>on a first date with guy
>he has a cracked phone
there won't be a 2nd date!
>on a first date with guy
>he has a cracked phone
there won't be a 2nd date!
Women consistently have cracked iphones and nobody gives a fuck.
wtf, mine is slightly cracked and I literally couldnt give a fuck. I'm not a phone person
Well, any woman tech savvy enough to tell a phone was jailbroken at a glance has all the right to make the judgement call as far as I am concerned.
>sleeping together before first date is A-ok
Why even go on a date if your already fucking. She's obviously not gf material anyways at that point.
My phone's back cover literally came off a year ago and I just taped it over and using it all along.
this is what I thought it meant
Women are dumb sacks of water and double-standards.
They mean cracked screen or rooted phones?
if this is the determining factor, she wasn't worth your time in the first place
have some fucking self-confidence
i'm guessing screen
>he has a phone
The whole point of women dating men is to have a competent hard working being that can help raise kids.
They don't need another vagina to deal with. Broken phones is a huge sign of incompetency.
>Went to a friend's party and there was a girl saying that it was her 4th phone change that year due to dropping/breaking it.
>It was February.
It amazes me how that's possible.
Cracked phone as in with a broken screen? I thought they were talking about jailbreaking. The fuck is this thread? Go away, nigger.
It means you're a poorfag who doesn't run a tight ship.
It's okay for women to do it because women are sexual selectors and can be as slobbish as they want; they'll get sex regardless of time or efforts.
Welcome to evolution boyos. Buckle up. By the way, as a man, you're also 100% expendable, get used to it.
bitches be mad when i pull out my flip phone when i go out (i don't)
>Be girl
>Go on date with guy
>He opens his phone
>Non-official Apple app is running on it
Most women are programmed to hunger for cock and help raise kids/cook so being competent isn't really in their programming. That's where you come in.
because women are gold diggers
cracked phone = poor fuck
>social media fake news websites
>understanding what a "cracked" phone is beyond the screen being broken
No, all men are gold diggers.
not even once
>Broken phones is a huge sign of incompetency.
Or it's a sign that he doesn't feel the need to waste money on the latest gizmo if the broken one still does what he needs it to do. Money that can be saved and use on his future kids.
Yes, quite ok if I do say so myself.
I'm not talking out of my ass, I've dated many girls, have many cousins who I get to talk to at the occasional family gathering, and have to deal with girls at my part time job as a waiter after going to school.
And you know what, the pattern is very consistent - women are incompetent poser moe blobs who need us. It's the way nature intended things to be. Men go to work and women stay home waiting for your cock and help raise kids/make delicious food.
It's just how things are, you know?
>there won't be a 2nd date!- 26 posts and 3 image replies shown.
That's nothing. No iphone, no FIRST DATE!
>too incompetent to put a case on his phone
>too incompetent to go fucking fix the broken screen or go pay someone else to fix it
or even worse
>too dirt poor to get it fixed or even afford a $5 case
You know that girl is a feminist who gave birth a nigger baby right?
Most girls aren't like that (for now).
>When the courts think women can't work and are victims in a divorce.
that was 2 years ago people are changing their tune and the pixel is helping with tht
>stressing the girls out..
kill yourself
Who give a fuck about what literal cunt think?
Is that really the kind of girl you're aiming at?
>women hate cracked phones
why does she care if his phone is jailbroken? if anything it means he has a big e-peen
these are some good red flags to be aware of. Good way to weed out the slags.
3dpd are vile.
>males are subjected to higher standards
What is new my millenial new friend?
it was all over Sup Forums when they doxed her, look at the archives.
Also stop posting that homosexual nigger frog or are you a nigger yourself and actually defending that degenerate race traitor? Because if so even you should realize race hybrids are very dangerous and unpredictable.
i think they're talking about a phone with a broken screen
VIRGIN DETECTED. Don't worry kid, that Android in your pocket is a perfect pussy deterrent. Your virginity is safe forever.
Why did she even tell the first guy about the sex?
What a retard.
>it was all over Sup Forums when they doxed her, look at the archives.
Her name is right in the fucking pic you retard. There's nothing to doxx. And show me some proof you idiot.
>Average American young female
women have an IQ that's about 20 IQ points lower than men. Don't try to understand them.
this one is even more hilarious...
would love to read the replies on this
>Implying the average woman is able to think that far
Hello Pajeet. At least we don't have to buy our women for a heard of cows.
I'm from Europe (UK) you damage controlling retard. Nobody in real life gives a flying fuck what phones are used by someone, unless they're an American teenage girl, who top the world's scale of petty airheadedness.
>Current year
>Dating 3DPD sluts
they can go fuck themselves with a cactus
If your goal is to hit on women that only care about your phone maybe you should rethink your life.
This has got to be the most retarded post on Sup Forums thus far. Congratulations dude, you are weapons-grade retarded.
Hello Muhammed. Try not to rape any kids today. kthxbai.
ok dude. keep projecting
actually, in pajeetland you're actually given a lot of wealth by the woman's family when you marry
>dat butthurt of a virgin
m8 i told you where to find it, if you don't want to look then it ain't my problem. That gold digger whore is a race traitor who gave birth to a nigger baby she doesn't talk about. Of course letting men know she's a race traitor is going to ruin her "image" so you won't see her talking about that shit through twatter or cuckstagram.
these women are just being sarcastic dudes cmon
grow up
Good luck to these harlots with their roastie cunts and shit personality. Only a sucker would wife them. No hymen no diamond.
I doubt it. Some of these women really are that vain.
Women are too dumb to understand irony
why would you attach your likeness and name to an opinion that makes you look like a dumb bitch unless you really believed it?
Sup Forums is full of basement dwellers who have never seen the light of day. Stop having suck high expectations here, also stop being such a fucking buzkill, i love posting these pics to trigger Sup Forums.
Who cares?
you underestimate the stupidity of the niggers of gender
he's redpilled so he's fine
>these women are just being sarcastic dudes cmon
>women are evil because I don't understand them
How many centuries old is these meme now?
>1 retweet
Why would you? If someone has a cracked screen it means he's too much of an idiot to fix it. I don't date losers.
Being a male with a successful career or business in your late 20's and 30's is fucking awesome. The tables really do turn and you get all the power in dating. Females will never admit to it, but pretty much any straight female career oriented or not's retirement plan is to find a successful guy.
What would you have messaged her?
i can detect nigger semen in your ass and mouth. don't you have something better to do with your life?
Why does this always happen?
We had this girl intern who had a cracked phone, and said it was like the 6th iphone that she broke.
Like how fucking stupid are you to break your phone 6 times? Ive never broken my phone screen once...
Women are so fucking dumb it blows my mind. Like how can anyone can anyone think they are on equal footing as men?
The average man is way smarter than the average girl, and way stronger. They are lesser beings in ever capacity. If they didn't have vaginas or wombs they wouldnt exist.
Depends what you want to date.
sweet, this new case will work out just fine for me then!
>meet on tinder
>exchange numbers
>see that the text colors differ
>remember android and iOS don't have similar looking emoji
>don't want to go through asking what their emoji means or sending them ones they can't see
Then wonder why someone wouldn't be okay with holding this policy for a tool literally meant for communication.
this is true. if you go to Sup Forums or /s/ and check out some of those FB/IG pics, if a hot woman has a phone in her hand, there's a 99% chance it's an iphone.
>you will never live life on easy mode because nobody expects anything of you
This whole Android vs. iOS nonsense only exists in burgerland. Bitches and whores in US are shallow and mentally retarded, they spend all their time sucking nigger dicks in liberal arts college and making dank memes to piss off working class men who won't even date them in the first place.
The thing we know they're evil and gold digging whores who will leave your ass the moment they feel they can get something better BECAUSE of repeated historical events.
However it's just how women are biologically.
I drop my phone all the time and have yet to crack the screen. Thank goodness I don't use an iPhone!
Thats because women arent supposed to be held responsible for anything, you misogynist
Then they shouldn't expect to be given the same rights as those who ARE held responsible for their own actions.
Also fuck you, this isn't Sup Forums related and I don't need this shit this late at night.
yes yes, let the butthurt flow through you.
>Being this easily trolled
i dropped my iPhone 6 feet onto concrete no case
>no damage
yes, stay angru
White knighting won't get you laid. You can orbit that bitch all you want.
>Like how fucking stupid are you to break your phone 6 times? Ive never broken my phone screen once...
It's easy to break screen if you aren't office drone, but 6 times? I stop giving a shit about it after second time.
Do you ever wonder if women post the same sort of anti-science, pro-whatever it is you believe in sort of thing on their websites?
blerggghhh here's my cherry picked non-scientific examples that support my insecurities blllerrggghhh
No, yeah, women are definitely also doing what you just did,
>Current state of women in America
They don't need to.
Only autistic shitstain women with rainbow hair do that stuff, and they have lots of parallels to fedoraed men, now that I think about it.
Women are parasites that latch on to successful men to siphon their resources. Once they are bored they find another victim.
The trend is changing, soon they will be obsolete.
wow check out this beta.
You sure about that? Every woman I've talked to ever makes some reference about "something she read on some blog" or "some forum" or "tumblr" or "pinterest."
If your idea of women is just the Tumblr stereotype then you really have a poor understanding of the array of people even using the internet in the first place. Your mom uses the internet.