How do you keep your private keys safe?
How do you keep your private keys safe?
I don't make them public
Encryption dummy
Put them on my Keychain and keep them in my pocket.
How the fuck else?
>Uses key to decrypt
>Encrypts the key itself
4D chess user
You can use passphrase to encrypt private key.
Use TPM.
Thanks NSA.
Just playing with you user
I stick them in my ass. Not even the gooks can find something you hide in your ass.
I'm careful not to share the Dropbox link.
>Put key on flash drive
>Encrypt flash drive
>Put that encryption key on 4 point font printed across several pages in comic sans
>Put flash drive hidden inside mouse
>Get a giant safe
>Put key on pages in safe
>Put safe in your closet
>Get swatted
>If police ask where your keys are say in the safe
>They waste all their time opening the safe
>They finally open it and find the keys on paper
>They keep trying that key only for it to fail
>They keep trying thinking they just didn't read the paper correctly
>In court tell them you told them where the key was, to your OTHER KEY!
>Technically you didn't lie
>Get off non-guilty
Its just that simple lads
You best bet is really devices and software programmed properly to not leave keys vulnerable. FIPS or Common Criteria certified devices are "generally" more secure than typical devices. And these types of validations are done by private labs, not government.
Pbkdf's (password based key derivation functions) are weak. It's why they aren't usable for classified information or sensitive by fips standard, the latter only for data storage and even then security isn't assured.
Or you can just say they were kept on a ram disk, but the idiots turned off the PC.
It's really unlikely they'd bring a powerpack. But I'm sure there's ways to force them to powerdown.
Way safer than just slapping it on your disk drive.
More and more after they take down the suspect they will attempt to keep power to the computer and try to check it in place to prevent things like that
Put key on micro SD card
Put micro SD card somewhere inside the case of your speakers/toaster/whatever
>First key is encrypted with another key
>Second key is encrypted with yet another key
>Both keys decrypted are the key to the other key
Nth dimensional chess
For real though how the hell are you supposed to keep them safe
I remember reading somewhere about the time when they got the silkroad owner, they managed to distract him to leave his laptop unlocked, then they used a battery pack and mouse jiggler to keep the session alive.
On my keychain.
Yep. The tracked him to a public library and had someone talk to him and convince him to come look at something or some shit
Then before he knew it FBI poured out of every crevice in the building
>not having a dead man switch on your laptop when you are running the biggest darknet market
I store my private keys on an encrypted disk container, which is on a dvd (which can also be played as a tv show season in a dvd player). The key file for that container is a particular section of bytes from a dll file on an old cereal box game disk, which must be encrypted by a passphrase unsalted in order to be used as a key. GOOOD FUCKIN LUCK FBI
Here in Israel, police put the ram on liquid nitrogen
Cold boot attacks are a thing user.
And generally the cops bring a specialist with them to secure computer evidence, so they won't fuck things up
The way I do it is I forget the fucking password I put on it so nobody can ever use it again.
What's your solution then?
>his operating system doesn't encrypt virtual memory
weld in the ram so they cant take it out without breaking it
if I was doing shady shit, I would do alll the things
>Passphrase encryption
Might as well give it to them user.
i store it in my keepassx db... but ill like to know how to keep it save when using it.
>fbi can't get into your stupid encrypted files
>they wipe your drive and install windows 7
>they then install u torrent and hide illegal content on the drive
>They then find the illegal content and prosecute you.
Lol they wish. LEO fucko'd him at a library
How did they track down someone using TOR?
Your ram sticks will certainly get frozen if you get party vanned. The welding idea isn't too bad I've seen it mentioned once or twice before. Honestly you should just LUKS your entire root and be on look out. If they get to your open pc you fucked up long ago.
>> Never leave it unlocked while afk
Arstechnica did a great write up on how he was tracked down. It wasn't through a fault in tor itself. Google the article its very insightful. Although they probably did exploit the SR server through some shady means to find its IP. Its unknown.
>How do you ....?
By not discussing my security protocols in anonymous Tibetan sand-painting nurseries.
Good passphrase.