Post your desk and judge others mental health

>nb4 risperidone

Other urls found in this thread:

>still using a desktop computer
How quaint.

>not taking Quetiapin

Stop take that shitty Risperidone, unless you want to become an obese guy

Only for music and swtor. Everything else like jack off instructions I watch I do on my fone....

Roast me niggers.

Low dose pramipexole seems to help with that.

>chiclet keyboard

You look middle class but one off those kids that was a wee "off". Do you like gore too?

>You look middle class

Expand. Please.


A mess

Are your arms actually long enough to reach the phone from that chair?

I don't use that phone, it's more a makeshift to make my DX800A phone work

weed + antipsychotic meds

y-you OK user?

what is that mic?

Not asking if you *do* use it, asking if you *can* reach it...asking for a friend

Risperidone (right? Haven't typed that in a while) makes you grow tits
Quetiapine makes you immune to getting high
You can also lower a dopaminergic stimulant tolerance through seroquel, I did a research paper about prescription addiction and using seroquel along with adderall or desoxyn or whatever (staggering the prescriptions to like one drug every other week) to prevent a tolerance build up. It's been theorized but nobody tested it at that time because who the fuck needs a prescription for both adderall and an antipsychotic?
But I proved it

old pic but roast me anyway

Oh, fyi I am only to use this for extreme panic attacks. My everyday AP is aripiprazole. Pramipexole calms the shakes.

Doesn't represent me well desu, I'm not a normie

Tear me apart

Have to raise a little from my chair to reach it

Risperidone makes you tits grow, after 4 years, i still have tits probs

How's my mental health?

i can't even take a picture right

approximately how old



Stupid phone with buggy camera

older than the keyboard.
not much though

Thank you for picking up the

Who the fuck is prescribing you VERY long-term antipsychotics for acute anxiety attacks? This is shit that takes 2 weeks to taper on and 4 weeks to taper off, isn't not a good "random attack" medicine
Just buy some Xanax from your mom

Nice...but the lack of phones disturbs me

I don't think you need anymore roasting
Fucking normie

Minus the speakers that's a beautiful setup


>shitty gaymen razer kb+m
>Windows 10
>Spends $400 on that monitor and doesn't even maximize windows
>uneaten tendies laying out
>xbox controller and headset
>empty cans of knock off soda
promptly off yourself

I'm still eating the tendies, just one left now

oh also that's an xbox 360 controller and neither the keyboard nor the mouse are razer brand

>front panel audio in use

th.. thanks user.
The speakers are gone already, hence old pic. More space for clutter now.

>tfw mental health: comfy

>ywn be this comfy

Right monitor wallpaper source please






Wire on the mic isn't long enough to reach the rear panel.

Granted I could plug my headphones into the rearpanel, but fuck it.

You are probably atleast 300 pounds and wear a fedora

You look like a filthy normie who build a PC for muh gaymen

Besides the shitty keyboard and Windows this one is alright

Nice looking computer but audio equipment looks too in the way

You are a normie, desu

Outside of Windows and the fact that you can't take a picture this one seems okay

Looks pretty cozy

You probably actually live in a basement

Looks like a gaymen streamers setup

Okay setup, but you clearly live very alone

this setup says "I stay up until 5am shitposting on various Sup Forums boards every night"

It has that pedo vibe to it

lmao this guy fell for the Windows is bad trolls. Windows is freakin awesome dude

It's the best OS to make use of your hardware. You're mostly wasting it if you use anything else on your desktop/gaming machines

Looks pretty for a pic but too cramped and uncomfortable for everyday use. Barely enough space for a notepad and a coffee cup there.

You need to crawl under your desk to pick a ps3 game you want to play. Why didn't you put the side with the shelf on the right out side?

nah i sleep early

>wingdings is for for gaymen meme
>posts alienware pic
why are trolls so fucking obvious recently?

It's a nook just for coding. The adjacent room is an open salon area with my white-board and a large desk. Also, caffiene is horrible for long-term performance. Drink purified water and do light exercise for energy instead. Snacking and stimulants are the cause of modern obesity.

They're both shelves.
Right side is against my bedside table, with PS2 games and various DVDs on the shelves.

I don't bother with the PS3 anymore. Family discovered it can run netflix, so it now resides in the living room.

Haha, ok. Whatever you say. I'll keep having a cup or two a day while churning out code on the same laptop but on a bigger desk thankyouverymuch.

Actually one of the 3 diagnosis's that allows you to get a meth prescription in America is extreme obesity

i found out how to fix it

Work desk, because 4chins at work

What's your job?

Systems engineer. But that's a fairly broad title. I would say I am more of a network engineer

Thank you kind sir.
Got any more but with phones included?

Cool, I might head down the network engineer route OR network/computer security route.

>logitech g3
Muh nigger, 2bad mine is on brink of death, would repair though

i need better lights.
yeah, great mouse.
not sure what could i replace it with.
>>Okay setup, but you clearly live very alone
how is this even visible

One kinda leads into the other anyway. You need straight up network experience to get into security. Anyone who works in security and tells you otherwise is more than likely not great at what they do.

Trips and I smash my N64


laptop masterrace ftw



assholes like you are the only reason why a copy of donkey kong country for the snes is $100

fuck you

What did I do senpai?
DKC on snes is like 10 bucks lmao. You want my copy?

but it resells for chunks.

why user. its your friend.

There is literally nothing wrong with that
New Zealanders need business too

15 bucks tops for the system.

My program is like a compsci bachelor + masters in information and communication tech. So we have a bunch of networking physics, networking protocols and some network and computer security baked in with the normal compsci stuff.


Rate me faggots


>you'll be insane before 50.

crappy water cup/10

dude, you're fucking sick


its comfortable.

Ibuprofen and alcohol

what do you do with the blow-up donkey?

Comfy foot rest


Do they mix?

Do your worst apart from the obvious case joke...

I think you know what he does with it.

Roast me.

What's that yellow thing on the wall with wires on top and bottom?

Dem Taskbars from hell