PC in a Mac case

>its the perfect crime

I also put cum on the collar my shirt to make it look like I suck dick. But the thing is it isn't cum it's actually cum lube.
Its the perfect crime

i like your dolphins


>a giant case with ITX-tier expandability
>probably gutted a nice G5 for it too
why bother trying to act like you don't drink buckets of cum all day long

the people on this thread are mean! that picture looks cool, OP :)

did you seriously post a picture of your dog

is this avant-garde bait?

pupper looks sad/frightened
are you abusing your pupper?

Get raped and kill yourself, you retarded fucking faggot sack of nigger shit with down syndrome.


Kill yourself, you dumb fucking shit stain.

post-post ironic, only the best for my favorite board! :)

Isn't that what Apple does anyway?

Clean that stuff in your dogs eyes

Just looked for Power Mac G5 in ebay, there is an almost perfect one for around 30+30€ of shipping. Maybe I'll try to get it for just under 100€. If I don't I'll get one in the future, as I always liked it when I was a kid and saw these at any friend's house.

The only problem there is that I don't have any clue about how to mod something like that to fit my shit there.

Look around locally, they're about 20kg so shipping will be a bitch if you buy online.

all this time i thought macs were backwards but they were actually upside down

The Volkswagen of computers.

>Mac in a PC case
Now that would be troll worthy.

you're going to end up with a hacked up piece of shit that insults the design anyway

leave it for someone who actually wants to use it for something other than getting upvotes in battlestation generals

>not putting your PC in an Xbox dev kit case


nobody's really going to care that much that you spent a few days trying to fit some boring off the shelf guts into what is effectively a comically oversized and overpriced microATX case with even less room for expansion

you'll also probably end up being one of those retards that totally fucks the back of it and lazily lays some shitty sheet of stainless over it, totally ruining half of what makes it a nice design in the first place, the other half ruined by the massive amounts of empty space you're going to inevitably leave inside of the case as well as the mockery of the original hardware that will be whatever shit mid-range guts you end up settling on for it


the fuck is cum lube my nigga

>nobody's really going to care that much that you spent a few days trying to fit some boring off the shelf guts into what is effectively a comically oversized and overpriced microATX case with even less room for expansion

maybe me

Tell me what other thing could I do in there other than that, and no, using it with its original shit is not an answer, since i could just use a raspberry or even an android box for the same result.

you could just not waste your time and money on it and let someone else enjoy and preserve it

Not anymore, they're only making MacBooks and iPhones and iPads apparently.

They still make iMacs and Mac Minis too. Was the Pro ever actually canceled? I see threads here and there about it but nobody actually posts sources.

The fuck is google?

>destroying precious PowerPC workstations
Do that shit in a Mac Pro.

Is it a hackintosh? Does it run Mac OS?

it's normal for black lab to have that, but i do that whenever i can, user!