What are some linux related things that i should learn now that im comfortable with the command line...

what are some linux related things that i should learn now that im comfortable with the command line? i want to learn the vim editor as my next step but is there anything else?

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Installing Gentoo.

Learn how to play back anime in emacs.

Why would you learn vim? It's just a fucking text editor. Learn some GNU/Linux development and shell scripting or Linux system administration or commands in general.

because vi is the only editor thats available on every *nix system ? never wondered why everyone working with *nix systems knows at least the vim basics ?


learn the base unix tools
learn to install and configure servers
learn regex, awk, shell scripting


learn coreutils so you can ditch file managers
learn python/bash scripting so you can automate your daily stuff (bulk rename files, web scraping, etc)
learn encryption to never worry about passwords/personal data leaks again

Install FreeBSD

starting with bash scripting is a bad idea. people should learn posix shell scripting first and bash scripting later.
and python should never be learned as a first language and i doubt OP knows anything about programming

Vim is shite just use a comfy editor.

vi is fucking posix and the only texteditor guaranteed to be installed on every posix system you work on, thats why everyone working with posix systems knows vi/vim


Learn vim and bash

>not learning emacs

Don't learn vim, vi, bash, cron, awk nor emacs
Waste of time and brain storage.

Learn programming, any language. Get to know how processes, file descriptors and basic linux shit like that works, but only as a side effect of learning a programming language.
Don't try too hard, take it easy.

Emacs is available on any system you install it on, you lazy mother fucker. I first learned Emacs on VAX/VMS. I currently have Emacs installed on my Win7 system.

fuck vim, use nano
learn ip tables

Nyanko is love!

Eugh.. hairy ears. Major turnoff!