Is It Too Late To Return To Win 7?

Is it too late to go back to pic related?

Back when I used Windows 7 I felt like I was using my own computer (which it is indeed). Now that I am working on this goddamned garbage called '''''''''''''''''''Windows 10'''''''''''''''''' I feel like I am using a fucking public computer that has been worn out more than a 70 year old Russian prostitute.

Tell me, Sup Forums fags, should just go back to windows 7 or wait for the next major W10 update?

Other urls found in this thread:

>Is it too late to go back to pic related?
>Back when I used Windows 7 I felt like I was using my own computer (which it is indeed). Now that I am working on this goddamned garbage called '''''''''''''''''''Windows 10'''''''''''''''''' I feel like I am using a fucking public computer that has been worn out more than a 70 year old Russian prostitute.
>Tell me, Sup Forums fags, should just go back to windows 7 or wait for the next major W10 update?

You need blackbird either way now.

I use 7 just fine on my desktop, two laptops, and my new XPS15. No reason to use the shitfest that is winblows 10 or 8.

The problem in your computer's OS is not 7 nor 10, but windows

le ebin maymay redditor XD

Depends on your hardware. I tried installing Windows 7 on a new laptop I got and it ran like shit and couldn't identify my SSD. Creator's Update looks bretty good desu, hopefully Microsoft finds their mind again and lightens up on the constant fucking ads and prompts.

Or just move over to Fedora.

well put
>autistic screeching

ok gramps, you might as well go back to Windows ME while you're at it.

Then enjoy your shit, I guess..

thanks I will

install gentoo?



And what?

You could run a whole OS and that CPU and RAM usage.

Kill yourself, retard.

It depends on your hardware. Windows 7 is still perfectly functional otherwise, and it still gets security updates. The only thing you might be missing out on would be the latest DirectX. From what I can tell, Windows 10 isn't going to exit beta status nor end spying and forcing settings on the user anywhere in the foreseeable future.

I don't see why you would use windows anymore. At lest for me, everything I used to do in windows works fine in Linux.

Sup Forums windows fanboys are severely autistic IMHO

I don't know where you get these pictures but they must be from the old test builds because no one has it now.

Check my pic

Sort by RAM usage, show us the top.


its not always active, but i frequently see it in the list

140mb just for the file manager, anti malware and some weird indexing program. That's still a whole OS worth of memory abused by bloatware.

I've never personally seen that telemetry process and I'm seriously starting to think that might be a Windows Insider only thing. Putting a screenshot like that without context is pretty stupid IMO.

Y-you too...

>muh ram
Stop using toasters. 200mbs of RAM usage is nothing with modern hardware. I bet you use some meme distro with i3.

Speaking of windows 7, is there any way to get it without buying a CD and key code?

original iso + ms toolkit

I use xubuntu, uses barely 200mb, so I can use my RAM for stuff I actually need. The whole thing needs barely a few GB of space on the disk. Which also means more space on my SSD. Keep throwing more hardware at your bloatware, pretty sad you can't do more than that.

Let me know when Adobe Creative Suite works on Linux. I do actual work on my computer.

>Being a liberal arts major

if you want to be minimalist then just remove your DE and only use your terminal. thank me later cuz

thanks user. I just realized a majority of my families laptops run windows 7 and i have a chord that can connect to harddrives to copy ISOs. But not sure how to get a laptop hard drive out or if it will fit.
Is there any way I can somehow get their isos from their laptops?

copy and paste -> usb flash drive -> install

protip: use a USB 2 drive on a USB 2 port; Win7 needs separate USB 3 drivers installed, so a USB 3 port is often a source of FAIL

find a copy of DAZ loader 2.2.2 -> activate

== profit

Is Blackbird legit? It promises to protect me from the botnet but how do I know it's not botnet itself?

I use Windows 10 on my laptops and Win7 on my PC, and just forget it dude.

They both have their ups and downs, Windows 7 is all-around better, but Windows 10 has better features (VPN, ISO mount, etc) and some really shitty ones (force updates). You get used to it eventually.

>so I can use my RAM for stuff I actually need
Like what? I'm not throwing hardware at my "bloatware", my laptop just came with 8GBs of RAM and I have no reason to hoard it. I don't want a subpar, shitty experience because of "efficiency"

Keep in mind that I'm using vanilla Fedora. GNOME is fantastic.


I tried windows 7 but for some reason it felt worse, less stable, it took too long to load anything (browser, file explorer, etc) than in Windows 10

This is with an i5, 16GB of RAM, GTX 970 guess i'm going to get cucked by the Windows 10 botnet forever.


Windows is kill. Go install Ubuntu.


i'm gaymer with a shit proc so dx12 is a must have for me
the performance boost isn't negligible


what could go wrong?

Ok, what games are you currently playing where it matters? Or are you just trying to future proof?

Well, when I tried to boot it from a CD (since the flash driver rufus wasn't working).
I'd get to the booting phase where it would ask me to select a language and ect. However, my keyboard nor did my mouse work at all. I wasn't able to select anything. Not sure what the deal is with that.
Perhaps my computer is too new for windows 7? I got around last april or may and it came with windows 10.
I am able to go into secure boot and allow other OS to boot which is how I got linux on one of my hard drives but windows 7 is giving me a real hard time.
I chose windows professional 64
Anyone have any idea or suggestions?

I just saw your comment about the USB drive. Would that possible be whats causing me to have issues with booting windows 7?
My computer has 2 USB 2 ports and 4 USB 3 ports

WES7 best Windows 7
And it does not have telemetry updates (but does have Quality Rollups)

>long time winfag
>muh vidya!
>switch to ubuntu on laptop
>literally just works
>rarely need to restart computer... uptimes of 7+ days
>didn't turn off laptop for 2 months at one point
>sudo apt-get update/upgrade every now and then
>addiction to vidya ends
>start reading, lifting
>got a gf
>finally went back to school
>increased productivity of ubuntu and lack of gaming = highest grades I've ever gotten in school
>now making 75k/year

could it really make shit worse?

and this is how we know someone is a paid shill.

This man is right

Posted from my glorious WES7

Heres the message i just got.. I guess my system won't allow for a windows 7 on my pc?

7 just works and will till they stop supporting it. After that 8 or 10 for now 7 for life.


whats that? google doesnt bring up anything relevant

>Is it too late to go back to pic related?
If your computer originally came with 7 or 8.1, go for it.

Turn on legacy USB support in BIOS or anything related to USBs in BIOS. I wouldn't know where to look because I'm not using your mobo. Mobo should also come with a driver CD, you might want to dig that out or go to mobo site page and download drivers.
And the fuck is that Windows to go shit? Did you download the iso off corenoc or did you torrent it?

I have every intention of going back to win7/linux dual boot in the very near future.

Fuck this spyware bullshit.

Windows 7 has a far superior task manager.
The one in 10 is bloated. If you think the one in 10 shows more information you're retarded.

>next major W10 update?
Isn't that basically another Anniversary-style update in March?
Yeah, no, go back to 7 before that shitfest happens again.

No. I use it for gayms because I can't get the GPU passthrough to work. It's 100% usable.

I use both 7 and 10. The only advantage 10 has is better/native compatibility with some new hardware.
If you don't need that there's no reason to use it.

This + don't use Windows Update at all, just turn it off permanently as soon as W7 is installed. Use Simplix update pack to get all the security patches without the back-ported botnet.

do you have an motherboard/laptop that uses bios instead of uefi?

if it uses good ol' bios, then i would stay on win7, otherwise i'd stay with win 10 + classic shell

>is concerned about this privacy
>wants to downgrade Windows
>is scared of learning how to use Linux

>6 hours ago
>1 reply
>no one ever noticed

Give me the sauce from the thumbnail named Lillian!

>falling for blackbird meme
adding a pajeet botnet for the jew botnet

I need halp
>I just got used thinkpad t450
>It has windows installed in it.There is only one partition of 1000GB
>I want to 6 partition on this drive
>I want to install freebsd on this machine but also want grub to detect windows which i will install in lets say 6th drive.
>I have found product key of windows 8.1
>Should I install freebsd. Later I would download 8.1 from MS and activate windows using this product key? Will this be good enough for getting a genuine 8.1 back.
>Remeber this is a laptop with pre installed windows.


>Windows 7
It's too late, user. 5 years late.

I just installed Windows 10 ltsb. It's nice

Lillian rose suicide girls. She sells videos and does my cam shit. She is fucking goregous.


Actually downloaded it from a link this user provided