/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
How hard it is for Sup Forums to get a filter against the copy pasta man with the anti-windows threads?
>filtering content that drives traffic
You're about 10 years late to how this place works.
nobody likes a copy pasta man.
And every time someone voices their disapproval it's another page view.
Installing windows for a dual boot that I'll use only infrequently.
Should I put on Windows 8.1 or Windows 10 (ltsb or not)?
Using Firefox on GNU/Linux. It refuses to open anything from Google or Wikipedia; I haven't seen any other domains with the problem. I can't load scripts from either, so the CAPTCHA on Sup Forums doesn't appear. Trying to open either site in a new tab gives a blank page. Clicking a link to either on an existing tab does nothing. Both sites work fine in other browsers like Chromium. Ideas?
that has a terminal velocity.
What's a good VPN to use if you wanna shitpost on Sup Forums disguised as a different country?
10 if you need top game compatibility, otherwise it doesn't matter
We need more anti-windows threads.
People should be informed.
I've got a really stupid one:
How do I do these code blocks on Sup Forums?
The words code and /code surrounded by [square brackets]
If they arent informed, what are they doing here in the first place?
Getting informed.
test test
Good work, son.
Can you tell me how Lycan Jonze on youtube made all the voiceovers for the fist of the b0rf star?
are you fucking kidding me. being an anti-windows shill for SUSE corporation is the plebbit circlejerk equivalent in here. everyone fucking knows about those shitty arguments.
to be revolutionary in here you have to actually talk about the shitty parts of the circlejerk.
Tried to root my note 3 n900a with towel root and it did nothing. It said it was successful but didn't do a thing.
Where does the "add()" method come from in the constructor below?
public ButtonWithListener()
super("Simple Button GUI");
Button b=new Button("Kill button");
Where does it come from and what does it do?
Learning basic GUI in Java.
Deleted DELLBIOS in registery now laptop either boots with a black screen or gets stuck on Bios menu with no button working. What do?
Cool story bro.
It's probably calling another method in the class.
is it wrong to say "the video is compiling"? have i been saying it wrong all along?
install a terminal emulator and type su, viola, root.
If I really like the 360 controller, is the xbone S controller a big improvement? I mostly do PC gaming.
its exactly the same senpai
How important is it to know that Java's root class is Object?
Like is it ever needed when developing programs or is it just something about the language worth knowing?
>value money
Go with 360.
>aren't pinched, want the minor improvements, and/or like the feel
Go with the Xbone.
Is there an Android app that can record FM radio, starting and ending the recording at a specified time?
>i5 is $350
>i7 is $500
Well should I just get the i5 and wait to see what Ryzen brings us?
need to buy laptop for a normie college student who doesn't need it for anything more than facebook and word. Budget around $500. I don't know much about laptops but build quality is a priority. Was thinking a Dell Inspiron 15 5000. what do?
a chromebook is like 150$ new, shop around for those. use the rest of the money to take her to dinner and get some bop
How do people play FPS with a mouse? I'm honestly trying to get it. It just seems like basic turning means I'm constantly having to lift the mouse and put it back down, even at sensitivities that make me feel like a crackhead. Is there something I'm missing? Does a normal mouse just not work for this shit?
few days ago i updated my SPF record like 5 times,
it's been days and websites see 3! different SPF records....
wtf should i do? just wait it out ??
result from tools.bevhost .com
v=spf1 mx a ip4:xx.xx.91.12/32 ?all
v=spf1 mx a ip4:xx.xx.91.12/32 -all
v=spf1 a mx a:postman.dtnt.info mx:postman.dtnt.info ip4:xx.xx.91.12 ?all
should only be the first one ..
what do
point and click on people's heads.
entirely depends on what you do with it. i5s are great and better bang for buck. if you're a gaymer the i7 is overkill and not worth it.
I recently changed my Pc after 8 years of service.
An old Q6600 mixed with 1600mhz 4Gb of ram
Changed with a 7600 Kaby lake and 3000mhz 16gb of ram.
Shit is fast. I'm not even sure how I managed to stay away from building a new computer for this long.
but why is it so fast? I know the CPU is powerful, but does the Ram make up the majority of that snappines I'm seeing?
>if you're a gaymer the i7 is overkill and not worth it
Not nowadays. More and more games are incorporating HTT.
>point and click on people's heads.
It was a legit question. Sarcasm not appreciated.
learn to control your mouse better - you should never have to lift the mouse up you idiot
that's all there is to it, consolebabby
Well then what am I missing? Do people just use 5 foot wide mousepads so they can do multiple turns without having to go in the other direction? Do gaming mice have some hidden feature I'm not aware of?
Unless you can name some mainstream games with a performance boost worth the extra cost, the i5 is still the better buy.
disable all mouse filters and accel in-game. console ports usually have very bad mouse movement. set raw input if available. set mouse sens in windows control panel to the sixth tick from the left to avoid skipping.
get a bigger mousepad if you have to keep picking it up. You should be able to look at least a full 360 degrees moving mouse across from edge to edge of the pad. Get a mouse that can fit your fat hand. make sure bottom of your wrist isn't dragging along the mousepad making it difficult to move, which is also a bad habit. Find a sensitivity that allows you to spin around fast but not so much you lose precision. once you find one that works you will learn muscle memory. If you play multiple games measure the inches it takes to make a full 360 in one game and apply that to another to get the same sensitivity between games.
just practice
>Unless you can name some mainstream games with a performance boost worth the extra cost, the i5 is still the better buy.
Try every single game as you'll have superior minimum fps, and be able to take advantage of hyper threading that pretty much all games no have, even Witcher 3. The whole "i5 is fine for gaming" meme is coming to an end, unless Intel releases an i5 with HTT capabilities, which I think they're doing.
Is Android without gapps usable? Does it actually give you one hour of extra battery?
I play with a trackball.
I tried to play some DOS vidya on my Windows 98 machine, and it did the whole "Windows 98 is preparing your DOS program", and now all I'm getting is a black screen. Anyone know what the hell I'm supposed to do to stop the DOS program from starting?
>you should never have to lift the mouse up you idiot
I used to play competetive q3a (rg 1v1 were my thing) back in the day and I used to sperg a lot with my mouse because I didn't like large sensitivity
my mouse randomly stopped scrolling properly
occasionally it just swaps the direction of scroll, mid-scroll
my dumb friend used windows movie maker trial to make him video but now he cant render it because its trial. any way of doing it without redoing all the work? thanks
>I used to sperg a lot
>windows movie maker trial
it's not free anymore?
download a crack for the program off the internet
i guess not
can you give me some link or shit, i dont use that very often and i dont trust 13 olds with their shady videos on youtube
The power of prayer will heal it
also would it be possible to render it in a different program like sony vegas or something? he worked quite a lot on it and it would be shame if it just gone to waste
do it yourself so you will be able to do it again! :D
how do I shoot web?
w/ ur dick
Hello friends.
My friend recently got a computer and I have been out of the computer loop for a few years. Im pretty tech savy, but not great. Any recommendations for free anti viris for a windows 10?
>In b4 install gentoo
>Inb4 delete sys32
How do I get an user twitter account?
They all seem to require a voice call.
You should also Inb4 common sense 2017. It's still avast/malwarebytes btw
>BSOD 124
>doing nothing
>i7 6800k
>msi gaming pro carbon
>game boost set to 6
>4.1ghz over clock
>vcore 1.280V
>no BSOD in stress test
what the fuck? Why is this happening? How do i fix this?
Does TV antenna also capture FM waves?
I have an ipod nano, 7th generation. It used to work just fine, but lately it's been malfunctioning. I'll play something, put it in my pocket, then it will randomly pause, read the title of the song playing (normally you push a button to do that), and skip ahead or backwards within a song or to another song. I tried a factory reset, I tried seeing if there was any debris in the headphone slot (there wasn't), I don't know what the problem is. There's no physical damage to it as far as I can see. How can I find out what the problem is and fix it?
What was the name of that win10 tool to remove bloatware and network shit?
Step down on overclock a little? Maybe it works, maybe it doesnt.
Why is Python so slow compared to C?
I know it's runtime but does it have to be? If you can make it precompiled why not?
Why two gaming monitors? You're not going to split games across an even number of monitors, because then you'll be staring at bezel. Or is this for splitscreen with your bf? If not, the second display should be IPS.
I'd expect those speakers to sound worse than bookshelf units with dedicated woofers and tweeters.
If you can't figure that out on your own, you probably don't need to know.
Crucial MX300 3.09 GB per € vs Samsung 850 Evo 2.53 GB per €, worth it?
What's the best and cheapest wireless mouse? Logitech M510 isn't an option.
because the intention of python is being a "write and run" language
bought one
got the other free
gonna use it as a portrait
those speakers sound great as I'm not a retarded audiophile
I was having bad blue screen problems, so this evening I tried to format and reinstall windows. While updating drivers after reinstalling windows, I encountered more blue screens.
So this basically confirms that the blue screens are coming from a hardware issue. What is the best way to detect which hardware piece is failing?
I have ran both memtest and parted magic and both say my ram and storage drives are healthy, so all that is left is my mobo, gpu, and cpu. As for psu, I had that warranty replaced a while ago because I had these same fucking issues a while ago on an old build, so my psu should be good as well.
Here is my build:
avast is pretty decent as far as free antivirus goes.
I'd also recommend grabbing malwarebytes anti malware (don't turn on the active monitoring or whatever) just in case you do manage to get something.
Ublock Origin will also be very helpful
>What is the best way to detect which hardware piece is failing?
Reading what it says you dumbass.
Why does Terry Davis stalk Dianna Cowern so much?
It's hard to do that when you get a different bluescreen every time and half the time your pc doesnt save your minidumps
What's the average wait time for Amazon "No-rush" shipping? I ordered some case fans last week and they arrived in like two days.
cool tech shit to buy? bonus points for hacking related or I can use it IRL
Are cheap gaming mice shit?
They feel very toy-like. Especially since they compensate for poor components with flashy lights and shell details.
Any recommendations on a good compromise between price and quality?
I have an android tablet running 4.2, and I want to get it running 4.4 or 5.0.
Would installing a rom like Cyan or Nightowl or some shit let me force update?
You can find some pretty good mice for around $40.
I was 38 units into an AS in math then dropped out. I've been thinking of going back but since then I've really wanted to get into art more, primarily vfx and game dev. I spend most of my free time learning 3d, programming, music...art shit. In my future I'd love to either work for myself or have a remote job. I could handle doing work in a tower for a few years tops. Should I go back and get a BS in math Sup Forums? Or should I go back for something like business/entrepreneurship or art faggotry?
I got a free msi gaming mouse with my mobo, it's usually only $20. It's ugly and has leds brighter than a thousand suns, but it feels a lot nicer to use than the wireless hp mouse that came with my parents pre-built.
dubs like this should count
I want something small and portable that has an actual keyboard. I'm also somewhat cheap. Is a chromebook, a thinkpad, or a netbook the best bet for me?
Can I claim textbooks on my taxes, if they weren't required for a class?
I buy a lot of textbooks for personal reading.
I don't really know where else to ask this, but:
Could someone recommend a good grocery list app for Android?