Electricity in an apocalypse

basicly if an apocalypse hits a certain amount of electricity will still be made.
but it would be to low to power anything because everything will still be draining power.
but what if you would shut off a part of a city or most of a city block will the rest get enough to get the lights on again.

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dude electricity lmao

Get this in your head.
>no electricity when shit hits the fan

You want electricity then get some solar panels now or a generator for temporary disruption.

carrington event

If you want emergency electricity then get solar panels or hook up a generator to a bike (that would require some electronics knowledge), you could produce about 60 watts that way, more than enough to power your electronics. Also, solar storms only fry the grid, and not small devices, since the change in magnetic field strength is tiny, so it's only felt over long distances.

i understand that solar panels are the easiest way but i just want to know if its possible if you would disconnect other areas

if you can find a bunch of magnets, and lengths of iron you can make a generator powered by your rotational energy of choice
Depending on how effiecient your bearing system is you can pull a decent few hubdred watts through waterwheel, or probably near 100W pedaling like a bike
Air power turbines have to be really big and really light, but it can be done too.
A mill is a more futureproof option to get your wind energy into work

The power stations would eventually shut off from non-maintenance
Probably years before you build a functional generator

You need special types of steel and shit for creating a generator, and they have relatively long lifespans, so your best bet is getting one or two before the apocalypse.

You just need magnets, rotation and a ferrous metal to create a current
Iron isn't hard to find, you don't need the best nickel-core generator as a backup in the apocalypse

>Run to what was once Home Depot
>loot generator
>Siphon 1000 gallons of gas from under any gas station

>Have solar panels on roof
>Don't have to do any of that

Well yeah, but the amount of electricity you can generate is already limited, so you don't want to limit it even further by using an inefficient generator. Not to mention that building a generator that produces the right voltage and right current would be very hard for the layperson.

>extremely expensive tech made from rare metals across the planet
>Basically requires a powerful subsidy, grant, or otherwise help
>pathetic power output and inconsistent weather
>apocalypse material
>the roof meme
Even molten salt towers, literally a bunch of fucking mirrors, does better than solar

Well electronic apocalyptic tasks are fine with a big range of voltage

Gas has a shelf life of a few months to a year, solar panels will last decades

>Extremely expensive
Not really true anymore, and the price goes down each year. Also if you have a solar Panel prior to the apocalypse you don't have to worry about gas

It's much MUCH easier to process crude oil into a viable fuel than it is to create a photovoltaic cells
Shit, you could run a wood-powered steam engine and be well off
And this, what kind of apocalypse are we talking about here?

The price goes down each year (in society) because the government is paying for more and more of it.
Solar roofs are literally free where I live, but creating one out of the apocalyptic waste is a little different than obamapower

You don't need to create them senpai just loot them, it's the apocalypse for gods sake

I thought we had the same post-apocalyptic tasks in mind. I was mainly thinking about powering existing devices, like flashlights and handheld radios for communication, or recharging a battery array and then using it to power tools and shit, we would like to rebuild civilization after all.

Most DC devices *run* on a huge range of voltage
Anything on batteries runs on a certain range of voltage
All you have to balance is the voltage, then you could hook up 30 more ghetto generators for the amps/watts you need

My scenerio was based off already owning one and not having to get gas from a gas station, like in your senerio.

Your best bet would be solar panels, bike generators, small hydroelectric generators, etc.