Current state of windows

Current state of windows

>current state of these trips getting checked

>current state of OP's screenshotting ability

He has to prove that he didn't photoshop shit,
so this covers that angle and a few others well.
You need to think about it user.

stick with 10, linux is dumb. to get anything out of it you have to become very skilled at it... who the hell wants to become skilled at an operating system? youre supposed to just set it and forget it, then worry about the other things you do with it, not worry about the OS itself. totally a waste of time just to join in on the latest trend.

>it isn't possible for someone to photoshop something and then take a picture of it with their camera

you are fucking dumb

>open image in paint of photoshopped windows
>press f11

allright, here's how it works
first, bake the ISO you downloaded to a CD
now whip out your tiny cock
shove it in the hole in the CD
come out of your basement and run upstairs to your parents and yell "Look mom, I'm using linux!"

Surprise your girlfriend, your neighbours, and tell them you've discovered the true meaning of open sores

I've literally never seen this. If you're so much of a casual that you're running Win10 Plebian Edition in a workgroup environment, that's entirely your own fault. If you're going to run Win10, do it properly.

Regardless of the Microsoft trolls trying to deny it, it is sort of funny how an upstart OS developed by a loosely-knit team of hackers round the world can create something that is competitive with software created by the largest, richest, most powerful software company in the world, even slightly. Kind of throws off any perception of the whole idea of a capitalist economy relying on multi-billion dollar companies for everything.

In other words, say what you will about OSS, Linux, and all these other "commie, hippie," etc pieces of software, but when you have so many taking them seriously, you have to at least have some small bit of respect for them.

And this, Sup Forums, is why anyone that hates on Linux or similar is a worthless troll that should be ignored.


chrome BTFO

You'll have to speak up, I can't hear you over your fedora

how the fuck do you run w10 properly? isn't it entirely rotten to the core?


Another anti-microsoft ad brought to you by the headquarters

Don't listen to anybody in this thread. The people that claim that Linux is easy are full of it. The installer crashes about half of the time, so you will have a completely erased system with no Linux or Windows.

Also, the people that keep claiming it's "easy to customize" are just talking about the ability to change the color, which Windows has had for generations.

Just stick with Windows. Your life will be much, much happier.

inb4 Linux hater, I would never use anything but Linux, but I have my own personal reasons for that, like everybody that uses it should.


>implying you could make windows look worse than it is

Who would win?

Ceylon thanks you for your contribution to the cause and deposited another shekel to your account.

Aaugh, I used to hate viruses. I'm so glad that I don't have to worry about them any more (I use Linux).

kek I love this new meme

'sup fag

oh nothing much

lunch time already, pajeet?



>current state o-

Oops! You're out of screen space! Update now or later?

Windows is an ad platform, it has been since the birth of abomination 10.

No idea what you're talking about


>We Speak Yahoo
>dope music
>world of tanks
>Soda ad
>Some clickbait news portal ad
>two more unidentifiable ads
>"No idea"

Never see this using Firefox.
Just sayin

Jesus fucking christ this is saddening

>to get anything out of it you have to become very skilled at it... who the hell wants to become skilled at an operating system? youre supposed to just set it and forget it

This is actually dead-on.

People who run Linux either do it because their company has a mandated distro (e.g. Google) or because they like spending a huge amount of time fucking around on completely unproductive stuff.

Got your Linux sound card working again? Congratulations, you just worked your way back up to zero.

White as fuck

current state of current state of shitdoze threads.

When it's actually true (that the current state is complete shit), are reposts really a problem?

>When it's actually true
>One thread is intentionally setting calculator to a non-PEMDAS mode and bitching about PEMDAS not working
>Another is installing Cloud, which requires Store launched apps, and complaining you can't launch non-store apps

>The current state of Linux shills trying to get past 1% market share

I have, on my computer and a friend of mines. We both run Windows 10 """Professional""", and yes, Candy Crush DOES reappear in your Start Menu after a major update and you'll frequently get obviously-not-paid-ads as your lockscreen wallpaper.

"Like what you see?"

Microsoft has fallen as low as those Chinese companies that make battery booster apps. I thought I was going crazy until I finally saw someone have the same problem. I don't know why there isn't more of an outrage over this shit.

Windows 10 is a fucking embarrassment.

You pointed out 2 sarcastic/joke threads in an ocean of multiple truthful threads. Do you have autism or something?