Are all Linux Users NEETS?

Are you all unemployed?

How do you guys ever run a business when literally all of the linux software is fucking shit.

Or are you all good goy wagecuck programmers who code in Linux?

>no excel
>no adobe products

what the fuck is Linux actually good for??

Showing off your l33t h4x0r skillz and giving their users a superiority complex.

I have a job though. Why should I bother running my own business?

And yes, I use Linux.
>android phone
>Solus on laptop

I have a windows 10 pc though because of games.

I started using Linux after becoming a NEET

Not being spyware for one

I'm actually a mechanic. I just do this shit for fun.

I'm responding to this thread in an attempt to encourage this board to become 100% shitposts.
Here have some technology

Come see all the RHEL servers in my Big Pharma employer's data centers, turbofaggot.

what kind of mechanics?

>No Excel
>No Adobe
Adobe is proprietary shit

Auto shop. Honestly we mostly do belt replacements and ac recharges. Occasionally get something more interesting though.

I'm a network administrator and spend about 30% of my day on a Linux jumpbox. Windows is good for outlook, Visio, excel and web configs. I do all my actual work in Linux. Granted everything I do in Linux I could do in Windows, just not as well. Mostly thanks to bash. Tools I use regularly on my jumpbox are:

>Awk, Grep

Windows 10 may change my workflow a bit. I make damn good money.

So it's great for servers? Then why do people use it for desktops?

Its great for everything. Phones, desktops, servers.

Fun stuff. You enjoy it? How long have you been doing it?

Im applying to the refrigeration union(Ontario), as soon as I get my updated highschool transcripts. Had to upgrade my physics and math.

Currently a beverage equipment tech.

> games
> owning a business
Pick one . No one does business with filthy neck beard

>>no excel
I'm not a minimum wage data input monkey.
>>no adobe products
I'm not a deviantart weeaboo faggot.

Linux is my secondary OS and I'm not a NEET. I'm a astrophysicist at LSU

I'm a SRE/devOps and I use linux.

Your reading comprehension is as fantastic as ever Steve.

>Are you all unemployed?

>How do you guys ever run a business when literally all of the linux software is fucking shit.
I don't run a business, nor do I intend to.

>Or are you all good goy wagecuck programmers who code in Linux?
A lot of Linux users program to some degree. Others just use it at home to secure their privacy while using Windows at work, begrudgingly.

>no excel
I don't tend to use Excel for much. The few cases where it might be useful to me, Libre Office is sufficient.

>no adobe products
I'm not a graphic designer, so Photoshop isn't useful to me. Everything else that Adobe makes is complete garbage.

>what the fuck is Linux actually good for??

Your reading comprehension is shit. The user you quoted stated that they do not own a business, as they have a job.

I'm NEET as fuck
I use Arch

I'm a fucking meme at this point.

back to your cubicle, corporate slave

do you need someone to hold your hand while you read

>Implying that SQL and Python can't do anything more than Excel, and keeps your programming skills fresh.

>be geophysicist
>all the shit I use is Linux-first and mostly CLI-based
>make $70k fresh out of college, moved to Houston for job where that kind of money goes so far it's not even funny especially considering I live alone

I honestly have more money than I know what to do with.

Please PM some to me ;^)

I work as a developer, can't do shit without GNU/Linux.

Adobe cannot melt steel, weld or bent plates.

Office Online is good enoigh for you
>Adobe products
You have no need for them.

Why would you be neet if you use Linux? Are all Windows users retarded?
>no excel
>no adobe products

I'm on to something.

>>no excel
But you know, there is this LibreOffice thing, which does about 80% of Excel, which is 60% more than most folks need.
Plus, the plotting functions and how it handles CSV files are actually miles better in LO.
But anyways, Excel is smalltime anyways. The cool kids play with python or matlab, both of which are available on linux.
>>no adobe products
Ah, I see, you are a graphic designer. Yeah, sorry, you have to get a mac.

Read this in a Russian accent

I am unemployed, although I just run stock Ubuntu without any ricing.

>thinks the pinnacle of business is excel and adobe products

If your ability to run a business is completely dependent on using these mediocre proprietary software products then you weren't going to make any money to begin with.

>>no excel
Literally no reason to use excel now that python exists (i.e. since the early 90s.) All spreadsheets are shitty programs in a shitty kindergarten language.
>>no adobe products
good riddance

I make 6 figures as a programmer, plus stock options, and my Linux knowledge got me this job in the first place. Stay mad.

>All jobs in the world needs my shitty wage drone excel and liberal arts movie maker
Why are windows users so dumb?
I'm not even being sarcastic. I really wonder if winders is corrosive to brains?

>what the fuck is Linux actually good for??

running stable servers and administrating systems/networks

Most of them are neets or very low income jobs. (retail, catering)

But it is insignificant, most of us use Windows or macOS anyways.

Mostly Linux ( Ubuntu in my case ) just gives much more freedom. When you have learned to use the terminal, any windows gui just seems like a prison. On the other hand if the best thing in your life is Excel then Linux is pearls before swine... I guess windows is fine for running programs that already exist, but it's hell if you actually want to develop stuff.

>tfw Linux will never have games

Why even use it?

Well, computer illiterates fall for fisher price garbage, thus they use wankblows

What the fuck is excel and adobe products actually good for??

low wage salary-men and liberal arts major respectively

>have to install a botnet on their home PC that harvests and sells their personal data because they are too poor to afford a PS4
The fucking STATE of these people

Win7 does none of those things
>ps4 had no gaems

PC has no gaems though, that's why they always have to beg for console scraps


console peasant pls go

No I just bought a chromebook and had no idea that you canĀ“t install shit on it.
So I had to install Linux on it and its still shit.

main windows machine and a headless linux virtualbox that i ssh into

Get back to writing your petitions begging for console scraps

I'll have my cake and eat it too

yes it takes 15+ hours a day just to get basic functionality

No, just the ones who come to Sup Forums. Linux is mostly a meme OS for people who want to feel superior because they can read a wiki page, the only good thing about Linux is running servers.

I am NEET mac boy

>the only good thing about Linux is running servers
http server
mysql server
mail server
load balancer
dns server
cache server
game server
monitoring server

Yeah, it's only good for running servers

You just proved my point.

Yeah I know.
I'm saying that linux is not for neets only like op.

>winbabbeh all my life
>switch to loonix
>3 days later getting fired
I swear this damn thing is cursed!

Grow up

I'm struggling to comprehend the autism behind this post


I am a sysadmin.
Why would i use some clunky windows ssh clients to connect to all of my GNU/Linux servers when i can just run GNU on my desktop as well?
also, powershell a shit

We do people act like Linux isn't used in an enterprise environment. That's pretty much what it is best at. My work is almost completely Ubuntu.
>inb4 pajeet
Its an engineering company employing only white males.

I run a consulting business and use Linux. Libre is enough for low level spreadsheet usage and presentations are so "minimalistic" today that there is no need to fancy PowerPoint work once you already have a template with staple images.

If I need something more powerful I use a code in octave or python to do the job.

>Solus on laptop
Your only fucking job is shilling, Kevin.


>a shit
please stop.

microsoft employee, you could maybe argue something about multimedia textual documents, but

builtin functions are pretty much interoperable with any other commercial or free or libre spread shiiet out there,

might as well use the scripting language provided by libreoffice than to be unable to run excel VB because if you cant trust the source, you better not run the damn shit, making it useless to share

better luck next time with your FUD


Why are Linux users so hostile to people who use Ms office and Adobe products?

Not everyone has time to use half assed libre programs with 10% of the features of the program they're trying to emulate.

There aren't only two jobs in the whole word consisting of Code Monkeys and Cultists

It all makes sense now

Did you know servers are important?

>Are you all unemployed?

>How do you guys ever run a business when literally all of the linux software is fucking shit.
Linux literally dominates every computing market, from embedded toaster software to super computers.

>Or are you all good goy wagecuck programmers who code in Linux?
Programmers are generally salaried.

>no excel
What is Office 365 ?

>no adobe products
Who cares, I'm not a fucking graphic designer.

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.

Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called "Linux", and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.

There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called "Linux" distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.

So as a script kiddy using linux
and be unemploye i should consider myself as NEET ?
LibreOffice your know ?
OpenOffice you know ?
Abiword you know ?
Adobe is cancer you know ?