Pick up iPad2
>get swarmed by some drone that really wants me to buy it
>I start raging over its flawed operating parameters and outdated hardware
>blank looks, blank looks everywhere
>everyone in the store looks at me with awed filled faces
>I ask if they have an external SSD drive
>the guy doesn't know
>I flip shit and ask to speak with his manager
>the manager comes out and says they don't honor that, but they can sell me a viewsonic tablet
>a viewsonic tablet
>blank looks
>my homie asks me to calm down, I'm like "no, bro, these people are fucking gay"
>he tells me that this is going to end up with us going home and me ordering all my shit online
>I tell the gal at the front kiosk with obvious damp spots where her nipples were to put her tits away
>we leave
I ended up buying all my electronics online after all, but holy fuck those people make me upset.
Are you saying that this linux can run on a computer without windows underneath it, at all ? As in, without a boot disk, without any drivers, and without any services ?
That sounds preposterous to me.
If it were true (and I doubt it), then companies would be selling computers without a windows. This clearly is not happening, so there must be some error in your calculations. I hope you realise that windows is more than just Office ? Its a whole system that runs the computer from start to finish, and that is a very difficult thing to acheive. A lot of people dont realise this.
Microsoft just spent $9 billion and many years to create Vista, so it does not sound reasonable that some new alternative could just snap into existence overnight like that. It would take billions of dollars and a massive effort to achieve. IBM tried, and spent a huge amount of money developing OS/2 but could never keep up with Windows. Apple tried to create their own system for years, but finally gave up recently and moved to Intel and Microsoft.
Its just not possible that a freeware like the Linux could be extended to the point where it runs the entire computer from start to finish, without using some of the more critical parts of windows. Not possible.
I think you need to re-examine your assumptions.
>Why use a server OS on the desktop?
>he asks on Sup Forums
I chuckled irl
no, I really did
what stupid question is this
The pasta man is one of those but the question is which one.
>go to store to look at phones
>some drone instantly starts shilling their samsungs s7 edge
>show little to no interest
>turn around look at other phones
>drone loses all interest in selling me a phone and leaves me be
fucking shills are everywhere I swear to god
I'm only 23 years old, mr indian shil
Does Red Hat, Inc. deposit you the shekels after you copy pasta or with the OP?
I have no connection with Redhat or anything related to linux
I use win7 and hate win10, and especially hate lying marketers/"shills"
> all the Sup Forums memes in the same post
get a brain of your own for a change
Listen up, you faggot. I have used win10 extensively and am still running it on some devices. But it's just SHIT. And it makes me mad that you pajeets are lying 24/7 about how great it is.
It's all in your head spergstation. You only run your shitty freeturd browser to shitpost. You never use a desktop interface other than launching that to begin with.
I'm using chrome on win7
and your experience is identical. you do nothing special. your "huge differences" and "it's SHIT" are all in your sperg head.
Regardless of the Microsoft trolls trying to deny it, it is sort of funny how an upstart OS developed by a loosely-knit team of hackers round the world can create something that is competitive with software created by the largest, richest, most powerful software company in the world, even slightly. Kind of throws off any perception of the whole idea of a capitalist economy relying on multi-billion dollar companies for everything.
In other words, say what you will about OSS, Linux, and all these other "commie, hippie," etc pieces of software, but when you have so many taking them seriously, you have to at least have some small bit of respect for them.
And this, Sup Forums, is why anyone that hates on Linux or similar is a worthless troll that should be ignored.
>right click
>install system update
>most of it comes back
>create new user
>all of it is installed there too
This is it, I'm going to install Linux
>competitive with software
but user, linux is the direct opposite of that.
it literally has jack shit of software needed
fuck, even dev tools (ui mainly) are shit.
Linux is great because its free. Well, not actually free. It has a license that governs what you can do with it. So its not completely free, just doesn't cost money. Unless you buy a distro that does cost money.
That's the great thing about Linux, the definition of words changes when you are talking about it.
Another great thing about Linux is that it is based off of shit that was used to solve the problems of decades ago.
See, people know how to do shit back then. These days we don't. So we should always do things like they did 20-30 years ago.
GUIs for everything. Who fucking needs that. A case sensitive command line works just fine. And once you memorize all of these none standard commands, it because easier then just having it laid out in front of you in a convenient graphical format. Millions of years made us visual creatures, but Linux knows better. That is why its so great, it can defeat evolution.
Not only does Linux change the meaning of words and defeat evolution:
It also is very flexible. You can do whatever you want with it. If it doesn't do something you need, you can just write a program that will do it. Of course, you can do that for any OS, but with Linux you can start using other peoples programs because they are open source.
Well, not all of them are open source. Some of them are. Not all of them are free, but some are.
Or if you need Linux itself to do something it doesn't, you can just change the fucking OS to do it.
Linux is so great, because you need a degree in Computer Science and Computer Engineering to make it be able to deliver on its promises of being open and flexible.
You shouldn't need a PHD to operate you computer. But if you spend enough time with Linux you will realize that the programmers who have written much of it didn't either. Linux is great because it defies logic and common sense.
>he has to personally remove each individual ad in his operating system
>he will defend this
now I'm sure you are a paid shill. there is no time to write those copy pastas. fuck off and die linux.
>he needs ui to dev
I wonder how Microsoft feels knowing that Mint, a free, open OS created in spare time, is inherently more elegant and sleek than 10, an OS that took millions of dollars and thousands of hours to create.
None too good, I'd suspect.
>more elegant and sleek
it can't even run my mouse properly without killing the x server and editing the xorg
just die already sperglord
PS. What's funny is that I have at least 5 years more than you on linux.
I've been using Linux since 17 years, faggot.
You know why they renamed it "Computer" instead of "My Computer"? Because MS doesn't want you to think that it's yours anymore.
I've been using linux since kernel 2.2. You know nothing jon snow. Where you are I've been for years.
Isn't the internet great. It allows shitheads like yourself to say shit that would, in real life get your head cracked open.
Hopefully you'll suffer the same fate fucking cunt.
Please turn to the loaded gun in your drawer, put it in your mouth, and pull the trigger, blowing your brains out. You'll be doing the whole world a favor. Shitbag.
I would love to smash your face in until it no longer resembled anything human, faggot.
Die painfully okay? Preferably by getting crushed to death in a garbage compactor, by getting your face cut to ribbons with a pocketknife, your head cracked open with a baseball bat, your stomach sliced open and your entrails spilled out, and your eyeballs ripped out of their sockets. Fucking bitch
I would love to kick you hard in the face, breaking it. Then I'd cut your stomach open with a chainsaw, exposing your intestines. Then I'd cut your windpipe in two with a box cutter. Hopefully you'll get what's coming to you.
Fucking bitch I really hope that you get curb-stomped. It'd be hilarious to see you begging for help, and then someone stomps on the back of your head, leaving you to die in horrible, agonizing pain. Faggot
Shut the fuck up faggot, before you get your face bashed in and cut to ribbons, and your throat slit. You're dead if I ever meet you in real life, fucker. I'll fucking kill you.
I would love to fucking send your fucking useless ass to the hospital in intensive care, fighting for your worthless life.
I wish you a truly painful, bloody, gory, and agonizing death, cunt.
Does Mint have any of this software> pic related?
It has:
- minecraft
- adobe reader
- google earth
- bash
- firefox
- chrome
And you can run everything else with wine
>adobe reader
I need the pro version, though, because I edit PDFs sometimes.
No Photoshop
No Premiere
No Audition
No Illustrator
No Word
No Excel
No Paint
No League of Legends or many other games I haven't listed here (Starcraft, HoTS, Dota, etc)
>you can run everything else with wine
Yeah, but what's the point, when you can just run them natively and have native driver and kernel support than a compatibility layer.
Sup Forums has too long been infested with Windows gamer kiddies. It's time to purge them once and for all.
Any of the following regularly occurring threads on Sup Forums is either directly or indirectly about Windows gaming:
* Intel vs. AMD threads
* GPU threads
* Various types of rig/battlestation/guts/Speccy threads ("What parts should I buy, /g?" "Is this part good, Sup Forums?" "Check out my specs, Sup Forums.")
* All Windows discussion and support threads (obviously)
These threads only serve to discuss products for playing video games. They have nothing to do with programming, networking, security, privacy, freedom, design, usability, or anything else Sup Forums related.
These threads and the people who post within them belong in either or as they are the appropriate boards in which to discuss their hobby, along with "console war" and "PC vs. console" threads. This should be Rule #4 for Sup Forums and it should be aggressively enforced until the children finally get it and move on.
This is the thread to petition Hiroshimoot to cure the Sup Forums cancer in Sup Forums. If you really care about technology and not just vapid consumerism, help by adding your voice to this discussion.
We can do it, Sup Forums.
Sup Forums is about technology, Sup Forums is not your sikrit lineex club or fedora convention.
So we can discuss any OS we want.
Red Hat, Inc. has deposited another shekel to your account.
Here is your complimentary hat.
just let this board die you sperglord
Winkcucks don't care about technology in general.
All they care about is the product, not the method. Product is and the method is .
Products are GPU shitstorms, speccy threads, guts threads, casing threads etc.
A typical winbabby's perception of judging a GPU is "Gaming benchmarks".
None of the gamer wincuckolds are interested in the method or process of making games. Game is not technology, programming games is.
Buying GPU is not technology and neither is discussing which build will play the latest manchild games.
Wincuckolds do not care about privacy and cryptology. They are more invested in games.
If all they care about is the ability to play games they should move to
Who needs banning is you copy pasta man, admins notified.
PS. admins, check his posting response on this post referenced. It took him 3-4 seconds for a whole essay to "reply".
If you do kill yourself, could you do the world a favor and make weeaboos look really bad before killing yourself?
It wouldn't take much effort at all.
Just fill your room full of shitty anime merch and waifu paraphilia, and then jump off the highest tower in your town while wearing a shitty cosplay of someone's waifu while numbed out on horse tranquilizers.
It'll be painless, and you'll easily set back the institution of anime in the west about 20 years.